Article FREEMASONRY IN ENGLAND. ← Page 4 of 7 →
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Freemasonry In England.
were before the ( 5 ) ffyrste maune of the weste , and comyitge westlye , ytt hathe brought hcrwyth alle coinfortes to the wylde and comfortlesse . " Quest . Who dyd brynge ytt ivestlye ? "Aim . The ( 6 ) Yenetians ivhoo beynge grate inercluiuncles corned ffyrste ffromme the este ynn Yenetia , ffor the commodytye of marchaiindysbcithe easte and weste bthe reclcle ancl niyddlclonde sees .
ynge y *¦ Quest . Howe commede ytt yu Engelonde ? " Answ . Peter Gower ( 7 ) a Grecian , journeyedcle ffor kunnyiige yn Egypte , iiudyn Syria , ancl yn everyche lond , whereas the Yenetians hadcle plauutedde maconrye , and ivymtage entraunce yn til lodges of niaconnes , he lemecl muche , and retournedde , and woued yn Grecia Magna ( 8 )
wachsynge , and becommynge a myghtye ( 9 ) wyseacre , and gvateiyohe renowned , and her he framed a grate lodge at Groton ( 10 ) ancl makcd manye maconnes , some wliereoft ' e dyd journeyc yn Eraunce , and maked manye maconnes , wherefromiue . ytt processe of tyme , the arte passed yn Englelonde . ** Quest . Dothe maconnes descouer here artes unto odhers ?
" Answ . Peter Gower , ivlienuc he jourueyedcle to lernne , was ffyrste ( 11 ) made , and anono techedde , evcnne so shulde all odhers beyn recht . JJathe-Jess ( 12 ) maconnes haue the alweys yn everyche tyme , from tyme to tyme communicateddc to mannkynde soche of her seereltes as generallyche myghte be usefulle : they liaueth keped backe soche allein as shulde be harmfulleyff they commed yu euylle haundes , oder soche as nc myghte be
, holpynge wythouten the techynges to be joyneddc herwythe in the lodge , oder soche as do bynde the freres more stronglychc together , bey the profrytte and commody tye commyuge to the conirerie heriromme . ¦ ! Quest . Whatte artes liaueth the maconnes techedde maukynde .
"Answ . The arts ( 13 ) agriculttira , architecttira , astronomia , geometria , inuneres , musica , poesie , kymistrye , governinente , and relygponne . " Quest . Howe commethe maconnes more teachers than odher meiiiiei ** Answ . The hemsell ' e luiveth allein in ( 14 ) arte of fyndynge neue artes , wyehc art the Jtryste maconnes receaueel from Goclc ' te ; by the whj'che they fyndethe whatte artes hem plcsethe , and the treu way of
techynge the same . Whatt odher monne doethe ftynde out , ys onelyche bey chauuee , and herfore but lytel I tro . " Quest . Whatte clothe the maconnes concele aud hyde ? " Answ . They concelethe the art of ffyndynge ncuc artes andthattys for here OAVU proftytte , and preise ( 15 ) : they concelethe the art of kepynge ( 16 ) secrcttesthatt soe the worlde niayeth nothynge concele from them . They
, concelethe the art of iniiiderwcrckynge and of fore sayiugc thynges to comme , that so thay same artes may not be usedde of the wyckedde to an euylle end ; they also concelethe the ( 17 ) arte of chauuges , the weyof wynnygnge the facultye ( 18 ) of Abrac , the skylle of becommynge gude and parfyghte wythouten the holpynges of ftere and hope ; and the universele longage of maconnes .
" Quest . Wylle he teche me thay same artes ? "Answ . Te shalle be techedde yff ye be werthye , and able to learn . Quest . Dothe alle maconnes kuiiiic more than odher mennc ?
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Freemasonry In England.
were before the ( 5 ) ffyrste maune of the weste , and comyitge westlye , ytt hathe brought hcrwyth alle coinfortes to the wylde and comfortlesse . " Quest . Who dyd brynge ytt ivestlye ? "Aim . The ( 6 ) Yenetians ivhoo beynge grate inercluiuncles corned ffyrste ffromme the este ynn Yenetia , ffor the commodytye of marchaiindysbcithe easte and weste bthe reclcle ancl niyddlclonde sees .
ynge y *¦ Quest . Howe commede ytt yu Engelonde ? " Answ . Peter Gower ( 7 ) a Grecian , journeyedcle ffor kunnyiige yn Egypte , iiudyn Syria , ancl yn everyche lond , whereas the Yenetians hadcle plauutedde maconrye , and ivymtage entraunce yn til lodges of niaconnes , he lemecl muche , and retournedde , and woued yn Grecia Magna ( 8 )
wachsynge , and becommynge a myghtye ( 9 ) wyseacre , and gvateiyohe renowned , and her he framed a grate lodge at Groton ( 10 ) ancl makcd manye maconnes , some wliereoft ' e dyd journeyc yn Eraunce , and maked manye maconnes , wherefromiue . ytt processe of tyme , the arte passed yn Englelonde . ** Quest . Dothe maconnes descouer here artes unto odhers ?
" Answ . Peter Gower , ivlienuc he jourueyedcle to lernne , was ffyrste ( 11 ) made , and anono techedde , evcnne so shulde all odhers beyn recht . JJathe-Jess ( 12 ) maconnes haue the alweys yn everyche tyme , from tyme to tyme communicateddc to mannkynde soche of her seereltes as generallyche myghte be usefulle : they liaueth keped backe soche allein as shulde be harmfulleyff they commed yu euylle haundes , oder soche as nc myghte be
, holpynge wythouten the techynges to be joyneddc herwythe in the lodge , oder soche as do bynde the freres more stronglychc together , bey the profrytte and commody tye commyuge to the conirerie heriromme . ¦ ! Quest . Whatte artes liaueth the maconnes techedde maukynde .
"Answ . The arts ( 13 ) agriculttira , architecttira , astronomia , geometria , inuneres , musica , poesie , kymistrye , governinente , and relygponne . " Quest . Howe commethe maconnes more teachers than odher meiiiiei ** Answ . The hemsell ' e luiveth allein in ( 14 ) arte of fyndynge neue artes , wyehc art the Jtryste maconnes receaueel from Goclc ' te ; by the whj'che they fyndethe whatte artes hem plcsethe , and the treu way of
techynge the same . Whatt odher monne doethe ftynde out , ys onelyche bey chauuee , and herfore but lytel I tro . " Quest . Whatte clothe the maconnes concele aud hyde ? " Answ . They concelethe the art of ffyndynge ncuc artes andthattys for here OAVU proftytte , and preise ( 15 ) : they concelethe the art of kepynge ( 16 ) secrcttesthatt soe the worlde niayeth nothynge concele from them . They
, concelethe the art of iniiiderwcrckynge and of fore sayiugc thynges to comme , that so thay same artes may not be usedde of the wyckedde to an euylle end ; they also concelethe the ( 17 ) arte of chauuges , the weyof wynnygnge the facultye ( 18 ) of Abrac , the skylle of becommynge gude and parfyghte wythouten the holpynges of ftere and hope ; and the universele longage of maconnes .
" Quest . Wylle he teche me thay same artes ? "Answ . Te shalle be techedde yff ye be werthye , and able to learn . Quest . Dothe alle maconnes kuiiiic more than odher mennc ?