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BANFF . ST . JOHN ' LODGE . —At a meeting of the members of this Lodge on the ISta December , 1854 , the R . W . Br . Mason in the chair . Brs . Alexander , Watson , aud Forbes Watt , having been previously initiated into the mysteries of the Craft , were passed and raised to the Sublime Degree of M . M ., in the R . W . M . 's usual excellent style . And on the 5 th January inst ., at a full meeting , Brs . Charles Innes ancl Alexander Bairnsfathcr were passed as Fellow Crafts . The anniversary of this Lodge
was held on the Sth of January , Avhen a strong muster of brothers took place . After A'arious routine business , much of which A \* as of a cheering and gratifying kind , the meeting proceeded to the election of office bearers for the current year , and the following members were unanimously elected : —James Mason , R . W . M . ; James Simpson , P . M . ; Stenhouse Bairnsfather , D . M . ; James Murray , S . W . ; Alexander Watson , J . W . ; James W . McKenzie , Sec . ; William Hassath , Treas . ; John McEwen , Chap . ' . Alexander Forsyth , S . D . ; Charles limes , J . D . ; Alexander Mortimer , S . S . ; George
Watts , J . S . ; Adam Mason , Clerk ; Alexander Aikln , Tyler . After the election , about forty of the brethren sat down to an elegant ancl sumptuous entertainment , the K . W . M . occupied tho chair . After the usual loyal and patriotic toasts , the R . W . M ,, in a neat and appropriate speech , proposed the health of the II . G . M . of St . Andrew ' s Lodge , Banff , the Right Hon . the Earl of Fife , stating how kind his Lordship invariably was to the Craft , and particularly to this Lodge . He begged to inform the brethren that on the present occasion his Lordship had exceeded his usual liberality
in presenting to the Lodge , through the Treasurer , the handsome donation of £ 5 towards the funds . The toast was most warmly and enthusiastically received , and the thanks of tho office bearers ordered to be tendered to his Lordship for the same . A very pleasant and agreeable evening was spent in true Masonic style .
GLASGOW . PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE . —A meeting of the Provincial Grand Lodge was held in the Masonic Hall , Union-street , Glasgow , on the 25 th of January , when there Avere present the Substitute Provincial Grand Master , the Provincial Grand Secretary , the R ,. W . M . of St . Mark's Lodge , the R . W . M . of No . 332 , ancl a large number of the members . The Provincial Grand Lodge having been opened , ancl the minutes
read and approved , the Prov . Grand Secretary intimated that he had a balance left iu his hands ftom the profits on the sale of the Calendar got up for this province , and . Avhich he AVOUM hand over to the Prov . Grand Treasurer . The Substitute Provincial G . M . then , in an able and clear manner , explained the 12 th Section of the 21 st Chapter of the Laws of the Grand Lodge of Scotland . After some routine business the Provincial Grand Lodge was duly closed . ST . MARK ' LODGE ( NO . 102 ) . —On the evening of Saint John ' s day , Wednesday ,
27 th December , the members of this Lodge assembled in their Hall , Buchanan-street , Glasgow , for the purpose of electing and installing office bearers for the ensuing year . Br . James Miller , P . M . in the chair , at the opening of the Lodge , the S . W . Br . C . J . Hughes , the J . W . Br . John McDonald , other office bearers , and a very large number of the members being present . Tho Secretary read last minute , which was approved of . Br . Miller gave fhe O . B . to Brs . W . B Huggins as R . W . M ., and Donald Campbell as D . M ., and invested them
with the insignia of their respective offices . Whereupon Br . Huggins having taken the chair , the other office bearers before nominated , were , together with Br . the Rev . T . P . Fenncr , who was now nominated to the office of Chaplain , elected , and invested AA'ith tho symbols of their several offices . The Auditors appointed to examine this year's accounts , were Br . Alexander McDonald , C . J . Hughes , and John Elder . The Lodge having been formally closed , the brethren who had been all kindl y invited to supper in the Queen ' s Hotel by R . W . M-. Br . Huggins , adjourned thereto , and , alonst
