Article THE MASONIC MIRROR. Page 1 of 9 →
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The Masonic Mirror.
^ - —__ MASONIC 31 EMS . Buo . DANIKI . HAIIT , of Trinidad , has been appointed Prov . Grand Master i ' oi Trinidad , Grenada , and . St . Vincent .
Tin ; . St . John ' s Lodge of Instruction ( Xo . 190 ' ) will celebrate its sixth anni versary at the Holly Bush Tavern , Hampstead , on Thursday , ltith June .
GRAND LODGE . BUSINESS TO BE TRANSACTKD ON WEDNESDAY , 1 ST JUNE , 1 S 50 . Xominatiou of four scrutineers . Hoction of members for the Board of General Purposes . Kleetion of members for the Colonial Board .
Election of members to be , ou the Committee of . Management for tbe Royal Bene volcnt Institution for Aged Freemasons and their Widows . 3 Iinut . es of the Quarterly Communication of 2 nd March aud of the Grand Festival oi 27 th April , for confirmation . The M . YV . flrand Mttster will ky before (" . ' rand Lodge the result of the communications which havo taken place between himself and the Grand Lodge of Canada , lieport of the Board of General 'Purposes of 10 th FcbruaYy , 1 S 5 II .
Keport of tlie Colonial Board of tho 15 th February , 1859 . Iteport of the Board of Benevolence for the last Quarter , in which are recommendations for grants to—The Widow of Bro . Thomas Hand , of Lodge Xo . 317 , Iticbmond , Surrey £ : i ( l Tho Yv'idow of Bro . David Freeman , of Lodge Xo . G 30 , Croydon 50 Bro . "William Bush , of Lodge Xo . 28-1 , London 50 Bro . James-B . Xewcombe , of Lodge Xo . 10 , London .... 30
1 UT 01 IT 01 ' THE DOAW ) OP GKNER . U , ITIU'OSES . To the United Grand Lodgo of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons of Kngland . The Board of General Purposes beg to report that they have received and adjudicated upon the following complaints , vis ; .: — I . From the Lodge of Benevolence against the Lodgo of Antiquity , Xo . 170 , at Bolton , for having certified to tho petition of a brother for relief , that ho had been
ii regular contributing member for the space of thirty-two years , whereas the Grand Lodge dues had been paid for only twelve and a half years . The warrant and minute books having been laid before tho Board , it appeared upon explanation Irom tho Worshipful Master , ami from an examination of the books , that iu tlie statement made by the Lodge , thoy had included the period during which the ¦ petitioning brother had been a member of another Lodge in Bolton . It appeared , however , that Grand Lodge dues had been received for two years , which had not
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Masonic Mirror.
^ - —__ MASONIC 31 EMS . Buo . DANIKI . HAIIT , of Trinidad , has been appointed Prov . Grand Master i ' oi Trinidad , Grenada , and . St . Vincent .
Tin ; . St . John ' s Lodge of Instruction ( Xo . 190 ' ) will celebrate its sixth anni versary at the Holly Bush Tavern , Hampstead , on Thursday , ltith June .
GRAND LODGE . BUSINESS TO BE TRANSACTKD ON WEDNESDAY , 1 ST JUNE , 1 S 50 . Xominatiou of four scrutineers . Hoction of members for the Board of General Purposes . Kleetion of members for the Colonial Board .
Election of members to be , ou the Committee of . Management for tbe Royal Bene volcnt Institution for Aged Freemasons and their Widows . 3 Iinut . es of the Quarterly Communication of 2 nd March aud of the Grand Festival oi 27 th April , for confirmation . The M . YV . flrand Mttster will ky before (" . ' rand Lodge the result of the communications which havo taken place between himself and the Grand Lodge of Canada , lieport of the Board of General 'Purposes of 10 th FcbruaYy , 1 S 5 II .
Keport of tlie Colonial Board of tho 15 th February , 1859 . Iteport of the Board of Benevolence for the last Quarter , in which are recommendations for grants to—The Widow of Bro . Thomas Hand , of Lodge Xo . 317 , Iticbmond , Surrey £ : i ( l Tho Yv'idow of Bro . David Freeman , of Lodge Xo . G 30 , Croydon 50 Bro . "William Bush , of Lodge Xo . 28-1 , London 50 Bro . James-B . Xewcombe , of Lodge Xo . 10 , London .... 30
1 UT 01 IT 01 ' THE DOAW ) OP GKNER . U , ITIU'OSES . To the United Grand Lodgo of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons of Kngland . The Board of General Purposes beg to report that they have received and adjudicated upon the following complaints , vis ; .: — I . From the Lodge of Benevolence against the Lodgo of Antiquity , Xo . 170 , at Bolton , for having certified to tho petition of a brother for relief , that ho had been
ii regular contributing member for the space of thirty-two years , whereas the Grand Lodge dues had been paid for only twelve and a half years . The warrant and minute books having been laid before tho Board , it appeared upon explanation Irom tho Worshipful Master , ami from an examination of the books , that iu tlie statement made by the Lodge , thoy had included the period during which the ¦ petitioning brother had been a member of another Lodge in Bolton . It appeared , however , that Grand Lodge dues had been received for two years , which had not