Article MASONIC INTELLIGENCE. ← Page 8 of 13 →
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Masonic Intelligence.
Br . W . Johnson , P . M . presiding in the absence of Br . J . Johnson , W . M ., who is at present on the Continent . The brethren then proceeded to the election of W . M . for the ensuing year , when the votes were unanimously in favour of Br . Lewis Solomon . Br . McCallan , Avas as unanimously re-elected Treas . Amongst the visitors were Brs . Crohn , G . Sec . for German Correspondence ; Elkington , G . P . ; Rackstraw , P . M ., No . 9 ; Watson , P . M ., No . 23 , & e . BURLINGTON LODGE ( No . 113 ) . —This Lodge met at the Albion Tavern , Aldersstreet
gate- , on Tuesday , 2 nd Jan . One gentleman was initiated into the Order , and S ; wo brethren passed to the second degree . It was resolved that a subscription should be entered into in aid of the Patriotic Fund . LONDON LODGE ( NO . 125 ) . —The members of this Lodge , which is evidentl y sadly in want of the infusion of a little new blood into its veins , met on Saturday , Jan . 0 , when Br . Mackintoy , S . W ., was installed into the chair as W . M ., the ceremony being performed bPMBrPhili
y .. . pe . ST . GEORGE ' LODGE ( NO . 164 ) . —This Lodge field its anniversary meeting at Br . Hart ' s , the celebrated Trafalgar Tavern , Greenwich , on the 17 th of Jan . Tho business commenced with raising one qualified brother , and passing another ; the ceremonies being performed by Br . Moore the W . M ., in a most gratifying manner . Br . J . F . booth , the W . M . elect , was then installed by Br . J . S . Turner , of Woolwich , with that impressive zeal and ability which marked him to be possessed of superior Masonic knowled BrBooth thereupon appointed the following brethren " to bo his
ge . . officers for the ensuing year : —Br . Hogg , S . W . ; Br . Townsond , J . W . ; Br . Figg Wright , S . D . ; Br . Trafibrd , J . D . ; Br . Robinson , LG . ; Br . Ryder , P . M ., Secretary . Several visitors were present , among whom we noticed . Brs . Fox , P . M ., 87 ; Laird , P . M ., 13 ; Harris , P . M ., 87 ; Laing , P . M ., 65 ; Miller , P . M ., 93 . A jewel was unanimousl y voted to Br . Moore , for tho praiseworthy and efficient manner in Avhich ne had conducted the office of W . M . during- the past year , when the brethren , 26 in numoer , adjourned to a sumptuous and elegant banquetand the evening was spent
, with an hilarit y ^ trul y consistent with the tenets of Masonry . Lvnaii OF FAITH ( NO . 165 ) . —The members of this Lodge held a meeting at the Gun Tavern , Pimlico , on the 1 st of January , it having been adjourned over the regular Lodge night in consequence of its falling on fhe 26 th of December , when two brethren were passed and three raised to their respective degrees by the W . M ., proieni , Br . Onslow , in a most eloquent and efficient manner . At the close of the business the brethren retired to th _ banquet , which Avas supplied in that excellent st
yle for which Br . Rackstraw , who has been thirty-four years a member of the Lodge , stands pre-eminent . There were several visitors present , ancl after spending a very harmonious evening the brethren adjourned at an early hour . ST . THOMAS ' LODGE ( NO . 166 ) . —The regular meeting of this Lodge was held at the Freemasons Tavern , on Saturday the Oth Jan ., when the W . M . elect was most ably installed into the chair by Br . P . M . Frampton . Mr . Luce , the respected host of the King ' s Arms Hotel , Hampton Court , and another gentleman , were then initiated
into the Order . About fifteen of the brethren afterwards dined together . PRUDENT BRETHREN LODGE ( NO . 169 ) . —The members of this Lodge met at the Freemasons Tavern on Tuesday , the 23 rd January , to instal Br . Hewlett , P . M ., 23 , as W . M . for the ensuing twelve months , Br . Kirby , the immediate P . M ., being the installing master , and performing the ceremony in a highly creditable manner . Br . Hewelett appointed his officers as under : —Brs . Morbey , S . W . ; Blackburn , J . W . ; Haywood , S . D . j Lea , J . D . ; Hart , I . G . . Boyd , M . C . A committee was to revise the
appointed bye-laivs . The visitors were Brs . Green , P . S . G . D ., Hertfordshire ; Potter , P . M ., 11 ; Binckes , S . W ., 11 ; Adams , 25 ; Allen , P . M ., 276 ; Hammitt , P . M ., 752 ; Collard , S . W ., 200 ; Nicholson , J . W ., 201 ; T . Bohn , P . M ., 201 ; Davis , 902 ; Watson , Jr .. 23 ; Grimstone , 276 , tkc , Sec . The banquet table was sumptuousl y furnished b y the worth y hosts , and the eveningclosed in harmony and brotherly kindness . The pleasures of the evening Avere much enhanced by the excellent . singing of Miss Marian Taylor , Brs . Perron , Genge , Farquharson , Hart , etc ., accompanied by Br . Taylor , on the piano forte . BEDFORD LODGE ( NO . Ifl 3 ) . —At the monthly meetine ; of this Lodge , on Fridai * , Jan .
