Article PROVINCIAL LODGES. ← Page 7 of 15 →
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Provincial Lodges.
Thomas Pressor , Surgeon , of Monmouth . After the business of thcevening , o sumptuous banquet was served from the Beaufort Arms Hotel , to the Masonic Hall , Br . Gaize , the senior warden of the Lodge , leaving the province , his health was proposed by the AV . M ., who , in a neat speech , alluded to his leaving the neighbourhood , ancl regretted the loss the brethren would sustain of his Masonic services . The senior warden acknowled ged the toast , assuring the brethren that he deeply felt on leaving them , and that he wished them and the Loyal Monmouth Lodge , as well as the Silurian Lod
ge , success and prosperity . Several other toasts were proposed aud acknowledged , and the evening Avas spent very harmoniously ancl pleasureably . SILURIAN LODGE , NEAVPOKT ( NO . 693 ) . —It is stated that the brethren of the Silurian Lodge , which has largely increased in numbers of late—are about erecting a capacious building upon the approved plans of Mr . Thomas , tbe architect , in Great Dock-street , The site is upon the property of John Arthur Herbert , Esq .. and it is understood that gentleman has evinced a liberality in the transaction , which will doubtless cause feelings of enduring gratitude on the part of the Masonic boclv .
NORTHAMPTONSHIRE . ST . PETER ' LODGE , PETERBOROUGH ( NO . 646 ) . —The brethren of this Lodge celebrated their annual meeting ( the festival of St . John ) at their new Lodge-room , Wentworth-street , Wednesday the 27 th of December , when the installation of Br . Robert Richardson , Esq ., the Worshipful Master for the present year , and his assistant officers , Ayas performed according to ancient custom . The banquet was served b y Br . John Ellisthe host ancl
, proprietor of the Assembly-rooms , of which the . Lodgeroom forms a part . Among thc usual loyal and patriotic toasts , Ave must particularize that of "The Masonic Charities , " a theme ever grateful to a Mason ' s heart , of the state and progress of which , at the present period , a brief but beautiful exposition was given by Br . John Hervey , Esq ., P . G . D . of England . The most noble the Marquis of Huntley , P . G . M ., honoured the brethren with his presence , and , as usual , contributed highly to the happiness of the evening . Amid other claims for sympathy , those of the Widows and Orphans of our gallant warriors were not forgotten ; a vote of ten guineas was passed iu aid of the Fund for that purpose .
[ NORTHUMBERLAND . LODGE DE LORAINE , NEWCASTLE ( NO . 793 ) . —On Tuesday , Jan . 2 , the members of this Lodge assembled in the Freemasons Hall , for the installation of Br . John -Lockhart Donald , W . M . elect for the ensuing year . Tho ceremony of installation was most ably performed by Br . E . D . Davies , P . M ., of the Lodge of Industry , Gateshead ; after which the W . M . proceeded to appoint and instal the following brethrenofficers for the
as present year , viz .: —G . P . Birkenshaw . P . M . ; Fred . Welford , S . W . ; James Prendergast , J . W . ; the Rev . W . P . Shield , Chap . ; James Gilpin , jun ., Treasurer ; JohnBlackwelLjun ., Secretary ; Christopher Maling , S . D . ; Frederick Myers , J . D . ; George Hardey , S . S . ; J . De Hart , J . S . ; Edward James Willis , I . G . ; ' A . Dickson , Tyler . In the evening upwards of thirty of the brethren sat down to an excellent dinner at the George Inn , provided by Br . Carmon in tho most profuse style . The chair was occupied by the new W . M ., supnorted on his right and left by past Masters Davis
E . D . , James Donald , G . P . Berkinshaw , J . S . Challoner , & c . The vice-chairs were ably filled by the S . W . and J . W ., ancl the evening Avas spent with that cordiality and harmony which so strikingly characterizes the Craft in general . NEWCASTLE-ON -TYNE LODGE ( NO . 24 ) . —On Wednesday , the 27 th Dec , the brethren of Newcastle-on-Tyne Lodge , No . 24 , assembled in Freemason ' s Hall , Blackett Street , for the installation of Br . Wm . Johnston , W . M . elect for the ensuing year . Br . James Donaldthe retiring Masterablperformed the of
, , y ceremony installation . The AV . M . then proceeded to appoint and instal the following brethren as . officers for the year , viz . —Jas . Donald , P . M . ; John Hopper , | S . W . ; James King , J . W ; iiiomas lattison , Treasurer ; Fred . Shaw , Secretary ; D . W . Spence , S . D . ; Simeon Joel , JJ ) . Henry Dixon , S . S . ; Wm . Loades , J . S . ; Richardson . J . G . ; Alex . Dixon , Tyler . In the evening upwards of forty of the brethren sat down to dinner
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Provincial Lodges.
