Article PROVINCIAL LODGES. ← Page 13 of 15 →
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Provincial Lodges.
" Whether mine eyes Avith a new spirit sees , Or nature is grown lovlicr , I know not , But ne ' er , methinks , Avas sunset half so sweet . He ' s down , and yet his glory still appears like to the memory of a Avell spent life That ' s golden to thc last , and Avlien ' tis o ' er Shiues in the Avitnesses it leaves behind . " But thank God , the sun of [ Newstead is . not down . It ' s up , and " shines" amongst
us even now , and is conscious of the " witnesses" which in this room by words and -writings testify to his worth and goodness . And now , having trespassed so long upon your time , but little space is left to refer to the special toast -vhich I am deputed to propose . It runs thus— " The Masonic charities and Mrs . Wildman . " Of Mrs . Wildman I shall only say I can never forget her kindness , her cheerful disposition , her accomplishments , the graceful manner in which she administers the hospitality of her mansion . I am sure that the greatest leasure I could ever ive her is this [ attempt
p g to do something like justice to the merits of her husband —( applause ) . Witli respect to Masonry , I believe she knows nothing about it- ( laughter ) . But the charities of the Craft she does know , and she ever takes the greatest pains to promote them and to do them justice . _ I conclude by proposing " The Masonic charities and Mrs . Wildman . " Colonel Wildman , in responding to the toast , said it really required , a great deal of fortitude to bear such an excess of kindness , as that with which he AA'as overwhelmed this evening , and he might noiv say to his friend on the left , " Et tu Brute . " He had driven the
dagger home to his heart . He had touched him in the most tender point by proposing the health of the amiable kind-hearted lady who was the blessing of his life , with whom he had lived so long and so happily— - ( cheers ) . She had some claim to have her health drunk amongst Freemasons , as she was a Life Governor of both the charities of Freemasons , an honour which was possessed by A'ery few ladies besides her Majesty . He should haA'e great pleasure in reporting to Mrs . Wildman the manner in which the toast had been receivedThere wasindeednothing more
. , , gratifying to her feelings than to know that she Avas respected amongst the Masonic body —( cheers ) . A variety of other toasts were drunk , and the company did not seperate until a somewhat advanced hour .
SOMERSETSHIRE . The Grand Lodge of this Province have voted the handsome sum of if 100 to bs paid by their Grand Treasurer of the Province ( Br , Eales White ) , to the Patriotic Tund . SOUTH WALES . INDEFATIGABLE LODGE , SWANSEA ( NO . 288 ) . —The members of this Lodge held
their customary celebration of the anniversary of St . John , on Thursday , Dec . 28 . The brethren -went to their Lodge in the Assembly Rooms at 3 p . m ., AA'hen Mr . F . J . Lloyd having been unanimously elected Master for the ensuing year , Avas installed in . his office with the customary ceremonies of this ancient and Loyal body . Mr . Wm . Gronomo was also regularly initiated a member of the Order . At six o'clock the brethren met at the King ' s Arms Hotel , when they were joined by the Worshipful Master and several brethren of the Neath Lodgewhen they sat down to dinnerOn
, . the cloth being removed , after the loyal toast , Avhich ever mark the festivals of this ancient and dignified Order , a variety of sentiments from the chair as well as from the brethren present , were responded to , and the harmony of the meeting was further promoted by some capital songs given by Mr . Wm . Bowen and other gentlemen present . Mirth and joyous wit maintained their reign supreme throughout the evening , and the company separated with a common feeling , that they had this ' year celebrated then- anniA' bone of the most leasant and numerouslattended
ersary y p y meetings that has taken place for many a year gone by . ST . PETER ' S LODGE , CAMARTHBN ( NO . 690 ) . —The annual festival of this Lodge was held on Wednesday , Dec . 27 , at the Ivy Bush Hotel . About twenty of the brethren sat down to a sumptuous dinner . The chair was taken by the W . M . Br . S . Tardrew , while the S . W . Br . W . S . G . Thoma ? , officiated as vice chairman .
