Article OXFORDSHIRE. ← Page 5 of 6 →
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had proposed the last toast . He was sure there was no individual in the Lodge who did not feel delighted at having the opportunity of receiving the Provincial Grand Master ; and if they had in any way contributed to the happiness of tho brethren they were amply repaid for anything they had done . ( Cheers . ) The Right AVorshipful Provincial G rand Alaster then gave " The health of Colonel Bui'lton , Past Provincial Grand Master for Bengal ; a gallant soldier and most excellent Mason . "
Bro . Col . Btirlton expressed his obligations for the very unexpected compliment paid him , though he regretted that there was no other Provincial Grand Master present . He could assure them that it was scarcely pleasant to hear his name associated with Bengal , as no doubt their minds ivould at ouce revert to Bengal tigers , aud , what was worse and more treacherous , Bengal sepoys—those men whom for forty years of his life ho iiad encouraged and assisted , had caused him tho deepest sorrow of his existence . Nothing relieved that sorrow but the thought of what the British soldiers had since done ; and he felt pride in belonging to an
army which had done so much to avenge the sufferings inflicted on defenceless women and children . ( Applause . ) The Provincial Grand Alaster then gave "Thehealths ' of the Visitors , " ivhich ivas severally acknowledged by lira . Gibson , D . Prov . G . M . for Berks and Bucks ; Bro . Vigne , D . Prov . G . AL for Somersetshire ; and Bro . Lines , G . D . C . for Notts and Huntingdonshire ; all of whom expressed their gratification at the proceedings of the day , and the harmonious feeling evidently existing in the province . "Prosperity to the other Lodges iu the Province" was then drunkand
acknow-, ledged by Bros . Belcher and Codriugtoii , The concluding toast was then given , and the company separated , tho pleasures of the evening having been much enhanced by the exertions of Bros . Hansford , P . G . Organist , AV . Hansford , Holmes , and Young , who were specially engaged for the occasion ; and Bro . Plowman , P . Prov . G . S . B .
SHROPSHIRE . AproiNTMi ! NT . — £ o i / e . —Friday , June 3 rd , St . John ' s ( S 75 ) , Ball's Head , Wellington , at i , SOMERSETSHIRE . Arrotxiitr . NIS . — hjih / es . —Thursday , . Tunc 2 nd , Royal Cumberland ( IS ) , Masonic IL'iU , Bath , at 8 ; Benevolent ( 053 ) , ' Town Hail , Wells , at 7 . STAFFORDSHIRE . AITOINTMEXTS . —/ . ot / r / ra —Thursday , Juno 2 nd , St . Peter ' s ( 80 " ) , Star ant ! Garter , Wolverhampton , at 7 ; Portland ( 020 ) , Town Hall , Stoke-upon-Trent , at 7 .
SUFFOLK . ArroixIJiHNTS . —Lodges . —Wednesday , Junelsl , Doric ( 0 ( 1 ) , Private lioonis , AVoodbridgo , at 7 . Chufiter . —Wednesday , 1 st , Hoyal Sussex of Perfect Friendship ( 522 ) , White Horse , Ipswich , at ? . SUSSEX . ArroiNTUEXT . —/ . o < ty . —Wednesday , Juno 1 st , South Saxon ( 300 ) , Freemasons' Itali . BHIGHTOX . —Royal Clarence Lodge ( No . 338 ) . —This Lodge held its regular
monthly meeting , at the Old Ship Hotel , on Friday , the 20 th instant . Bro . John If . Scott , AV . M ., presided . The AV . AI . stated that since their last meeting the ALAV . Grand Alaster had been pleased to appoint one of their members to office in Grand Lodge , a distinction ivhich he was sure the brethren ivould rejoice to hear had been conferred upon Bro . Pocock . Bro . AV . Vcnall , P . M ., as acting Dir . of Cers ., called upon the brethren to salute Bro . Pocock with the honours due to his rank as a Grand Officer . Bro . Tatham , S . AA " ., proposed , and Bro . Verrall , P . AI ., seconded , the following resolution : — " That this Lodge hails with satisfaction the
appointment of Bro . Pocock to the office of Sword Bearer to the Grand Lodge of England , and desires to offer him their hearty congratulations , believing it to be an honour ivhich has been justly merited by him , and which reflects tho highest
