Article MASONIC INTELLIGENCE. ← Page 11 of 13 →
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Masonic Intelligence.
orphans whose necessities had a paramount claim upon their charity , yet Masonry should be as universal as its principles were pure , and show to the A \ 'orld that its charity was not confined only to members of their own body , LODGE OF INDUSTRY ( NO . 219 ) . —This Lodge held its anniversary meeting at the Swan Tavern , Hungerford-market , on Tuesday , January 23 , Br . Carpenter , W . M ., presiding , supported by Br . P . M / s Querly , Suter , Reekes , Jenkins , Dawson , Dunn ,
& c . The Lodge having been opened in clue form , a candidate for the mysteries of the Order was ballotted for , when it proving unanimously in his favour he was initiated . Br . Jas . Querly , J . W . ancl W . M . elect , was then presented to a Board of Installed Masters , and having assented to the ancient charges of the Order , he was duly installed into the Chair by Br . Goring , P . M . 25 , when he was pleased to invest Brs . W . Debnam as S . W . ; Suter , J . W . ; Reekes , S . D . ; Irvine , J . D . ; Polden , I . G . ; and Br . P . M . Carpenter as Treasurer and Secretary .
JOPPA LODGE ( NO . 223 ) . —This Lodge held its monthly meeting at the White Hart Tavern , Bishopsgate-street , on Monday , January 1 , when Br . Lyons was most efficiently installed as W . M . for the current vear , by Br . P . M . Sielig , when he was pleased to appoint Brs . S . G . Risch , S . W . ; Alexander , J . W . ; Harris , S . D . ; Lewin , J . D . ; and Gabrael , I . G . At the conclusion of the Masonic business the brethren adjourned to supper , to which upwards of ninety sat down . Both the supper ancl dessert , the latter of which was supplied by Br . Solomon , sen ., gave the highest
satisfaction . Br . Benjamin , from Australia , ancl a number of other visitors were present . The evening passed off with the utmost harmony , which was heightened by the exertions of Brs . G . F . Taylor , Lowich , and Fortescue , most ably assisted by Miss Taylor . We should not omit to observe , that £ 30 was collected amongst the brethren in aid of the Patriotic Fund . ST . PAUL ' LODGE ( NO . 229 ) . —The members of this Lodge met at the London Coffee House , Ludgate Hill , on Tuesday the 9 th Januan * , for the dispatch of business
and the installation of the W . M . elect , Br . Fowler having resigned the chair to P . M . Br . Foster White ; that worth y brother installed , in a most masterly manner , Br . Randall into the chair . It is needless to say , that in every degree where the effective working of Freemasonry is concerned , Br , White stands pre-eminent , and has raised for himself a very high reputation in the Craft . The new W . M . is a first rate working Mason , and immediately after being installed into the chair , he proceeded to initiate a candidate into the Order . The officers appointed , were : —Br . Green , S . W . ; Br . R .
Sparks , J W . ; Br . Watson , S . D . ; Br . Hawkins , J . D ,, and Br . W . Fowler , I . G . The brethren attended in large numbers , ancl after the conclusion of the business , the brethren adjourned to a very elegant banquet- The proceedings of the evening ivere enlivened by some excellent singing by Brs . Farquharson , Genge , and King-^ PERCY LODGE ( NO . 234 ) . —The members of this Lodge met at the Ship and Turtle Tavern , Leadenhall street , on Tuesday January 9 , Avhen Br . Sheridan the S . W . was installed W . M . for the ensuing year . ' Upwards of 20 of the brethren afterwards dined together and spent a A'ery pleasant evenina . -.
JORDAN * LODGE ( NO . 237 ) . —The members of this Lodge met on Friday , the 19 th nit ., at the Freemasons TaA'ern , Br . Spooner , W . M-, presiding . The minutes of the former meeting having been read , it was proposed and seconded , that the minutes be confirmed , excepting onl y that part which relates to the election of W . M . ; which AA'as put and carried unanimously . At a later period of the eA'ening , a brother requested ( on behalf of the brother previously elected ) , that the installation might be proceeded with . This the WMdeclined the minutes had not been confirmed
, .. , as ; Avhen the brother , whose election had been annuled , together Avith four others , tenvi fieh' resi S nation a'id left the Lodge- Br . Bram , was then duly raised to the third degree ; when the business being completed , the brethren adjourned to a splendid oanquet , served up in Messrs- Watson , Coggin , and Banks ' s , usual recherche style . Among the visitors were , Brs . Burton , W . M ., 9 ; and Beuler , 215 . Br . S . Aznavour , the proprietor of the T urkish Exhibitionhas been elected member of this Lod
, a ge , on the motion of Br . Patten , P . M . ancl Sec . ST . ANDREAV ' LODGE ( NO . 281 ) . —At ' the monthly meeting of this Lodge on Xlmrsday January 4 . Br . Dyke was elected W . M ., for the ensuing 12 months , and -br . r . iA _ . Linton , . treasurer . The other business was purely formal .
