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The Grand Registrar And Party Tactics.
on Thursday , the 12 th inst . I beg , through the same medium , to deotae that the statement contained in that paragraph is a wicked fabrication as to everything but the fact that a meeting was held . " Your obedient servant , "Lincoln ' s Inn , May 19 / 7 / , 1859 . . FHANCIS ROXBURGH , " "Mr . Editor . Sir—I find that in your town edition of last publication
, , you have mentioned mo as being present at a meeting held at Bro . Roxburgh ' s office , on Thursday , the 12 th inst . Your correspondent is entirely at fault in this assertion , and I therefore beg that you will contradict it in your next number . I was not at the meeting , and am in total ignorance o ( the object of it . " I remain , Sir , yours , & c , " R . WARNER WHEELER , P . M ., 27 and 324 . "
Wo reiterate with Bro . Roxburgh that the whole of the statements put forward by the correspondent of the Era were " wicked fabrications . " It is not for us to state what arc the views and feelings of Bros . Wilson , Savage , and Smith ; no doubt they will themselves do so in due time—when we shall be much mistaken if they , be found in accordance with the interpretation attempted to be put upon them ,
excepting so far as this—their whole course in Grand Lodge has shown , and wc trust ever will show , that thoy are " not willing to sacrifice all their independence and the Craft to party purposes . " There is one brother named as being present at the meeting , relative to whom , from his known connexion with the Freemasons '
Magazine , we may be allowed to say a few words . Were Bro . Warren to show himself an unscrupulous partisan either on one side or tho other in matters affecting tho interests of the Craft , he would no longer be worthy of the confidence which he is proud to believe he
enjoys ; and he would as readily attend a meeting convened by the "Observer party" as by Bro . Roxburgh , without in any way pledging himself to the opinions promulgated at either . Indeed he was one of tho first to respond to the advertisement calling upon the brethren to join the Grand Lodge Club , offering himself as a member—and not onl y
was he not received , but we have reason to believe that the ori ginal promoters , Bros . Portal , Whitmore , and Binckes , never even communicated his application to the members . We shall not enter into any lengthened statement as to the part which Bro . Warren has taken in the matter , but allow him to speak in his own name through a letter
addressed by him " TO THE EDITOR OE THE ERA . ff " Dear Sir and Brother , —You published , in your paper of Sunday last , a statement from a correspondent relative to a meeting at Bro . Roxburgh's ( in ivhich my name is used as being present ) , which is so opposed to the truth that I feel bound to ask you to allow me to contradict it . It unfor-
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Grand Registrar And Party Tactics.
on Thursday , the 12 th inst . I beg , through the same medium , to deotae that the statement contained in that paragraph is a wicked fabrication as to everything but the fact that a meeting was held . " Your obedient servant , "Lincoln ' s Inn , May 19 / 7 / , 1859 . . FHANCIS ROXBURGH , " "Mr . Editor . Sir—I find that in your town edition of last publication
, , you have mentioned mo as being present at a meeting held at Bro . Roxburgh ' s office , on Thursday , the 12 th inst . Your correspondent is entirely at fault in this assertion , and I therefore beg that you will contradict it in your next number . I was not at the meeting , and am in total ignorance o ( the object of it . " I remain , Sir , yours , & c , " R . WARNER WHEELER , P . M ., 27 and 324 . "
Wo reiterate with Bro . Roxburgh that the whole of the statements put forward by the correspondent of the Era were " wicked fabrications . " It is not for us to state what arc the views and feelings of Bros . Wilson , Savage , and Smith ; no doubt they will themselves do so in due time—when we shall be much mistaken if they , be found in accordance with the interpretation attempted to be put upon them ,
excepting so far as this—their whole course in Grand Lodge has shown , and wc trust ever will show , that thoy are " not willing to sacrifice all their independence and the Craft to party purposes . " There is one brother named as being present at the meeting , relative to whom , from his known connexion with the Freemasons '
Magazine , we may be allowed to say a few words . Were Bro . Warren to show himself an unscrupulous partisan either on one side or tho other in matters affecting tho interests of the Craft , he would no longer be worthy of the confidence which he is proud to believe he
enjoys ; and he would as readily attend a meeting convened by the "Observer party" as by Bro . Roxburgh , without in any way pledging himself to the opinions promulgated at either . Indeed he was one of tho first to respond to the advertisement calling upon the brethren to join the Grand Lodge Club , offering himself as a member—and not onl y
was he not received , but we have reason to believe that the ori ginal promoters , Bros . Portal , Whitmore , and Binckes , never even communicated his application to the members . We shall not enter into any lengthened statement as to the part which Bro . Warren has taken in the matter , but allow him to speak in his own name through a letter
addressed by him " TO THE EDITOR OE THE ERA . ff " Dear Sir and Brother , —You published , in your paper of Sunday last , a statement from a correspondent relative to a meeting at Bro . Roxburgh's ( in ivhich my name is used as being present ) , which is so opposed to the truth that I feel bound to ask you to allow me to contradict it . It unfor-