Thomas Pressor , Surgeon , of Monmouth . After the business of thcevening , o sumptuous banquet was served from the Beaufort Arms Hotel , to the Masonic Hall , Br . Gaize , the senior warden of the Lodge , leaving the province , his health was proposed by the AV . M ., who , in a neat speech , alluded to his leaving the neighbourhood , ancl regretted the loss the brethren would sustain of his Masonic services . The senior warden acknowled ged the toast , assuring the brethren that he deeply felt on leaving them , and that he wished them and the Loyal Monmouth Lodge , as well as the Silurian Lod
ge , success and prosperity . Several other toasts were proposed aud acknowledged , and the evening Avas spent very harmoniously ancl pleasureably . SILURIAN LODGE , NEAVPOKT ( NO . 693 ) . —It is stated that the brethren of the Silurian Lodge , which has largely increased in numbers of late—are about erecting a capacious building upon the approved plans of Mr . Thomas , tbe architect , in Great Dock-street , The site is upon the property of John Arthur Herbert , Esq .. and it is understood that gentleman has evinced a liberality in the transaction , which will doubtless cause feelings of enduring gratitude on the part of the Masonic boclv .
NORTHAMPTONSHIRE . ST . PETER ' LODGE , PETERBOROUGH ( NO . 646 ) . —The brethren of this Lodge celebrated their annual meeting ( the festival of St . John ) at their new Lodge-room , Wentworth-street , Wednesday the 27 th of December , when the installation of Br . Robert Richardson , Esq ., the Worshipful Master for the present year , and his assistant officers , Ayas performed according to ancient custom . The banquet was served b y Br . John Ellisthe host ancl
, proprietor of the Assembly-rooms , of which the . Lodgeroom forms a part . Among thc usual loyal and patriotic toasts , Ave must particularize that of "The Masonic Charities , " a theme ever grateful to a Mason ' s heart , of the state and progress of which , at the present period , a brief but beautiful exposition was given by Br . John Hervey , Esq ., P . G . D . of England . The most noble the Marquis of Huntley , P . G . M ., honoured the brethren with his presence , and , as usual , contributed highly to the happiness of the evening . Amid other claims for sympathy , those of the Widows and Orphans of our gallant warriors were not forgotten ; a vote of ten guineas was passed iu aid of the Fund for that purpose .
[ NORTHUMBERLAND . LODGE DE LORAINE , NEWCASTLE ( NO . 793 ) . —On Tuesday , Jan . 2 , the members of this Lodge assembled in the Freemasons Hall , for the installation of Br . John -Lockhart Donald , W . M . elect for the ensuing year . Tho ceremony of installation was most ably performed by Br . E . D . Davies , P . M ., of the Lodge of Industry , Gateshead ; after which the W . M . proceeded to appoint and instal the following brethrenofficers for the
as present year , viz .: —G . P . Birkenshaw . P . M . ; Fred . Welford , S . W . ; James Prendergast , J . W . ; the Rev . W . P . Shield , Chap . ; James Gilpin , jun ., Treasurer ; JohnBlackwelLjun ., Secretary ; Christopher Maling , S . D . ; Frederick Myers , J . D . ; George Hardey , S . S . ; J . De Hart , J . S . ; Edward James Willis , I . G . ; ' A . Dickson , Tyler . In the evening upwards of thirty of the brethren sat down to an excellent dinner at the George Inn , provided by Br . Carmon in tho most profuse style . The chair was occupied by the new W . M ., supnorted on his right and left by past Masters Davis
E . D . , James Donald , G . P . Berkinshaw , J . S . Challoner , & c . The vice-chairs were ably filled by the S . W . and J . W ., ancl the evening Avas spent with that cordiality and harmony which so strikingly characterizes the Craft in general . NEWCASTLE-ON -TYNE LODGE ( NO . 24 ) . —On Wednesday , the 27 th Dec , the brethren of Newcastle-on-Tyne Lodge , No . 24 , assembled in Freemason ' s Hall , Blackett Street , for the installation of Br . Wm . Johnston , W . M . elect for the ensuing year . Br . James Donaldthe retiring Masterablperformed the of
, , y ceremony installation . The AV . M . then proceeded to appoint and instal the following brethren as . officers for the year , viz . —Jas . Donald , P . M . ; John Hopper , | S . W . ; James King , J . W ; iiiomas lattison , Treasurer ; Fred . Shaw , Secretary ; D . W . Spence , S . D . ; Simeon Joel , JJ ) . Henry Dixon , S . S . ; Wm . Loades , J . S . ; Richardson . J . G . ; Alex . Dixon , Tyler . In the evening upwards of forty of the brethren sat down to dinner