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The Week.
Ducde'Grammqnt has loft for Genoa , having been summoned by the Emperor Napoleon . Austria has recognized the neutrality of the States of the Church , but affairs at Ancona are iu an unsettled and precarious state The death of the King of Naples'is announced to have taken place at Naples on Sunday at half-past one p . m A note is said to have been sent by Piedmont , in reply to the circular by which the Neapolitan government proclaims its neutrality . The cabinet of Turin seeks to establish that Naples can no longer enjoy the benefit of neutrality , as that
power has giveu its implicit adhesion to the policy of Austria . Some of the Madrid papers mention that the English are repairing and strengthening the fortificatious at Gibraltar , and arming batteries ; also that troops , heavy guns , and largo stores are being collected there . It has been observed with great satisfaction , in the uorth of Europe , that military works have been commenced by England on the island of Heligoland . Sweden has announced its intention of remaining neutral in the imminent conflict . From AVashiugton we learn that Seuor Maite had an interview with the Secretary of State with reference to Mexican affairs . He
entertains no doubt of the triumphant success of the Liberal party . It is intimated iu the American papers that Air . Cobden , during his late stay at the AVhite-house , availed himself of tho opportunity to sound the President on the subject of a moral interposition of the Unitefl States in the present tangled and menacing affairs of Europe . It is certain , say these journals , that English statesmen are greatly alarmed , and tho wisest are unable to see to what terrible issues the present complications are to load . Utah affairs still occupy the attention of governmentbut the Mormon
, imbroglio bids fair to be speedily and permanently settled . Judge Crabbolbough has not , as reported , been removed , although the probability is that he will be so , From Cincinnati , ive hear that the steamer Jacob Taylor , in attempting to near the ivhavf , struck a pile of pig iron which bad been covered by the late rise in the river , and sank in ten feet of water ; she afterwards took fire , and will probably prove a total loss . The British and French representatives at AA ' ashington have repudiated the conduct of the British and French representatives in Mexico in opposing the Juarez
government . -An attempt to land a smaU filibustering expedition on the shores of Cuba has failed . Tho small boats in ivhich the filibusters sought to reach tho shore were swamped , and all the munitions were lost . The Bombay mail of April 26 th has arrived , and brings particulars of the execution of Tantia Topee , whoso capture only preceded his trial and death by a few days . On . the loth ult ., he was brought to court-martial . The charges upon which he was arraigned were confined to rebellion and opposing tho British government by force of arms . The court did not long deliberate ; and it soon became known that he was to perish on the
scaffold . Ou the evening of the ISth ult . he was hanged . The celebrated mandarin , Yeh , died in Calcutta , on the evening of the 9 th instant , of a sudden collapse . A sad event occurred in the Bay of Biscay on the lflth ; admiral Thornton , one of the directors of the Peninsular and Oriental Steam Company , had been out to Alexandria in the Ripon for a trip . The gallant admiral appeared to be in his usual health and spirits , and was pacing the deck on Monday ; suddenly he was missed , and there is little doubt of his having fallen overboard ; tho body was not seen afterwards . Comet A . J . Bouvko Fellowesof the 1 st Dragoon Guardsat
, , Canterbury , was subject to certain unpleasant visits of the sheriff's officer , which he had not the courage to meet ; he took a carbine and shot himself through the head . A dreadful murder was committed at Ledbury , in Herefordshire , last week . The offices of Air . Masefield , solicitor , were broken into and robbed , and the housekeeper , a woman of fifty years of age , was found in the morning dead . It was evident that she had been strangled ; in addition to which her clothes had been sot fire to , and the body and tbe floor of tho room were half consumed . No trace of the guilty persons has been discovered . John Groves wzis charged at
the Mansion House with forging and uttering a letter of advice for £ 1000 , to defraud the National Provincial Bank , Peterborough . The prisoner , who is but a lad of seventeen , was transformed into a person of apparently mature years by the application of a hirsute covering to the face , of which he had been shorn at one fell swoop by the detective who took him into custody . Another minor charge was also brought against him , on which , for want of complete evidence , he was remanded , but committed for trial on the first and principal charge ,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Week.
