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with several of the Members of the Glasgow and St . John's Lodges , who joined in the festivity , spent a harmonious and happy Saint John ' s eve . The office bearers for the ensuing year therefore , are : —Brs . W . B . Huggins , R . W . M . ; Donald Campbell , D . M . ; George J . Lyon , S . M . ; C . J , Hughes , S . W . ; John Elder , J . W . ; Rev . T . P . ^ emier , Chap . ; J . T . Rochead , Arch . ; Wm . Cronin , Treas . ; Robert Mitchell , Sec . ; James Home , S . D . ; Robert Thomson , jun ., J . D . ; Ross Ferguson , S . S . ; W . F . BuckieJ . S . JNSutherlandIGAlexMcDonaldJewellerJohn AirdClo
, ; . . , .. ; . , ; , - thier ; Alfred McLure , Director of Music ; James Pollock , Tyler : John Denchar , of Mormngside , Proxy Master . The members of the Lodge again met on Monday , January 8 , Br . D . Campbell , -D . M ., m the chair , supported by the S . W ., Br . Hughes , and Br . R . Mitchell in the chan- of the J . W ., other office-bearers and brethren . The minutes of the former
meeting were read and approved of . Br . James Miller , P . M ., read a striking ancl instructive Essay on the " Plurality of Worlds , " on which Br . Hughes made some p Vrn S and ^ "ent remarks ; and Br . Campbell moved that a vote of thanks to Br . Miller be inserted in the minute book , which motion was seconded by Br . Hughes , and carried viva voce . The treasurer intimated that his cash book had this night been audited , compared with the vouchers , and found correct , that the receipts for the year had been £ 458 oddAfter refreshmentwhich of most
. , was a agreeable character , the D . M . proposed that the Rev . James Gordon Carnachau be admitted a member of this Lodge , which motion was seconded by P . M . Br . Miller , ancl carried nem . con . Br . Alexander McDonald also proposed that theReA ' . John Robertson be also admitted to the mysteries of the Craft , which motion was seconded by Br . Wm . A ' eilsou , and carried unanimousl y , and shortly afterwards the meeting terminated . On the 22 nd January the Lodge met for the purpose of Initiation , Avhen there were present BrDonald
. Campbell , D . M ., in the chair , the S . W . and J . W ., other officers , and a large attendance of the members and brethren of sister ancl foreign Lodges . Ihe acting R . W . M . read applications for admission , by the Rev . James Gordon iUrnachan ancl Mr . William Miller , Junior , when the candidates having been found eligible , and prepared , were initiated in the mysteries of the Apprentice Degree . The . instructors appointed to Br . Carnachan were Brs . D . Campbell and C . J . Hughes , and to Br MillerJunior
. Wm . , , Brs . R . Mackenzie and Jolm Elder . It was then resolved that the whole office-bearers of the Lod ge be appointed a committee to meet ancl consider the expediency of getting up their annual ball . A pleasant refreshment was partaken of , and the Lodge closed . THE ROYAL ARCH CHAPTER , GLASGOAV ( NO . 50 ) . —This Chapter met on the 9 th January . Present : MEDonald bell
, .. Camp , Z . ; M . E , George J . Lyan , H . ; Ai . J . C . J . Hughes , J . ; E . Roderick Mackenzie . E . ; E . James Home , N . ; and a . large attendance of the Companions . The minutes of last meeting having been read and approved of , Br . J . S . Hamilton was admitted to the mark ancl past degrees , and alter some routine business , the Mark and Past Lodges , in connection with the Chapter , were then closed . *
EDEN LODGE OF LIMERICK ( NO . 73 ) .-TJ , e Worshipful Master , Wardens , and irethren of this Lodge , No . 73 on the registry of Ireland , have contributed ten guineas to the Patriotic Fund , established for the benefit of the relatives of the brave fellows who have fallen or may hereafter fall fighting the battles of their country . It is peculiarly gratifying to find our Irish brethren , of whose proceedings we hear much too little , evincing so trul y a masonic feeling as is here displayed in their endeavours to assist in alleviating the miseries which must be inevitably entailed upon a large number of widows and children—as well as many a poor disabled soldier—by + ue chances of war , however just the objects for which it is undertaken