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BANFF . ST . JOHN ' LODGE . —At a meeting of the members of this Lodge on the ISta December , 1854 , the R . W . Br . Mason in the chair . Brs . Alexander , Watson , aud Forbes Watt , having been previously initiated into the mysteries of the Craft , were passed and raised to the Sublime Degree of M . M ., in the R . W . M . 's usual excellent style . And on the 5 th January inst ., at a full meeting , Brs . Charles Innes ancl Alexander Bairnsfathcr were passed as Fellow Crafts . The anniversary of this Lodge
was held on the Sth of January , Avhen a strong muster of brothers took place . After A'arious routine business , much of which A \* as of a cheering and gratifying kind , the meeting proceeded to the election of office bearers for the current year , and the following members were unanimously elected : —James Mason , R . W . M . ; James Simpson , P . M . ; Stenhouse Bairnsfather , D . M . ; James Murray , S . W . ; Alexander Watson , J . W . ; James W . McKenzie , Sec . ; William Hassath , Treas . ; John McEwen , Chap . ' . Alexander Forsyth , S . D . ; Charles limes , J . D . ; Alexander Mortimer , S . S . ; George
Watts , J . S . ; Adam Mason , Clerk ; Alexander Aikln , Tyler . After the election , about forty of the brethren sat down to an elegant ancl sumptuous entertainment , the K . W . M . occupied tho chair . After the usual loyal and patriotic toasts , the R . W . M ,, in a neat and appropriate speech , proposed the health of the II . G . M . of St . Andrew ' s Lodge , Banff , the Right Hon . the Earl of Fife , stating how kind his Lordship invariably was to the Craft , and particularly to this Lodge . He begged to inform the brethren that on the present occasion his Lordship had exceeded his usual liberality
in presenting to the Lodge , through the Treasurer , the handsome donation of £ 5 towards the funds . The toast was most warmly and enthusiastically received , and the thanks of tho office bearers ordered to be tendered to his Lordship for the same . A very pleasant and agreeable evening was spent in true Masonic style .
GLASGOW . PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE . —A meeting of the Provincial Grand Lodge was held in the Masonic Hall , Union-street , Glasgow , on the 25 th of January , when there Avere present the Substitute Provincial Grand Master , the Provincial Grand Secretary , the R ,. W . M . of St . Mark's Lodge , the R . W . M . of No . 332 , ancl a large number of the members . The Provincial Grand Lodge having been opened , ancl the minutes
read and approved , the Prov . Grand Secretary intimated that he had a balance left iu his hands ftom the profits on the sale of the Calendar got up for this province , and . Avhich he AVOUM hand over to the Prov . Grand Treasurer . The Substitute Provincial G . M . then , in an able and clear manner , explained the 12 th Section of the 21 st Chapter of the Laws of the Grand Lodge of Scotland . After some routine business the Provincial Grand Lodge was duly closed . ST . MARK ' LODGE ( NO . 102 ) . —On the evening of Saint John ' s day , Wednesday ,
27 th December , the members of this Lodge assembled in their Hall , Buchanan-street , Glasgow , for the purpose of electing and installing office bearers for the ensuing year . Br . James Miller , P . M . in the chair , at the opening of the Lodge , the S . W . Br . C . J . Hughes , the J . W . Br . John McDonald , other office bearers , and a very large number of the members being present . Tho Secretary read last minute , which was approved of . Br . Miller gave fhe O . B . to Brs . W . B Huggins as R . W . M ., and Donald Campbell as D . M ., and invested them
with the insignia of their respective offices . Whereupon Br . Huggins having taken the chair , the other office bearers before nominated , were , together with Br . the Rev . T . P . Fenncr , who was now nominated to the office of Chaplain , elected , and invested AA'ith tho symbols of their several offices . The Auditors appointed to examine this year's accounts , were Br . Alexander McDonald , C . J . Hughes , and John Elder . The Lodge having been formally closed , the brethren who had been all kindl y invited to supper in the Queen ' s Hotel by R . W . M-. Br . Huggins , adjourned thereto , and , alonst