Article THE MASONIC MISSION. ← Page 5 of 5 Article A TOAST. Page 1 of 1
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The Masonic Mission.
through the exigencies of local situation , from oral communion with his brethren , has now the means of becoming acquainted with all matters of current interest , touching the proceedings , the policy , and the progress of the Order , ancl of learning how he himself , even if living in a district remote from the associations of the Brotherhood , may acquit himself as a faithful and valuable member .
And there is a kindred people , already mighty iu numbers , wealth , intelligence , and limitless expanse of fair and fertile lerritoiy , —a people which , ere the lapse of another century , will , beyond all human doubt , stand foremost and unrivalled amongst the powers of the world . — "We mean America . In America , scarcely less than in our own insular home , we trust that our labours may produce worthy ancl abundant fruit .
There lies , indeed , a field unlimited for useful work : for there still lingers a pestilent remnant of that furious Anti-Masonic bigotry to which brief allusion has been made above , and the removal of which , by the weapons of reason , remonstrance , ancl elucidation , is pre-eminently indispensable to the extension , to the comfort , nay , to the personal safety of the Brotherhood . Thus , the prospects of Masonry in America
will require , ancl shall receive , no small share of our attention , with a view to the sendee of the Fraternity in that part of the world , as well as for the information of Masons residing elsewhere—of him , who , in the deep recesses of the colonial forest , sighs for the association which the in-flowing tide of population will hereafter bring with it , and of him who , dwells in the crowded bustle of European capitals .
The work is a noble one , —it is that of co-operation in that design of charity universal , which constitutes the essence and deathless spirit of Masonry . IT SHALL BE DONE .
A Toast.
A toast , a toast , a well-earned toast!—tho goblet fill with pride , Tt is the memory of the brave , who for the weak have died , — A toast , a toast—the memory , sweet , precious evermore , Of those who bore the battle ' s brunt , and fell red-stained with gore ! Green be the memory of the brave , the foremost in the van , The Masons who for freedom died at Alma , Inkermann ! Can AA'e deny so small a claim upon our gratitude
, A toast—the memory of the brave who spilt their precious Mood That trampled peoples might be free to live on freedom's sod , Ay , free to live ' neath freedom ' s flag , and scorn the tyrants rod ? Then drink—the memory of the brave , the foremost in tho van , The Masons who for freedom died at Alma , Inkermann ! While pure stiff is a Mason's heart , and free stiff is his soul ,
While Masons still with bitter scorn spurn tyranny ' s control , While still thelhot blood swells our veins or tears bedim our eyes . As we hear the lonely widow ' s sigh and helpless orphans' cries , In silence drink—their memory , the foremost in the van , The Masons who for freedom died at Aima , Inkermann ! ROBEBT FISHER , Lodge , 706 . Newcastle-on-Tyne , January 9 th , 1855 .
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The Masonic Mission.
through the exigencies of local situation , from oral communion with his brethren , has now the means of becoming acquainted with all matters of current interest , touching the proceedings , the policy , and the progress of the Order , ancl of learning how he himself , even if living in a district remote from the associations of the Brotherhood , may acquit himself as a faithful and valuable member .
And there is a kindred people , already mighty iu numbers , wealth , intelligence , and limitless expanse of fair and fertile lerritoiy , —a people which , ere the lapse of another century , will , beyond all human doubt , stand foremost and unrivalled amongst the powers of the world . — "We mean America . In America , scarcely less than in our own insular home , we trust that our labours may produce worthy ancl abundant fruit .
There lies , indeed , a field unlimited for useful work : for there still lingers a pestilent remnant of that furious Anti-Masonic bigotry to which brief allusion has been made above , and the removal of which , by the weapons of reason , remonstrance , ancl elucidation , is pre-eminently indispensable to the extension , to the comfort , nay , to the personal safety of the Brotherhood . Thus , the prospects of Masonry in America
will require , ancl shall receive , no small share of our attention , with a view to the sendee of the Fraternity in that part of the world , as well as for the information of Masons residing elsewhere—of him , who , in the deep recesses of the colonial forest , sighs for the association which the in-flowing tide of population will hereafter bring with it , and of him who , dwells in the crowded bustle of European capitals .
The work is a noble one , —it is that of co-operation in that design of charity universal , which constitutes the essence and deathless spirit of Masonry . IT SHALL BE DONE .
A Toast.
A toast , a toast , a well-earned toast!—tho goblet fill with pride , Tt is the memory of the brave , who for the weak have died , — A toast , a toast—the memory , sweet , precious evermore , Of those who bore the battle ' s brunt , and fell red-stained with gore ! Green be the memory of the brave , the foremost in the van , The Masons who for freedom died at Alma , Inkermann ! Can AA'e deny so small a claim upon our gratitude
, A toast—the memory of the brave who spilt their precious Mood That trampled peoples might be free to live on freedom's sod , Ay , free to live ' neath freedom ' s flag , and scorn the tyrants rod ? Then drink—the memory of the brave , the foremost in tho van , The Masons who for freedom died at Alma , Inkermann ! While pure stiff is a Mason's heart , and free stiff is his soul ,
While Masons still with bitter scorn spurn tyranny ' s control , While still thelhot blood swells our veins or tears bedim our eyes . As we hear the lonely widow ' s sigh and helpless orphans' cries , In silence drink—their memory , the foremost in the van , The Masons who for freedom died at Aima , Inkermann ! ROBEBT FISHER , Lodge , 706 . Newcastle-on-Tyne , January 9 th , 1855 .