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The Grand Registrar And Party Tactics.
advertisers , and return to the Board of General Purposes tlio names of "brethren of known independence "—who will forward rather than obstruct the business of the Craft—we confidently lay before the Craft the names agreed upon , and have no fear as to the result ; reminding the brethren to be especially careful in giving their votes , and that no
two brethren can sit as . from tho same Lodge . Here is tho list . Brethren judge for yourselves with regard to the "known independence" of those whose names it contains : — MASTERS : —Bros . Levinson , No . ID ; Parmer , No . 25 ; Mac Infcyr ' c , No . 125 ; Stacey , No . ' 211 ; Tycnnan , No . 334 ; Ladd , l > io . 247 ; Moore , No . 329 .
PAST MASTERS :- —Bros , C . L . Webb , No . 4 ; Snell , No . 5 ; Cotterill , No . 8 ; Symonds , No . 21 ; Young , No . 73 ; Gregory , No . 233 ; Wheeler , No . 324 .
The New Grand Officers.
WE proceed , in the present number of tlio Magazine , according to promise , to give a sketch as far as possible of the Masonic career of the new Grand Officers . LORD DE TABLEY , S . G . W . —George Warren , Lord do Table ) -, of Tabley House , Chester , is tho second peer of that name , and succeeded
his father in the title in 1827 , when he had just arrived at tho age of sixteen . His lordship was initiated into Ereeinasonry in the Apollo Lodge , No . 4 G 0 , Oxford , on the 27 th of October , 1830 , and passed through his various degrees in that Loclge , but wo have no record of Lis having taken office in it . After leaving tlio university his lordship does not appear to have taken an active part in the Order until a
very recent period , when he joined the Lodgo of Unity . No . 403 , Crewe , whore he is about to take tho Junior Warden ' s chair . His lordshi p having accepted the responsible office of Senior Grand Warden , has now a new incentive for exertion in the Craft , to which , being in the prime of life , lie will probably have many opportunities of making himself popular and useful .
SIR THOMAS GEORGE HESKETH , BART ., J . G . W . —The Ri g ht Worshi p ful brother was initiated several years ago in Ireland , and on the 27 th September , 1854 , joined tho St . George ' s Lodge , Liverpool , No . 35 . Ho ivas afterwards appointed Deputy Provincial Grand Master of the Western -Division of Lancashire ; of this province the Grand Master is the Eight Worshipful Bro . Lo Gendre Nicholas Starkie ,
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The Grand Registrar And Party Tactics.
advertisers , and return to the Board of General Purposes tlio names of "brethren of known independence "—who will forward rather than obstruct the business of the Craft—we confidently lay before the Craft the names agreed upon , and have no fear as to the result ; reminding the brethren to be especially careful in giving their votes , and that no
two brethren can sit as . from tho same Lodge . Here is tho list . Brethren judge for yourselves with regard to the "known independence" of those whose names it contains : — MASTERS : —Bros . Levinson , No . ID ; Parmer , No . 25 ; Mac Infcyr ' c , No . 125 ; Stacey , No . ' 211 ; Tycnnan , No . 334 ; Ladd , l > io . 247 ; Moore , No . 329 .
PAST MASTERS :- —Bros , C . L . Webb , No . 4 ; Snell , No . 5 ; Cotterill , No . 8 ; Symonds , No . 21 ; Young , No . 73 ; Gregory , No . 233 ; Wheeler , No . 324 .
The New Grand Officers.
WE proceed , in the present number of tlio Magazine , according to promise , to give a sketch as far as possible of the Masonic career of the new Grand Officers . LORD DE TABLEY , S . G . W . —George Warren , Lord do Table ) -, of Tabley House , Chester , is tho second peer of that name , and succeeded
his father in the title in 1827 , when he had just arrived at tho age of sixteen . His lordship was initiated into Ereeinasonry in the Apollo Lodge , No . 4 G 0 , Oxford , on the 27 th of October , 1830 , and passed through his various degrees in that Loclge , but wo have no record of Lis having taken office in it . After leaving tlio university his lordship does not appear to have taken an active part in the Order until a
very recent period , when he joined the Lodgo of Unity . No . 403 , Crewe , whore he is about to take tho Junior Warden ' s chair . His lordshi p having accepted the responsible office of Senior Grand Warden , has now a new incentive for exertion in the Craft , to which , being in the prime of life , lie will probably have many opportunities of making himself popular and useful .
SIR THOMAS GEORGE HESKETH , BART ., J . G . W . —The Ri g ht Worshi p ful brother was initiated several years ago in Ireland , and on the 27 th September , 1854 , joined tho St . George ' s Lodge , Liverpool , No . 35 . Ho ivas afterwards appointed Deputy Provincial Grand Master of the Western -Division of Lancashire ; of this province the Grand Master is the Eight Worshipful Bro . Lo Gendre Nicholas Starkie ,