Article THE NEW GRAND OFFICERS. ← Page 5 of 7 →
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The New Grand Officers.
under discussion . He procured an alteration in the law requiring confirmation after an interval of three months of all charitable grants , upon a recommendation from the Board of Bouevolencc , by limiting such confirmation to grants exceeding fifty pounds , and all grants so voted not exceeding that amount are now paid forthwith . But Brother Savage is too wolf known in Grand Loclge to render further comment
necessary ; his promotion to the oSico of Grand Deacon has , we understand , afforded sincere gratification to the members of his Lodges and Chapters , and there can be no doubt that it will receive the warm approval of the Craft in general . It has been expected by his bi ethren for some time past , but it was well known that whatever claims Brother Savage miht suppose himself to possesshe never pressed
g , them either upon the Grand Master or his advisers , but was content to wait until the Grand Master ( who in these ajjpointments has a very difficult duty to perform ) could find a fitting o | jportunity to recognize services whicli havo now extended over a quarter of a century .
LROTHER I ' REDERIOK SLIGHT , J . G . D . —Brother Frederick Slight is well known to the members of Grand Lodge , in the discussions of which he has frequently taken a prominent part . Ho was initiated iu the Moira Lodge , No . 109 , on the 25 th October , 1853 , and was installed as Worshi pful Master on his natal clay , the Sth of December , 1850 — tolerably rapid , but fairly earned advancement .
Brother Slight is also a member of several other Lodges , viz ., the Grand Masters , No . 1 ; Royal Somerset House and Inverness , No , 4 , of which he was Secretary in 1856 , and was elected Treasurer at the mid of that year , still continuing in that office ; the Britannic , No . 38 , which ho joined upon its being first taken up by a number of gentlemen connected with the railway interestwhen he ivas appointed
, Junior Deacon , and having passed through all the offices , was installed as Worshipful Master on Friday , May 13 ; Unit }' , No . 82 , in which , though not in office , he is generally called upon to perform the duties of the chair when there is any business before the Lodge ; the Jerusalem , No . 233 . in which , having passed through the two Wardens '
chairs , lie was installed AVorshi pful Master , on the 2 nd of December , 1857 ; the Royal Clarence , No . 338 , ivhich ho joined as the principal Lodge of his native town ; and the Frederick of Unity , No ,. 661 , which formerly met at Croydon , but is now most beautifull y located on tho banks of the river at Thames Ditton—this Lodge wc believe Brother Sli g ht joined in consequence of his official connexion through tho
London Brighton ancl South Coast Railway , with the county of Surrey . Hois the Treasurer of tho Loclge ; and through it he first received the purple as Junior Grand Warden of tho province—an office which he still holds . Brother Sli ght became an Arch Mason almost as soon as ho was legally entitled to do so , and is now Grand Standard Bearer ; theM . E . Z . elect of the Moira , No . 109 ; the M . E . Z . for the second year of tlie Grove , ISO . odo—a Chapter which at onetime most popular , fell into difficulties , and had almost ceased to exist , when it was
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The New Grand Officers.
under discussion . He procured an alteration in the law requiring confirmation after an interval of three months of all charitable grants , upon a recommendation from the Board of Bouevolencc , by limiting such confirmation to grants exceeding fifty pounds , and all grants so voted not exceeding that amount are now paid forthwith . But Brother Savage is too wolf known in Grand Loclge to render further comment
necessary ; his promotion to the oSico of Grand Deacon has , we understand , afforded sincere gratification to the members of his Lodges and Chapters , and there can be no doubt that it will receive the warm approval of the Craft in general . It has been expected by his bi ethren for some time past , but it was well known that whatever claims Brother Savage miht suppose himself to possesshe never pressed
g , them either upon the Grand Master or his advisers , but was content to wait until the Grand Master ( who in these ajjpointments has a very difficult duty to perform ) could find a fitting o | jportunity to recognize services whicli havo now extended over a quarter of a century .
LROTHER I ' REDERIOK SLIGHT , J . G . D . —Brother Frederick Slight is well known to the members of Grand Lodge , in the discussions of which he has frequently taken a prominent part . Ho was initiated iu the Moira Lodge , No . 109 , on the 25 th October , 1853 , and was installed as Worshi pful Master on his natal clay , the Sth of December , 1850 — tolerably rapid , but fairly earned advancement .
Brother Slight is also a member of several other Lodges , viz ., the Grand Masters , No . 1 ; Royal Somerset House and Inverness , No , 4 , of which he was Secretary in 1856 , and was elected Treasurer at the mid of that year , still continuing in that office ; the Britannic , No . 38 , which ho joined upon its being first taken up by a number of gentlemen connected with the railway interestwhen he ivas appointed
, Junior Deacon , and having passed through all the offices , was installed as Worshipful Master on Friday , May 13 ; Unit }' , No . 82 , in which , though not in office , he is generally called upon to perform the duties of the chair when there is any business before the Lodge ; the Jerusalem , No . 233 . in which , having passed through the two Wardens '
chairs , lie was installed AVorshi pful Master , on the 2 nd of December , 1857 ; the Royal Clarence , No . 338 , ivhich ho joined as the principal Lodge of his native town ; and the Frederick of Unity , No ,. 661 , which formerly met at Croydon , but is now most beautifull y located on tho banks of the river at Thames Ditton—this Lodge wc believe Brother Sli g ht joined in consequence of his official connexion through tho
London Brighton ancl South Coast Railway , with the county of Surrey . Hois the Treasurer of tho Loclge ; and through it he first received the purple as Junior Grand Warden of tho province—an office which he still holds . Brother Sli ght became an Arch Mason almost as soon as ho was legally entitled to do so , and is now Grand Standard Bearer ; theM . E . Z . elect of the Moira , No . 109 ; the M . E . Z . for the second year of tlie Grove , ISO . odo—a Chapter which at onetime most popular , fell into difficulties , and had almost ceased to exist , when it was