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
with several of the Members of the Glasgow and St . John's Lodges , who joined in the festivity , spent a harmonious and happy Saint John ' s eve . The office bearers for the ensuing year therefore , are : —Brs . W . B . Huggins , R . W . M . ; Donald Campbell , D . M . ; George J . Lyon , S . M . ; C . J , Hughes , S . W . ; John Elder , J . W . ; Rev . T . P . ^ emier , Chap . ; J . T . Rochead , Arch . ; Wm . Cronin , Treas . ; Robert Mitchell , Sec . ; James Home , S . D . ; Robert Thomson , jun ., J . D . ; Ross Ferguson , S . S . ; W . F . BuckieJ . S . JNSutherlandIGAlexMcDonaldJewellerJohn AirdClo
, ; . . , .. ; . , ; , - thier ; Alfred McLure , Director of Music ; James Pollock , Tyler : John Denchar , of Mormngside , Proxy Master . The members of the Lodge again met on Monday , January 8 , Br . D . Campbell , -D . M ., m the chair , supported by the S . W ., Br . Hughes , and Br . R . Mitchell in the chan- of the J . W ., other office-bearers and brethren . The minutes of the former
meeting were read and approved of . Br . James Miller , P . M ., read a striking ancl instructive Essay on the " Plurality of Worlds , " on which Br . Hughes made some p Vrn S and ^ "ent remarks ; and Br . Campbell moved that a vote of thanks to Br . Miller be inserted in the minute book , which motion was seconded by Br . Hughes , and carried viva voce . The treasurer intimated that his cash book had this night been audited , compared with the vouchers , and found correct , that the receipts for the year had been £ 458 oddAfter refreshmentwhich of most
. , was a agreeable character , the D . M . proposed that the Rev . James Gordon Carnachau be admitted a member of this Lodge , which motion was seconded by P . M . Br . Miller , ancl carried nem . con . Br . Alexander McDonald also proposed that theReA ' . John Robertson be also admitted to the mysteries of the Craft , which motion was seconded by Br . Wm . A ' eilsou , and carried unanimousl y , and shortly afterwards the meeting terminated . On the 22 nd January the Lodge met for the purpose of Initiation , Avhen there were present BrDonald
. Campbell , D . M ., in the chair , the S . W . and J . W ., other officers , and a large attendance of the members and brethren of sister ancl foreign Lodges . Ihe acting R . W . M . read applications for admission , by the Rev . James Gordon iUrnachan ancl Mr . William Miller , Junior , when the candidates having been found eligible , and prepared , were initiated in the mysteries of the Apprentice Degree . The . instructors appointed to Br . Carnachan were Brs . D . Campbell and C . J . Hughes , and to Br MillerJunior
. Wm . , , Brs . R . Mackenzie and Jolm Elder . It was then resolved that the whole office-bearers of the Lod ge be appointed a committee to meet ancl consider the expediency of getting up their annual ball . A pleasant refreshment was partaken of , and the Lodge closed . THE ROYAL ARCH CHAPTER , GLASGOAV ( NO . 50 ) . —This Chapter met on the 9 th January . Present : MEDonald bell
, .. Camp , Z . ; M . E , George J . Lyan , H . ; Ai . J . C . J . Hughes , J . ; E . Roderick Mackenzie . E . ; E . James Home , N . ; and a . large attendance of the Companions . The minutes of last meeting having been read and approved of , Br . J . S . Hamilton was admitted to the mark ancl past degrees , and alter some routine business , the Mark and Past Lodges , in connection with the Chapter , were then closed . *
EDEN LODGE OF LIMERICK ( NO . 73 ) .-TJ , e Worshipful Master , Wardens , and irethren of this Lodge , No . 73 on the registry of Ireland , have contributed ten guineas to the Patriotic Fund , established for the benefit of the relatives of the brave fellows who have fallen or may hereafter fall fighting the battles of their country . It is peculiarly gratifying to find our Irish brethren , of whose proceedings we hear much too little , evincing so trul y a masonic feeling as is here displayed in their endeavours to assist in alleviating the miseries which must be inevitably entailed upon a large number of widows and children—as well as many a poor disabled soldier—by + ue chances of war , however just the objects for which it is undertaken