Article THE COLONIES. Page 1 of 3 →
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The Colonies.
AUSTRALIA . ADELAIDE—The P ATRIOTIC FOND . —A meeting of Freemasons Avas held at Adelaide , at the latter end of August , when , having resolved to raise a fund in aid of the Patriotic Fund , the following address to the Queen Avas agreed to : — members of various Lod of the Craftof
Freema" 'We , your Majesty ' s loyal subjects , being ges , sonry , established ' in South Australia , humbly desire to testify to jour Majesty our hearty sympathy with the warlike proceedings m which your Majesty is at present engaged against the Jimperor of Bussia , for the maintenance of the integrity of the Turkish dominions and their deteuee from an unjust aud unprovoked invasion . , . " Belonging as Ave do , to a community which , whiie warmly cherishing national ties , ami admitting the obligations they impose , yet recognising a bond of brotherhood co-extensive with the human race , our approval of this Avar is founded upon thc conviction that it is waged for purposes ancl hteousand in vindication of les binding all les
just rig , princip upon peop . , ., . " TVe implore the Great Architect and Governor of : the Universe to vouchsafe sucn . wisdom to your Majesty's councils , and such aid to your Majesty ' s arms , that the war thus fairly and honouraWy commenced maybe speedily and successfully , concluded ; and that it may result in a , . cordial and lasting union amongst the various European nations , ancl m an extension throughout ; the world of the inestimable blessings of peace . " For the purpose of acknowledging our grateful sense of the sacrifices made by those ot our fellow-countrymen whose lives are hazarded in your Majesty ' s military and naval sen-ices , we have collected the sum of £ , which we beg to transmit wick this humble address of State for the Coloniesand humbly request that
to your Majesty ' s Principal . Secretary , your Majesty will graciously direct that the amount be distributed amongst the wives and . amines , ¦ widows and orphans of British soldiers and sailors engaged in this war . " And your " memorialists , as in duty bound , vtill ever pray . " The amount of the subscription was not known when the accounts left Adelaide . The general public of the place had collected upwards of £ 3000 for the fund . HOBSON ' S BAY—We learn bthe latest intelligence from Australia , of the opening
. y of a new Lodge ( the Hobson ' s Bav ) at the Albion Tavern , Williamstowii , West Australia , Avhen Br . Levick , W . M ., of the Australia Felix Lodge , ably installed the first Master of the new Lodge . In thc evening tho brethren dined together at a banquet served by the proprietor of the establishment , Mr . Caliper .
CANADA . Lo . xno . N-, CANADA WEST . —The members of the St . John ' s Lodge celebrated the feast of St . John , on the 27 th of December , by a grand Masonic banquet , at which Br . S . P . Ayres , W . M . for the present vear , presided , ably supported by his wardens , Brs . J . Moffatt , and P . T . McKenizo , QUEBEC—At , a meeting of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Ancient , Free and
Accepted Masons , Quebec ancl Three Rivers Districts , Registry of England , held on the 28 th November , the following brethren were elected to office and invested for the year ensuing : -R . W . Br . T . D . Harington , P . G . M . ; R . W . Br . G . Thompson , D . P . G . ; V . W . Brs . W . Miller , S . G . W . ; G . Irvine , J-G . W . ; Rev . W . A . Adamson , P . G . C . ; R . Neill , . P . G . T . ; A . Simpson , P . G . R . ; G . T : Gary , P . G . S . ; Br- H . P . Leggatt , Asst . P . G . S . ; W . Brs . , f . Burgess , S . G . D . ; T . Lamb , J . G . D . ; G . R . Brown , P . G . Sup . of Works ; J . Green , P . G . D . C . ; Brs . J . Scott , Asst . P . G . D . C ; T .
Andrews . P . G . S . B . ; N . I-I . . BoAven , P . G . O . ; D . Gale , P . G . P . ; D . Gillies , P . G . T . P . G Stewards . —Brs . Dean , jnn-, Hoffmann , Forsyth , Jacobs , Denechaud ancl Lowine FESTIVAL OF ST . JOHN THE EVANGELIST , QUEBEC . —Never , perhaps in Canada Avas the Festival of St . Jolm the Evangelist ( on Wednesday , December 27 th ) more cordially observed , more joyfully sustained , or the ceremonies of the day conducted with greater harmony and unanimity of feeling , than was the anniversary this year . The brotherhood assembled at their respective Lodge rooms at different
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Colonies.