Ducde'Grammqnt has loft for Genoa , having been summoned by the Emperor Napoleon . Austria has recognized the neutrality of the States of the Church , but affairs at Ancona are iu an unsettled and precarious state The death of the King of Naples'is announced to have taken place at Naples on Sunday at half-past one p . m A note is said to have been sent by Piedmont , in reply to the circular by which the Neapolitan government proclaims its neutrality . The cabinet of Turin seeks to establish that Naples can no longer enjoy the benefit of neutrality , as that
power has giveu its implicit adhesion to the policy of Austria . Some of the Madrid papers mention that the English are repairing and strengthening the fortificatious at Gibraltar , and arming batteries ; also that troops , heavy guns , and largo stores are being collected there . It has been observed with great satisfaction , in the uorth of Europe , that military works have been commenced by England on the island of Heligoland . Sweden has announced its intention of remaining neutral in the imminent conflict . From AVashiugton we learn that Seuor Maite had an interview with the Secretary of State with reference to Mexican affairs . He
entertains no doubt of the triumphant success of the Liberal party . It is intimated iu the American papers that Air . Cobden , during his late stay at the AVhite-house , availed himself of tho opportunity to sound the President on the subject of a moral interposition of the Unitefl States in the present tangled and menacing affairs of Europe . It is certain , say these journals , that English statesmen are greatly alarmed , and tho wisest are unable to see to what terrible issues the present complications are to load . Utah affairs still occupy the attention of governmentbut the Mormon
, imbroglio bids fair to be speedily and permanently settled . Judge Crabbolbough has not , as reported , been removed , although the probability is that he will be so , From Cincinnati , ive hear that the steamer Jacob Taylor , in attempting to near the ivhavf , struck a pile of pig iron which bad been covered by the late rise in the river , and sank in ten feet of water ; she afterwards took fire , and will probably prove a total loss . The British and French representatives at AA ' ashington have repudiated the conduct of the British and French representatives in Mexico in opposing the Juarez
government . -An attempt to land a smaU filibustering expedition on the shores of Cuba has failed . Tho small boats in ivhich the filibusters sought to reach tho shore were swamped , and all the munitions were lost . The Bombay mail of April 26 th has arrived , and brings particulars of the execution of Tantia Topee , whoso capture only preceded his trial and death by a few days . On . the loth ult ., he was brought to court-martial . The charges upon which he was arraigned were confined to rebellion and opposing tho British government by force of arms . The court did not long deliberate ; and it soon became known that he was to perish on the
scaffold . Ou the evening of the ISth ult . he was hanged . The celebrated mandarin , Yeh , died in Calcutta , on the evening of the 9 th instant , of a sudden collapse . A sad event occurred in the Bay of Biscay on the lflth ; admiral Thornton , one of the directors of the Peninsular and Oriental Steam Company , had been out to Alexandria in the Ripon for a trip . The gallant admiral appeared to be in his usual health and spirits , and was pacing the deck on Monday ; suddenly he was missed , and there is little doubt of his having fallen overboard ; tho body was not seen afterwards . Comet A . J . Bouvko Fellowesof the 1 st Dragoon Guardsat
, , Canterbury , was subject to certain unpleasant visits of the sheriff's officer , which he had not the courage to meet ; he took a carbine and shot himself through the head . A dreadful murder was committed at Ledbury , in Herefordshire , last week . The offices of Air . Masefield , solicitor , were broken into and robbed , and the housekeeper , a woman of fifty years of age , was found in the morning dead . It was evident that she had been strangled ; in addition to which her clothes had been sot fire to , and the body and tbe floor of tho room were half consumed . No trace of the guilty persons has been discovered . John Groves wzis charged at
the Mansion House with forging and uttering a letter of advice for £ 1000 , to defraud the National Provincial Bank , Peterborough . The prisoner , who is but a lad of seventeen , was transformed into a person of apparently mature years by the application of a hirsute covering to the face , of which he had been shorn at one fell swoop by the detective who took him into custody . Another minor charge was also brought against him , on which , for want of complete evidence , he was remanded , but committed for trial on the first and principal charge ,