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The Grand Registrar And Party Tactics.
innately happens , that though regularly having the Saturday edition of the Era , I do not sec the Sunday's edition , and the article did not , therefore , come under my notice until Thursday , or I should have felt it my duty to call attention to it in the Freemasons' Magazine published on AVednesday last , It is true that there was a meeting at Bro . Roxburgh's , and it is true I was present , but it is not true that Bro . Roxburgh stated he had called
the meeting , cither at the request of Bro . Havers , or of any other brother ; neither is it true that the meeting deputed to Bros . Roxburgh and Havers the preparing of a list of candidates for the Board of General Purposes . The meeting nominated a list of sixteen or seventeen candidates , certainly , leaving it to Bro . Roxburgh to reduce it to fourteen , so that there should not be any particular predominating interest upon it ( whilst the law will not allow two to serve from the same Lodge ) , and there never was the sli ghtest allusion to the Observer , or any other party . Who may have been subsequently consulted with regard to the reduction of the list , I am not prepared to say , but I freely admit that I for one have been so consulted ,
and 1 believe the list , as now arranged , will be as popular as any ever submitted to Grand Lodge . What Bro . Roxburgh particularly impressed on the brethren at the meeting ivas this , that the time for exclusiveness and secrecy in the proceedings or elections of Grand Lodge had passed ; and lie called upon the brethren duly to consider all the business to be brought before Grand Lodge prior to the meetings ; to take their fair share in the business ; and so render the decisions come to by Grand Lodge and its
Boards what they ought to be—the reflex of the opinions of the large mass of the brethren . " Before concluding , I may add that I am informed that at the Board of Masters , on Wednesday last , eight actual Masters of Lodges were put iu nomination , of whom seven must , and the whole eight may , be elected ; whilst forty-six Past Masters were also nominated , of whom seven only can be elected . Of these Past Mastersfour or five were ou the Board last
, year , and in all probability the majority of that number will be on it next year . "Claiming , as an old contributor to your columns , insertion for this letter , I have the pleasure to remain , yours fraternally , " HENRY G . WARREX . "Freemasons' Magazine Office , 2 , Red Lion . Court , ( E . C ) , " May ' mth , 1859 . "
With regard to the mixing up of Bro . Havcrs ' s name with the meeting , nothing could be more mendacious and uncalled for ; it can only have been introduced for the purpose of gratify ing a personal animosity which is well known to exist towards him on the part of one or two of our would be leaders . The advertisement to whicli we have
alluded goes on to say;—" Will the unbiassed , reflecting portion of the members of Grand Lodge thus bow the knee at the dictation of those who at once seek to trample upon the prerogative of the Grand Master , and to annihilate the liberties of the representatives of the Masons of England !" We are sure they will not ; and that , therefore , this attempt of the
" Observer faction" will meet with , as it deserves , the most signal reprobation and condemnation by Grand Lodge . Trusting that the brethren will reply to the invitation of the
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Grand Registrar And Party Tactics.
innately happens , that though regularly having the Saturday edition of the Era , I do not sec the Sunday's edition , and the article did not , therefore , come under my notice until Thursday , or I should have felt it my duty to call attention to it in the Freemasons' Magazine published on AVednesday last , It is true that there was a meeting at Bro . Roxburgh's , and it is true I was present , but it is not true that Bro . Roxburgh stated he had called
the meeting , cither at the request of Bro . Havers , or of any other brother ; neither is it true that the meeting deputed to Bros . Roxburgh and Havers the preparing of a list of candidates for the Board of General Purposes . The meeting nominated a list of sixteen or seventeen candidates , certainly , leaving it to Bro . Roxburgh to reduce it to fourteen , so that there should not be any particular predominating interest upon it ( whilst the law will not allow two to serve from the same Lodge ) , and there never was the sli ghtest allusion to the Observer , or any other party . Who may have been subsequently consulted with regard to the reduction of the list , I am not prepared to say , but I freely admit that I for one have been so consulted ,
and 1 believe the list , as now arranged , will be as popular as any ever submitted to Grand Lodge . What Bro . Roxburgh particularly impressed on the brethren at the meeting ivas this , that the time for exclusiveness and secrecy in the proceedings or elections of Grand Lodge had passed ; and lie called upon the brethren duly to consider all the business to be brought before Grand Lodge prior to the meetings ; to take their fair share in the business ; and so render the decisions come to by Grand Lodge and its
Boards what they ought to be—the reflex of the opinions of the large mass of the brethren . " Before concluding , I may add that I am informed that at the Board of Masters , on Wednesday last , eight actual Masters of Lodges were put iu nomination , of whom seven must , and the whole eight may , be elected ; whilst forty-six Past Masters were also nominated , of whom seven only can be elected . Of these Past Mastersfour or five were ou the Board last
, year , and in all probability the majority of that number will be on it next year . "Claiming , as an old contributor to your columns , insertion for this letter , I have the pleasure to remain , yours fraternally , " HENRY G . WARREX . "Freemasons' Magazine Office , 2 , Red Lion . Court , ( E . C ) , " May ' mth , 1859 . "
With regard to the mixing up of Bro . Havcrs ' s name with the meeting , nothing could be more mendacious and uncalled for ; it can only have been introduced for the purpose of gratify ing a personal animosity which is well known to exist towards him on the part of one or two of our would be leaders . The advertisement to whicli we have
alluded goes on to say;—" Will the unbiassed , reflecting portion of the members of Grand Lodge thus bow the knee at the dictation of those who at once seek to trample upon the prerogative of the Grand Master , and to annihilate the liberties of the representatives of the Masons of England !" We are sure they will not ; and that , therefore , this attempt of the
" Observer faction" will meet with , as it deserves , the most signal reprobation and condemnation by Grand Lodge . Trusting that the brethren will reply to the invitation of the