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Masonic Intelligence.
orphans whose necessities had a paramount claim upon their charity , yet Masonry should be as universal as its principles were pure , and show to the A \ 'orld that its charity was not confined only to members of their own body , LODGE OF INDUSTRY ( NO . 219 ) . —This Lodge held its anniversary meeting at the Swan Tavern , Hungerford-market , on Tuesday , January 23 , Br . Carpenter , W . M ., presiding , supported by Br . P . M / s Querly , Suter , Reekes , Jenkins , Dawson , Dunn ,
& c . The Lodge having been opened in clue form , a candidate for the mysteries of the Order was ballotted for , when it proving unanimously in his favour he was initiated . Br . Jas . Querly , J . W . ancl W . M . elect , was then presented to a Board of Installed Masters , and having assented to the ancient charges of the Order , he was duly installed into the Chair by Br . Goring , P . M . 25 , when he was pleased to invest Brs . W . Debnam as S . W . ; Suter , J . W . ; Reekes , S . D . ; Irvine , J . D . ; Polden , I . G . ; and Br . P . M . Carpenter as Treasurer and Secretary .
JOPPA LODGE ( NO . 223 ) . —This Lodge held its monthly meeting at the White Hart Tavern , Bishopsgate-street , on Monday , January 1 , when Br . Lyons was most efficiently installed as W . M . for the current vear , by Br . P . M . Sielig , when he was pleased to appoint Brs . S . G . Risch , S . W . ; Alexander , J . W . ; Harris , S . D . ; Lewin , J . D . ; and Gabrael , I . G . At the conclusion of the Masonic business the brethren adjourned to supper , to which upwards of ninety sat down . Both the supper ancl dessert , the latter of which was supplied by Br . Solomon , sen ., gave the highest
satisfaction . Br . Benjamin , from Australia , ancl a number of other visitors were present . The evening passed off with the utmost harmony , which was heightened by the exertions of Brs . G . F . Taylor , Lowich , and Fortescue , most ably assisted by Miss Taylor . We should not omit to observe , that £ 30 was collected amongst the brethren in aid of the Patriotic Fund . ST . PAUL ' LODGE ( NO . 229 ) . —The members of this Lodge met at the London Coffee House , Ludgate Hill , on Tuesday the 9 th Januan * , for the dispatch of business
and the installation of the W . M . elect , Br . Fowler having resigned the chair to P . M . Br . Foster White ; that worth y brother installed , in a most masterly manner , Br . Randall into the chair . It is needless to say , that in every degree where the effective working of Freemasonry is concerned , Br , White stands pre-eminent , and has raised for himself a very high reputation in the Craft . The new W . M . is a first rate working Mason , and immediately after being installed into the chair , he proceeded to initiate a candidate into the Order . The officers appointed , were : —Br . Green , S . W . ; Br . R .
Sparks , J W . ; Br . Watson , S . D . ; Br . Hawkins , J . D ,, and Br . W . Fowler , I . G . The brethren attended in large numbers , ancl after the conclusion of the business , the brethren adjourned to a very elegant banquet- The proceedings of the evening ivere enlivened by some excellent singing by Brs . Farquharson , Genge , and King-^ PERCY LODGE ( NO . 234 ) . —The members of this Lodge met at the Ship and Turtle Tavern , Leadenhall street , on Tuesday January 9 , Avhen Br . Sheridan the S . W . was installed W . M . for the ensuing year . ' Upwards of 20 of the brethren afterwards dined together and spent a A'ery pleasant evenina . -.
JORDAN * LODGE ( NO . 237 ) . —The members of this Lodge met on Friday , the 19 th nit ., at the Freemasons TaA'ern , Br . Spooner , W . M-, presiding . The minutes of the former meeting having been read , it was proposed and seconded , that the minutes be confirmed , excepting onl y that part which relates to the election of W . M . ; which AA'as put and carried unanimously . At a later period of the eA'ening , a brother requested ( on behalf of the brother previously elected ) , that the installation might be proceeded with . This the WMdeclined the minutes had not been confirmed
, .. , as ; Avhen the brother , whose election had been annuled , together Avith four others , tenvi fieh' resi S nation a'id left the Lodge- Br . Bram , was then duly raised to the third degree ; when the business being completed , the brethren adjourned to a splendid oanquet , served up in Messrs- Watson , Coggin , and Banks ' s , usual recherche style . Among the visitors were , Brs . Burton , W . M ., 9 ; and Beuler , 215 . Br . S . Aznavour , the proprietor of the T urkish Exhibitionhas been elected member of this Lod
, a ge , on the motion of Br . Patten , P . M . ancl Sec . ST . ANDREAV ' LODGE ( NO . 281 ) . —At ' the monthly meeting of this Lodge on Xlmrsday January 4 . Br . Dyke was elected W . M ., for the ensuing 12 months , and -br . r . iA _ . Linton , . treasurer . The other business was purely formal .