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Provincial Lodges.
" Whether mine eyes Avith a new spirit sees , Or nature is grown lovlicr , I know not , But ne ' er , methinks , Avas sunset half so sweet . He ' s down , and yet his glory still appears like to the memory of a Avell spent life That ' s golden to thc last , and Avlien ' tis o ' er Shiues in the Avitnesses it leaves behind . " But thank God , the sun of [ Newstead is . not down . It ' s up , and " shines" amongst
us even now , and is conscious of the " witnesses" which in this room by words and -writings testify to his worth and goodness . And now , having trespassed so long upon your time , but little space is left to refer to the special toast -vhich I am deputed to propose . It runs thus— " The Masonic charities and Mrs . Wildman . " Of Mrs . Wildman I shall only say I can never forget her kindness , her cheerful disposition , her accomplishments , the graceful manner in which she administers the hospitality of her mansion . I am sure that the greatest leasure I could ever ive her is this [ attempt
p g to do something like justice to the merits of her husband —( applause ) . Witli respect to Masonry , I believe she knows nothing about it- ( laughter ) . But the charities of the Craft she does know , and she ever takes the greatest pains to promote them and to do them justice . _ I conclude by proposing " The Masonic charities and Mrs . Wildman . " Colonel Wildman , in responding to the toast , said it really required , a great deal of fortitude to bear such an excess of kindness , as that with which he AA'as overwhelmed this evening , and he might noiv say to his friend on the left , " Et tu Brute . " He had driven the
dagger home to his heart . He had touched him in the most tender point by proposing the health of the amiable kind-hearted lady who was the blessing of his life , with whom he had lived so long and so happily— - ( cheers ) . She had some claim to have her health drunk amongst Freemasons , as she was a Life Governor of both the charities of Freemasons , an honour which was possessed by A'ery few ladies besides her Majesty . He should haA'e great pleasure in reporting to Mrs . Wildman the manner in which the toast had been receivedThere wasindeednothing more
. , , gratifying to her feelings than to know that she Avas respected amongst the Masonic body —( cheers ) . A variety of other toasts were drunk , and the company did not seperate until a somewhat advanced hour .
SOMERSETSHIRE . The Grand Lodge of this Province have voted the handsome sum of if 100 to bs paid by their Grand Treasurer of the Province ( Br , Eales White ) , to the Patriotic Tund . SOUTH WALES . INDEFATIGABLE LODGE , SWANSEA ( NO . 288 ) . —The members of this Lodge held
their customary celebration of the anniversary of St . John , on Thursday , Dec . 28 . The brethren -went to their Lodge in the Assembly Rooms at 3 p . m ., AA'hen Mr . F . J . Lloyd having been unanimously elected Master for the ensuing year , Avas installed in . his office with the customary ceremonies of this ancient and Loyal body . Mr . Wm . Gronomo was also regularly initiated a member of the Order . At six o'clock the brethren met at the King ' s Arms Hotel , when they were joined by the Worshipful Master and several brethren of the Neath Lodgewhen they sat down to dinnerOn
, . the cloth being removed , after the loyal toast , Avhich ever mark the festivals of this ancient and dignified Order , a variety of sentiments from the chair as well as from the brethren present , were responded to , and the harmony of the meeting was further promoted by some capital songs given by Mr . Wm . Bowen and other gentlemen present . Mirth and joyous wit maintained their reign supreme throughout the evening , and the company separated with a common feeling , that they had this ' year celebrated then- anniA' bone of the most leasant and numerouslattended
ersary y p y meetings that has taken place for many a year gone by . ST . PETER ' S LODGE , CAMARTHBN ( NO . 690 ) . —The annual festival of this Lodge was held on Wednesday , Dec . 27 , at the Ivy Bush Hotel . About twenty of the brethren sat down to a sumptuous dinner . The chair was taken by the W . M . Br . S . Tardrew , while the S . W . Br . W . S . G . Thoma ? , officiated as vice chairman .