Article THE MASONIC MIRROR. ← Page 2 of 9 →
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The Masonic Mirror.
boon paid . Tho Board , therefore , directed the Lodge to pay the arrears duo to tho Grand Lodge , aud to be fined one guinea : which arrears and fine have been paid . -J . From Bros . It . E . Peach , Pro . S . G . W ., Somersetshire , and Thomas Cave , P . M ., Xo . -11 . 2 , at Yeovil , against Edwin Kdivards , W . M ., of tbe same Lodge , for certain irregularities alleged to have occurred hi balloting for a brother
proposed for election as a . joining member of the Lodge .. The warrant aud books were produced , and two brethren of the Lodgo attended on behalf of the AVorshipful . Master . It appeared , upon investigation , that a question had arisen , whether the brother proposed was not in aiTcar to the Lodge for dues said to be payable from the year 183-1 to 1838—that on the 16 th February , on a ballot being taken , there appeared three black balls against the candidate—that the Worshipful Master directed a second ballot to be taken , aud there again appeared three black balls
against the candidate : tbat upon its being observed that the subscriptions of some of the members who had voted were . in arrcar ,- and that consequently , under a bylaw of the Lodge , such members were disqualified from voting , tlie Worshipful Master declared the ballot to bo nutt and void , and expressed his determination to postpone it til ! the next meeting . It further appeared , that no mention is made in tho minutes of the Kith February of shell ballot laving been taken , and tbat at tho next meeting of the Lod on tho 10 th Marchtho candidate was balloted for
ge , , without notice having been inserted iu the summons ,, and was elected . It also appeared that on the 13 th April ( but after proceedings in the way of complaint had been commenced ) , the Lodge refused to confirm the election made at tho preceding meeting . The Board did not think it necessary to express an opinion on the question of arrears , inasmuch as a motion "that the brother in question be not considered in arrear , " lias been duly carried and confirmed by the Lodge . The Board declared the proceedings to be highly irregular , that it was the duty of the
Worshipful Master to enforce obedience to the laws , that having permitted a second ballot to be taken , he v ; as not justified in declaring ifc void upon the grounds stated , ancl that the candidate must be considered as having been rejected ou the 16 th February . That it was contrary to the law ( page 81 , section 1 , of Constitutions , ) to ballot for a candidate without due notice having been inserted in the summons , and that there was further groat irregularity ill not causing to be entered on the minutes a faithful record of the transactions oi . tiie Lodge . Tbo Board therefore severelreprimanded the Worshiful Masterand admonished him to be move
y p , careful for the future , aud directed the resolution embodying such reprimand to be read iu open Lodge and recorded on the minutes . Tlie Board also report that , taking into consideration that tlie duties of the Grand Pursuivant have so much increased as to vender tlie efficient performance of them almost impracticable , they are of opinion that it is desirable to appoint an Assistant Grand Pursuivant , and they therefore recommend to Grand Lodge , ' That the office of Assistant Grand Pursuivant be created , and that the brother
appointed to that office shall assist the Grand Pursuivant iu his duties , and shall , during his tenure of office , wear the clothing of a Grand Officer , and take precedence immediately after the Past Grand Pursuivants . " The Board further report that application has been made to till Lodges in England which have not made returns to Grand Lodge up to December , 1855 , to make such returns forthwith , and that ample time lias been afforded to them for that or to offer lanations whsuch returns have not been made . In
purpose , exp y the majority of eases the directions of the Board have been complied with , in others sufficient reasons havo been advanced as iu the opinion of the Board to justify further time being granted . The Board , after full investigation , recommend that the following Lodges be summoned to tho next meeting of Grand Lodge to show cause why they shall not be erased from tho books of Grand Lodgo , viz .:
—JJ 0 I Bate ol last IleUirn , IU . Lodge of Concord , London December , 18-19 , ( ii . Howard Lodgo of Brotherly Love , Arundel . March , 18 : 10 . l-W . Derbyshire Lodge , Longnor , Staffordshire . June , 1853 .
