Article THE MASONIC MIRROR. ← Page 6 of 9 →
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The Masonic Mirror.
WIDOWS' FUND . United Grand Lodge ' ¦ ' 300 0 0 Supreme Grand Chapter . . : oO « » Dividends on Stock . . . : . 103 10 . 0 -loo 10 0 XI 100 0 0
" -Vfter tho election last year , there were forty-six male annuitants , of whom six have died ; and the committee now recommend the election ot twenty-six , which will make the number sixty-two . ¦ ¦ » -Vfter the same election , there were twenty-five widows , two of whom have since diet !; and the coinmittee now recommend the election ot six , winch will make their number twenty-nine . Of the male annuitants now living—13 are of London Lodges , receiving £ ™ 0 0 per annum . 27 are of country Lodges , receiving wo U U „
£ 850 _ 0 0 „ Of the Widows- _ _ ,.,,-,,,-, 12 are of London Lodges , receiving * . 21 o 0 U 11 are of country Lodges , receiving 200 °°, Of widows receiving one half of the amount of annuities enjoyed by the deceased husbands , there
are—1 of a London Lodgo - „ 2 of country Lodges 2 : ) °". „ () 0 ( Hi annuitants , at present receiving £ 1 . 333 10 0 ' ., "The Asylum building is in perfect substantial repair , but it will be necessary to iron workaud also to whitewash and paint a -
paint all the outside wood and , por tion of the interior . . it ,,, ! .-,, « The committee have the pleasing duty to state , that the Stewards m . lie i ., eunial meeting having a balance of £ 12 , after settling all their accouns handed the same to Bro . Farnfield , the Secretary of the Institution , to be expended m tne purchase of coals , to be given to the inmates or the Asym . n ; raid the „ raiid the 1858 having balance of £ 28 Us gave ± 10 ljto . to U . e
Stewards of year a fund for Male Annuitants ; £ 10 10 * . to the Widows' Fund ; and . t , Ife . for the purchase of coals for the inmates of the Asylum . " The following Statement of Accounts was then read : - MALE ANNUITANTS . Balance , 31 st March , 1858 : ^\{ Jj < , Subsequent Receipts -. tioi-i
-Disbursements « 184 10 1 3 , 000 2 8 Purchase of £ 1 , 250 , 3 per Cents .... 1 , 200 lo 0 _ 2 , -jfco ' ¦ > I £ 071 17 7 rou WIDOW ANNUITANTS . Balance , 31 st March , 1858 t' 327 10 5 40 li b
Subsequent llccoipts J- ) 3 ' £ 1 , 077 8 1 Disbursements . , . . . X 3 G 5 14 9 Purchase of £ 850 , 3 per Cents 810 2 0 l , oSl 17 ¦ ¦> Balance on this Account .... 295 10 10
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Masonic Mirror.
WIDOWS' FUND . United Grand Lodge ' ¦ ' 300 0 0 Supreme Grand Chapter . . : oO « » Dividends on Stock . . . : . 103 10 . 0 -loo 10 0 XI 100 0 0
" -Vfter tho election last year , there were forty-six male annuitants , of whom six have died ; and the committee now recommend the election ot twenty-six , which will make the number sixty-two . ¦ ¦ » -Vfter the same election , there were twenty-five widows , two of whom have since diet !; and the coinmittee now recommend the election ot six , winch will make their number twenty-nine . Of the male annuitants now living—13 are of London Lodges , receiving £ ™ 0 0 per annum . 27 are of country Lodges , receiving wo U U „
£ 850 _ 0 0 „ Of the Widows- _ _ ,.,,-,,,-, 12 are of London Lodges , receiving * . 21 o 0 U 11 are of country Lodges , receiving 200 °°, Of widows receiving one half of the amount of annuities enjoyed by the deceased husbands , there
are—1 of a London Lodgo - „ 2 of country Lodges 2 : ) °". „ () 0 ( Hi annuitants , at present receiving £ 1 . 333 10 0 ' ., "The Asylum building is in perfect substantial repair , but it will be necessary to iron workaud also to whitewash and paint a -
paint all the outside wood and , por tion of the interior . . it ,,, ! .-,, « The committee have the pleasing duty to state , that the Stewards m . lie i ., eunial meeting having a balance of £ 12 , after settling all their accouns handed the same to Bro . Farnfield , the Secretary of the Institution , to be expended m tne purchase of coals , to be given to the inmates or the Asym . n ; raid the „ raiid the 1858 having balance of £ 28 Us gave ± 10 ljto . to U . e
Stewards of year a fund for Male Annuitants ; £ 10 10 * . to the Widows' Fund ; and . t , Ife . for the purchase of coals for the inmates of the Asylum . " The following Statement of Accounts was then read : - MALE ANNUITANTS . Balance , 31 st March , 1858 : ^\{ Jj < , Subsequent Receipts -. tioi-i
-Disbursements « 184 10 1 3 , 000 2 8 Purchase of £ 1 , 250 , 3 per Cents .... 1 , 200 lo 0 _ 2 , -jfco ' ¦ > I £ 071 17 7 rou WIDOW ANNUITANTS . Balance , 31 st March , 1858 t' 327 10 5 40 li b
Subsequent llccoipts J- ) 3 ' £ 1 , 077 8 1 Disbursements . , . . . X 3 G 5 14 9 Purchase of £ 850 , 3 per Cents 810 2 0 l , oSl 17 ¦ ¦> Balance on this Account .... 295 10 10