Article MASONIC INTELLIGENCE. ← Page 9 of 13 →
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Masonic Intelligence.
12 , the S . W . Br . Sake dcen Mahomed was most ably installed into the chair as VV . M ., by Br . P . M . Beadon , P . G . W . The officers having been invested with their jewels of oflice , and some other business transacted , the brethren , to the number of 20 , adjourned to dinner , after which a very pleasant evening was spent . CADOGAN LODGE ( NO . 188 ) . —This Lodge held its monthly meeting at the Freemasons Tavern , Tuesday , Jan . 16 . Br . Ruff , P . M ., in the absence of the W . M ., Br . Captain Malkin , in a most efficient manner , raised a brother to the M . M . degree , and
initiated a gentleman into the Order . LODGE OF HONOR OF GENEROSITY ( NO . 194 ) . —The annual election for W . Master and Treasurer took p lace at the London Tavern ( after the annual audit of accounts ) , on Monday , Jan . 1 st , 1855 . Br . Richard Bell , W . M ., presided , Br . Charles Joseph Corbett was elected W . M ., and Br . Richard Lea Wilson re-elected Treasurer for the 14 th time since ho resusitatcd the Lodge in 18-11 . In consequence of family parties on New Years' Day , the attendance of the brethren was not so
numerous as usual , but , thanks to the able presidency of the W . M ., nothing was wanting to make both Lodge ancl banquet most enjoyable . OLD CONCORD LODGE ( NO . 201 ) . —The members of this first-rate Lodge assembled very numerously at the Freemasons Tavern , on the 2 nd ult . This being the day of installing the new Master , the brethren met at 4 o ' clock , when the retiring Master ( Br . Kennedy ) initiated two gentlemen into the noble Order ; he also passed two brothers to the second degree , and raised two other brethren to the degree
of Master Masons . These ceremonies were performed in Br , Kennedy ' s well-known , able and efficient manner . He then proceeded to instal his successor Br . G . M . Gurton , tho worthy and respected S . W ., who had been unanimously elected W . M . for the ensuing year . This plan of the retiring Master doing the installation , is Avell worthy of imitation in other Lodges , and the beautiful style in which Br . Kennedy performed this ceremony , reflects the highest credit on him , and on this Lodge , of which the worthy brother is so distinguished a member . The W . M . then proceeded , to appoint his officers as follows : —Br . Collard , S . W . : Br . Nicholson , J . W . ; Br .
Jeffries , S . D . ; Br . G . Watson , J . D . ; Br . Jackson , I . G . ; Br . Kennedy , P . M ., Treas . ; and Br . Emmens , P . M . Sec . ( for the fifteenth year ) . Br . the Rev . J . H . Loughlin was appointed Chaplain to the Lodge , and Brs . J . Gurton ancl Harrison , SteAvards . Br . Maney then stated that he , having- been appointed a member of the Audit Committee , could not lot the . opportunity pass without stating to the Lodge the result of that committee meeting . He found that Br . Kennedy was placed in , great difficulties Avhen he entered on the duties of his office , as W . M ., by the death
of the Treasurer , Br . G . Watkins , but that , through the efficient management of the W . M . and Secretary , those difficulties had been overcome . Br . Maney state 1 that he had minutely gone through the balance-sheet and accounts , and he had to congratulate the members of this Lodge that the funds were now in a prosperous state , aftetcxperiencing a loss of about £ 40 . He , therefore , did think that Br . Kennedy was deserving of some special mark of their favour , and he Avould propose that a vote of thanks be recorded on tho minutes accordingly . Br . BoothP . M . seconded this
, , proposition , which was unanimorsly agreed to . It was also proposed and unanimously agreed , that Br . Kennedy be presented with a Past Master ' s Jewel . After several other propositions , and the Lodge being closed , the brethren retired to the banquetting-room , when about fifty members and visitors partook of a very elegant dinner . The cloth having been removed , the W . M . proposed the health of ¦ - Her Most Gracious . Majesty , " which was responded to with true Masonic feeling . The National Anthem was delightfully given by Miss M . Taylor , Miss A . Taylor , and Brs . Lowick
and Foi-tescue , Br . G . F . Taylor presiding at the Piano . After the usual Masonic toasts , the W . M . proposed the health of the visitors , and Br . W . Watson , in return . mg thanks , said how very much gratified lie had been with the manner in which tho business of this Lod ge was conducted ; and eulogised the conduct of Br . Kennedy in so ably carrying out the true principles of Masonry , iu the arduous duties he had gone through this evening . He congratulated the W . M . on being elected to preside over so distinguished a Lodge , which he considered quite equal to any in the Craft , and he hoped long to see " The Old Concord " flourish and continue in such ' concord " as he-
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Masonic Intelligence.