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The Masonic Mirror.
boon paid . Tho Board , therefore , directed the Lodge to pay the arrears duo to tho Grand Lodge , aud to be fined one guinea : which arrears and fine have been paid . -J . From Bros . It . E . Peach , Pro . S . G . W ., Somersetshire , and Thomas Cave , P . M ., Xo . -11 . 2 , at Yeovil , against Edwin Kdivards , W . M ., of tbe same Lodge , for certain irregularities alleged to have occurred hi balloting for a brother
proposed for election as a . joining member of the Lodge .. The warrant aud books were produced , and two brethren of the Lodgo attended on behalf of the AVorshipful . Master . It appeared , upon investigation , that a question had arisen , whether the brother proposed was not in aiTcar to the Lodge for dues said to be payable from the year 183-1 to 1838—that on the 16 th February , on a ballot being taken , there appeared three black balls against the candidate—that the Worshipful Master directed a second ballot to be taken , aud there again appeared three black balls
against the candidate : tbat upon its being observed that the subscriptions of some of the members who had voted were . in arrcar ,- and that consequently , under a bylaw of the Lodge , such members were disqualified from voting , tlie Worshipful Master declared the ballot to bo nutt and void , and expressed his determination to postpone it til ! the next meeting . It further appeared , that no mention is made in tho minutes of the Kith February of shell ballot laving been taken , and tbat at tho next meeting of the Lod on tho 10 th Marchtho candidate was balloted for
ge , , without notice having been inserted iu the summons ,, and was elected . It also appeared that on the 13 th April ( but after proceedings in the way of complaint had been commenced ) , the Lodge refused to confirm the election made at tho preceding meeting . The Board did not think it necessary to express an opinion on the question of arrears , inasmuch as a motion "that the brother in question be not considered in arrear , " lias been duly carried and confirmed by the Lodge . The Board declared the proceedings to be highly irregular , that it was the duty of the
Worshipful Master to enforce obedience to the laws , that having permitted a second ballot to be taken , he v ; as not justified in declaring ifc void upon the grounds stated , ancl that the candidate must be considered as having been rejected ou the 16 th February . That it was contrary to the law ( page 81 , section 1 , of Constitutions , ) to ballot for a candidate without due notice having been inserted in the summons , and that there was further groat irregularity ill not causing to be entered on the minutes a faithful record of the transactions oi . tiie Lodge . Tbo Board therefore severelreprimanded the Worshiful Masterand admonished him to be move
y p , careful for the future , aud directed the resolution embodying such reprimand to be read iu open Lodge and recorded on the minutes . Tlie Board also report that , taking into consideration that tlie duties of the Grand Pursuivant have so much increased as to vender tlie efficient performance of them almost impracticable , they are of opinion that it is desirable to appoint an Assistant Grand Pursuivant , and they therefore recommend to Grand Lodge , ' That the office of Assistant Grand Pursuivant be created , and that the brother
appointed to that office shall assist the Grand Pursuivant iu his duties , and shall , during his tenure of office , wear the clothing of a Grand Officer , and take precedence immediately after the Past Grand Pursuivants . " The Board further report that application has been made to till Lodges in England which have not made returns to Grand Lodge up to December , 1855 , to make such returns forthwith , and that ample time lias been afforded to them for that or to offer lanations whsuch returns have not been made . In
purpose , exp y the majority of eases the directions of the Board have been complied with , in others sufficient reasons havo been advanced as iu the opinion of the Board to justify further time being granted . The Board , after full investigation , recommend that the following Lodges be summoned to tho next meeting of Grand Lodge to show cause why they shall not be erased from tho books of Grand Lodgo , viz .:
—JJ 0 I Bate ol last IleUirn , IU . Lodge of Concord , London December , 18-19 , ( ii . Howard Lodgo of Brotherly Love , Arundel . March , 18 : 10 . l-W . Derbyshire Lodge , Longnor , Staffordshire . June , 1853 .