AUSTRALIA . ADELAIDE—The P ATRIOTIC FOND . —A meeting of Freemasons Avas held at Adelaide , at the latter end of August , when , having resolved to raise a fund in aid of the Patriotic Fund , the following address to the Queen Avas agreed to : — members of various Lod of the Craftof
Freema" 'We , your Majesty ' s loyal subjects , being ges , sonry , established ' in South Australia , humbly desire to testify to jour Majesty our hearty sympathy with the warlike proceedings m which your Majesty is at present engaged against the Jimperor of Bussia , for the maintenance of the integrity of the Turkish dominions and their deteuee from an unjust aud unprovoked invasion . , . " Belonging as Ave do , to a community which , whiie warmly cherishing national ties , ami admitting the obligations they impose , yet recognising a bond of brotherhood co-extensive with the human race , our approval of this Avar is founded upon thc conviction that it is waged for purposes ancl hteousand in vindication of les binding all les
just rig , princip upon peop . , ., . " TVe implore the Great Architect and Governor of : the Universe to vouchsafe sucn . wisdom to your Majesty's councils , and such aid to your Majesty ' s arms , that the war thus fairly and honouraWy commenced maybe speedily and successfully , concluded ; and that it may result in a , . cordial and lasting union amongst the various European nations , ancl m an extension throughout ; the world of the inestimable blessings of peace . " For the purpose of acknowledging our grateful sense of the sacrifices made by those ot our fellow-countrymen whose lives are hazarded in your Majesty ' s military and naval sen-ices , we have collected the sum of £ , which we beg to transmit wick this humble address of State for the Coloniesand humbly request that
to your Majesty ' s Principal . Secretary , your Majesty will graciously direct that the amount be distributed amongst the wives and . amines , ¦ widows and orphans of British soldiers and sailors engaged in this war . " And your " memorialists , as in duty bound , vtill ever pray . " The amount of the subscription was not known when the accounts left Adelaide . The general public of the place had collected upwards of £ 3000 for the fund . HOBSON ' S BAY—We learn bthe latest intelligence from Australia , of the opening
. y of a new Lodge ( the Hobson ' s Bav ) at the Albion Tavern , Williamstowii , West Australia , Avhen Br . Levick , W . M ., of the Australia Felix Lodge , ably installed the first Master of the new Lodge . In thc evening tho brethren dined together at a banquet served by the proprietor of the establishment , Mr . Caliper .
CANADA . Lo . xno . N-, CANADA WEST . —The members of the St . John ' s Lodge celebrated the feast of St . John , on the 27 th of December , by a grand Masonic banquet , at which Br . S . P . Ayres , W . M . for the present vear , presided , ably supported by his wardens , Brs . J . Moffatt , and P . T . McKenizo , QUEBEC—At , a meeting of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Ancient , Free and
Accepted Masons , Quebec ancl Three Rivers Districts , Registry of England , held on the 28 th November , the following brethren were elected to office and invested for the year ensuing : -R . W . Br . T . D . Harington , P . G . M . ; R . W . Br . G . Thompson , D . P . G . ; V . W . Brs . W . Miller , S . G . W . ; G . Irvine , J-G . W . ; Rev . W . A . Adamson , P . G . C . ; R . Neill , . P . G . T . ; A . Simpson , P . G . R . ; G . T : Gary , P . G . S . ; Br- H . P . Leggatt , Asst . P . G . S . ; W . Brs . , f . Burgess , S . G . D . ; T . Lamb , J . G . D . ; G . R . Brown , P . G . Sup . of Works ; J . Green , P . G . D . C . ; Brs . J . Scott , Asst . P . G . D . C ; T .
Andrews . P . G . S . B . ; N . I-I . . BoAven , P . G . O . ; D . Gale , P . G . P . ; D . Gillies , P . G . T . P . G Stewards . —Brs . Dean , jnn-, Hoffmann , Forsyth , Jacobs , Denechaud ancl Lowine FESTIVAL OF ST . JOHN THE EVANGELIST , QUEBEC . —Never , perhaps in Canada Avas the Festival of St . Jolm the Evangelist ( on Wednesday , December 27 th ) more cordially observed , more joyfully sustained , or the ceremonies of the day conducted with greater harmony and unanimity of feeling , than was the anniversary this year . The brotherhood assembled at their respective Lodge rooms at different