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
had proposed the last toast . He was sure there was no individual in the Lodge who did not feel delighted at having the opportunity of receiving the Provincial Grand Master ; and if they had in any way contributed to the happiness of tho brethren they were amply repaid for anything they had done . ( Cheers . ) The Right AVorshipful Provincial G rand Alaster then gave " The health of Colonel Bui'lton , Past Provincial Grand Master for Bengal ; a gallant soldier and most excellent Mason . "
Bro . Col . Btirlton expressed his obligations for the very unexpected compliment paid him , though he regretted that there was no other Provincial Grand Master present . He could assure them that it was scarcely pleasant to hear his name associated with Bengal , as no doubt their minds ivould at ouce revert to Bengal tigers , aud , what was worse and more treacherous , Bengal sepoys—those men whom for forty years of his life ho iiad encouraged and assisted , had caused him tho deepest sorrow of his existence . Nothing relieved that sorrow but the thought of what the British soldiers had since done ; and he felt pride in belonging to an
army which had done so much to avenge the sufferings inflicted on defenceless women and children . ( Applause . ) The Provincial Grand Alaster then gave "Thehealths ' of the Visitors , " ivhich ivas severally acknowledged by lira . Gibson , D . Prov . G . M . for Berks and Bucks ; Bro . Vigne , D . Prov . G . AL for Somersetshire ; and Bro . Lines , G . D . C . for Notts and Huntingdonshire ; all of whom expressed their gratification at the proceedings of the day , and the harmonious feeling evidently existing in the province . "Prosperity to the other Lodges iu the Province" was then drunkand
acknow-, ledged by Bros . Belcher and Codriugtoii , The concluding toast was then given , and the company separated , tho pleasures of the evening having been much enhanced by the exertions of Bros . Hansford , P . G . Organist , AV . Hansford , Holmes , and Young , who were specially engaged for the occasion ; and Bro . Plowman , P . Prov . G . S . B .
SHROPSHIRE . AproiNTMi ! NT . — £ o i / e . —Friday , June 3 rd , St . John ' s ( S 75 ) , Ball's Head , Wellington , at i , SOMERSETSHIRE . Arrotxiitr . NIS . — hjih / es . —Thursday , . Tunc 2 nd , Royal Cumberland ( IS ) , Masonic IL'iU , Bath , at 8 ; Benevolent ( 053 ) , ' Town Hail , Wells , at 7 . STAFFORDSHIRE . AITOINTMEXTS . —/ . ot / r / ra —Thursday , Juno 2 nd , St . Peter ' s ( 80 " ) , Star ant ! Garter , Wolverhampton , at 7 ; Portland ( 020 ) , Town Hall , Stoke-upon-Trent , at 7 .
SUFFOLK . ArroixIJiHNTS . —Lodges . —Wednesday , Junelsl , Doric ( 0 ( 1 ) , Private lioonis , AVoodbridgo , at 7 . Chufiter . —Wednesday , 1 st , Hoyal Sussex of Perfect Friendship ( 522 ) , White Horse , Ipswich , at ? . SUSSEX . ArroiNTUEXT . —/ . o < ty . —Wednesday , Juno 1 st , South Saxon ( 300 ) , Freemasons' Itali . BHIGHTOX . —Royal Clarence Lodge ( No . 338 ) . —This Lodge held its regular
monthly meeting , at the Old Ship Hotel , on Friday , the 20 th instant . Bro . John If . Scott , AV . M ., presided . The AV . AI . stated that since their last meeting the ALAV . Grand Alaster had been pleased to appoint one of their members to office in Grand Lodge , a distinction ivhich he was sure the brethren ivould rejoice to hear had been conferred upon Bro . Pocock . Bro . AV . Vcnall , P . M ., as acting Dir . of Cers ., called upon the brethren to salute Bro . Pocock with the honours due to his rank as a Grand Officer . Bro . Tatham , S . AA " ., proposed , and Bro . Verrall , P . AI ., seconded , the following resolution : — " That this Lodge hails with satisfaction the
appointment of Bro . Pocock to the office of Sword Bearer to the Grand Lodge of England , and desires to offer him their hearty congratulations , believing it to be an honour ivhich has been justly merited by him , and which reflects tho highest