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Masonic Intelligence.
Br . W . Johnson , P . M . presiding in the absence of Br . J . Johnson , W . M ., who is at present on the Continent . The brethren then proceeded to the election of W . M . for the ensuing year , when the votes were unanimously in favour of Br . Lewis Solomon . Br . McCallan , Avas as unanimously re-elected Treas . Amongst the visitors were Brs . Crohn , G . Sec . for German Correspondence ; Elkington , G . P . ; Rackstraw , P . M ., No . 9 ; Watson , P . M ., No . 23 , & e . BURLINGTON LODGE ( No . 113 ) . —This Lodge met at the Albion Tavern , Aldersstreet
gate- , on Tuesday , 2 nd Jan . One gentleman was initiated into the Order , and S ; wo brethren passed to the second degree . It was resolved that a subscription should be entered into in aid of the Patriotic Fund . LONDON LODGE ( NO . 125 ) . —The members of this Lodge , which is evidentl y sadly in want of the infusion of a little new blood into its veins , met on Saturday , Jan . 0 , when Br . Mackintoy , S . W ., was installed into the chair as W . M ., the ceremony being performed bPMBrPhili
y .. . pe . ST . GEORGE ' LODGE ( NO . 164 ) . —This Lodge field its anniversary meeting at Br . Hart ' s , the celebrated Trafalgar Tavern , Greenwich , on the 17 th of Jan . Tho business commenced with raising one qualified brother , and passing another ; the ceremonies being performed by Br . Moore the W . M ., in a most gratifying manner . Br . J . F . booth , the W . M . elect , was then installed by Br . J . S . Turner , of Woolwich , with that impressive zeal and ability which marked him to be possessed of superior Masonic knowled BrBooth thereupon appointed the following brethren " to bo his
ge . . officers for the ensuing year : —Br . Hogg , S . W . ; Br . Townsond , J . W . ; Br . Figg Wright , S . D . ; Br . Trafibrd , J . D . ; Br . Robinson , LG . ; Br . Ryder , P . M ., Secretary . Several visitors were present , among whom we noticed . Brs . Fox , P . M ., 87 ; Laird , P . M ., 13 ; Harris , P . M ., 87 ; Laing , P . M ., 65 ; Miller , P . M ., 93 . A jewel was unanimousl y voted to Br . Moore , for tho praiseworthy and efficient manner in Avhich ne had conducted the office of W . M . during- the past year , when the brethren , 26 in numoer , adjourned to a sumptuous and elegant banquetand the evening was spent
, with an hilarit y ^ trul y consistent with the tenets of Masonry . Lvnaii OF FAITH ( NO . 165 ) . —The members of this Lodge held a meeting at the Gun Tavern , Pimlico , on the 1 st of January , it having been adjourned over the regular Lodge night in consequence of its falling on fhe 26 th of December , when two brethren were passed and three raised to their respective degrees by the W . M ., proieni , Br . Onslow , in a most eloquent and efficient manner . At the close of the business the brethren retired to th _ banquet , which Avas supplied in that excellent st
yle for which Br . Rackstraw , who has been thirty-four years a member of the Lodge , stands pre-eminent . There were several visitors present , ancl after spending a very harmonious evening the brethren adjourned at an early hour . ST . THOMAS ' LODGE ( NO . 166 ) . —The regular meeting of this Lodge was held at the Freemasons Tavern , on Saturday the Oth Jan ., when the W . M . elect was most ably installed into the chair by Br . P . M . Frampton . Mr . Luce , the respected host of the King ' s Arms Hotel , Hampton Court , and another gentleman , were then initiated
into the Order . About fifteen of the brethren afterwards dined together . PRUDENT BRETHREN LODGE ( NO . 169 ) . —The members of this Lodge met at the Freemasons Tavern on Tuesday , the 23 rd January , to instal Br . Hewlett , P . M ., 23 , as W . M . for the ensuing twelve months , Br . Kirby , the immediate P . M ., being the installing master , and performing the ceremony in a highly creditable manner . Br . Hewelett appointed his officers as under : —Brs . Morbey , S . W . ; Blackburn , J . W . ; Haywood , S . D . j Lea , J . D . ; Hart , I . G . . Boyd , M . C . A committee was to revise the
appointed bye-laivs . The visitors were Brs . Green , P . S . G . D ., Hertfordshire ; Potter , P . M ., 11 ; Binckes , S . W ., 11 ; Adams , 25 ; Allen , P . M ., 276 ; Hammitt , P . M ., 752 ; Collard , S . W ., 200 ; Nicholson , J . W ., 201 ; T . Bohn , P . M ., 201 ; Davis , 902 ; Watson , Jr .. 23 ; Grimstone , 276 , tkc , Sec . The banquet table was sumptuousl y furnished b y the worth y hosts , and the eveningclosed in harmony and brotherly kindness . The pleasures of the evening Avere much enhanced by the excellent . singing of Miss Marian Taylor , Brs . Perron , Genge , Farquharson , Hart , etc ., accompanied by Br . Taylor , on the piano forte . BEDFORD LODGE ( NO . Ifl 3 ) . —At the monthly meetine ; of this Lodge , on Fridai * , Jan .