12 , the S . W . Br . Sake dcen Mahomed was most ably installed into the chair as VV . M ., by Br . P . M . Beadon , P . G . W . The officers having been invested with their jewels of oflice , and some other business transacted , the brethren , to the number of 20 , adjourned to dinner , after which a very pleasant evening was spent . CADOGAN LODGE ( NO . 188 ) . —This Lodge held its monthly meeting at the Freemasons Tavern , Tuesday , Jan . 16 . Br . Ruff , P . M ., in the absence of the W . M ., Br . Captain Malkin , in a most efficient manner , raised a brother to the M . M . degree , and
initiated a gentleman into the Order . LODGE OF HONOR OF GENEROSITY ( NO . 194 ) . —The annual election for W . Master and Treasurer took p lace at the London Tavern ( after the annual audit of accounts ) , on Monday , Jan . 1 st , 1855 . Br . Richard Bell , W . M ., presided , Br . Charles Joseph Corbett was elected W . M ., and Br . Richard Lea Wilson re-elected Treasurer for the 14 th time since ho resusitatcd the Lodge in 18-11 . In consequence of family parties on New Years' Day , the attendance of the brethren was not so
numerous as usual , but , thanks to the able presidency of the W . M ., nothing was wanting to make both Lodge ancl banquet most enjoyable . OLD CONCORD LODGE ( NO . 201 ) . —The members of this first-rate Lodge assembled very numerously at the Freemasons Tavern , on the 2 nd ult . This being the day of installing the new Master , the brethren met at 4 o ' clock , when the retiring Master ( Br . Kennedy ) initiated two gentlemen into the noble Order ; he also passed two brothers to the second degree , and raised two other brethren to the degree
of Master Masons . These ceremonies were performed in Br , Kennedy ' s well-known , able and efficient manner . He then proceeded to instal his successor Br . G . M . Gurton , tho worthy and respected S . W ., who had been unanimously elected W . M . for the ensuing year . This plan of the retiring Master doing the installation , is Avell worthy of imitation in other Lodges , and the beautiful style in which Br . Kennedy performed this ceremony , reflects the highest credit on him , and on this Lodge , of which the worthy brother is so distinguished a member . The W . M . then proceeded , to appoint his officers as follows : —Br . Collard , S . W . : Br . Nicholson , J . W . ; Br .
Jeffries , S . D . ; Br . G . Watson , J . D . ; Br . Jackson , I . G . ; Br . Kennedy , P . M ., Treas . ; and Br . Emmens , P . M . Sec . ( for the fifteenth year ) . Br . the Rev . J . H . Loughlin was appointed Chaplain to the Lodge , and Brs . J . Gurton ancl Harrison , SteAvards . Br . Maney then stated that he , having- been appointed a member of the Audit Committee , could not lot the . opportunity pass without stating to the Lodge the result of that committee meeting . He found that Br . Kennedy was placed in , great difficulties Avhen he entered on the duties of his office , as W . M ., by the death
of the Treasurer , Br . G . Watkins , but that , through the efficient management of the W . M . and Secretary , those difficulties had been overcome . Br . Maney state 1 that he had minutely gone through the balance-sheet and accounts , and he had to congratulate the members of this Lodge that the funds were now in a prosperous state , aftetcxperiencing a loss of about £ 40 . He , therefore , did think that Br . Kennedy was deserving of some special mark of their favour , and he Avould propose that a vote of thanks be recorded on tho minutes accordingly . Br . BoothP . M . seconded this
, , proposition , which was unanimorsly agreed to . It was also proposed and unanimously agreed , that Br . Kennedy be presented with a Past Master ' s Jewel . After several other propositions , and the Lodge being closed , the brethren retired to the banquetting-room , when about fifty members and visitors partook of a very elegant dinner . The cloth having been removed , the W . M . proposed the health of ¦ - Her Most Gracious . Majesty , " which was responded to with true Masonic feeling . The National Anthem was delightfully given by Miss M . Taylor , Miss A . Taylor , and Brs . Lowick
and Foi-tescue , Br . G . F . Taylor presiding at the Piano . After the usual Masonic toasts , the W . M . proposed the health of the visitors , and Br . W . Watson , in return . mg thanks , said how very much gratified lie had been with the manner in which tho business of this Lod ge was conducted ; and eulogised the conduct of Br . Kennedy in so ably carrying out the true principles of Masonry , iu the arduous duties he had gone through this evening . He congratulated the W . M . on being elected to preside over so distinguished a Lodge , which he considered quite equal to any in the Craft , and he hoped long to see " The Old Concord " flourish and continue in such ' concord " as he-