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ISLE OF WIGHT . APPOINTMENT . —M /// -. —Wednesday , Juno 1 st , Yarborongh ( 809 ) , High Street , Ventnor , at 7 . KENT . APPOINTMENTS . —// W /(/ cs . —Wednesday , June 1 st , ltoyal Naval ( G 21 ) , Itoyal Hotel , Ramsgate , at 7 ; Invicta ( 1011 ) , George Hotel , Aslii ' ord , at 8 ; Thursday , 2 nd , United Industrious ( 34 ) , Freemasons' Tavern , Canterbury , at 8 .
GnAVis-RNn . —Lodge of Freedom ( No . 91 ) . —A meeting of this Lodge was held at the Town Hall , Gravesend , on 'Monday . May Kith , Bro . E . Watcs , W . M ., presiding , supported by Bros . Pottinger , S . W . ; J . J . Everist , J . W . ; Stephen Barton Wilson , P . G . D . ; Southgate , Prov . S . G . W . ; Hilder , P . Prov . J . G . W .- Watson P . Prov . G . S . B . ; Hyde Clarke , P . M . ; Gore , P . M . ; Hills , P . M . ; Ross . P . M . ; Everist , Prov . G . Steward ; T . F . Nettlingham , & c , & c . A brother was elected a joining member and a gentleman initiated into the Order . Relief was granted to a former
member . Tho W . M . commended to the brethren a subscri ption for repairing the tombs of brethren of the last century in Milton churchyard , which have been discovered by himself and Bro . J . J . Everist . The AV . M ., llros . Everist , S . B . Wilson , Hyde Clarke , and Gore , undertook to give the necessary instructions for the restoration .
LANCASHIRE ( EAST ) . APPOINTMENTS .- / , o //? es . —Wednesday , June 1 st , Ellesmere ( 1032 ) , lied Lion Inn , Chorlev , at ( i ; Thursday , ' 2 nd , Affability ( 3011 ) , Cross Street Chambers , Manchester , at GJ ; Friday , 3 i ' d , Anchor and Hope ( -14 ) , Swan Hotel , Bolton , at ( i . Marl :. —Thursday , 2 nd , St . John's , Commercial Hotel , Bolton , at ( i . Chapter . —Friday , 3 rd , Concord ( 44 ) , Swan Hotel , Bolton , at 0 . Bum-. —Lodge of Ilelief ( No . 50 ) .-This Lodge met on Thursday evening , May lflth , ( being the Thursday nearest full moon ) , at the Hare and Hounds Inn , JohRcdfernDirof
Bro . n , . Cers ., officiating as AV . M . ; Bro . Thos . Fishwick , P . M ., as S . AV ., and Bro . George M . Tweddell , as J . AV ., when a joining member was admitted unanimously , and two brothers passed to the degree of Fellow Graft by Bro . Rcdfern ; after which , Bro . Matthew AA ' ardhaugh was raised to the sublime degree of Master Mason by Bro . Binns , P . M ., who also delivered the lecture on the tracing board for tho third degree ; this tracing board was handsomel y painted by Bro . Binns , and presented to the Lodge during the last year . Before the LotFe was closed , a petition from a distressed brother , formerly a subscribing member to the Lodge , was presented , when the sum of oue pound was voted to him . The brethren then agreed to dine together on Midsummer day , according to ancient custom , to celebrate the festival of St . John the Bantist .
Bum' . —Prince Edwin Lodge ( No . 150 ) . —On the evening of May ISth , ( being AVednesday nearest the full moon ) , the usual monthly meeting of this Lodge was held , at the Bridge Inn , when Bro . Veevcrs presided as AV . M ., Bro . Harris , as S . AV . and Bro . AVaite , as J . W . Mr , Richard Prestwich , a lewis , was initiated into ' Freemasonry by the AV . M . ; after which , the brethren adjourned from labour to refreshment , and spent a comfortable evening together . EF . yvzooo . —Napthali Lodge ( No . 33 . ' !) . —The monthly meeting of this Lod
ge was held at the Brunswick Hotel , Hoywood , on the evening of AVednesday , May 15 th , when the minutes of the previous meeting were passed , and the festival of St . John the . Baptist was agreed to be celebrated by the brethren on AVhit Friday instead of Midsummer-day . Br . Tweddell , of No . 50 , was the only visiting brother present , and after the Lodge was closed a pleasant evening and lengthy conversation was held on Freemasonry , in which he strongly recommended the Lodge as their funds would
soon as permit , to subscribe to the Freemasons' Magazine , and lend it for perusal amongst the brethren . LANCASHIRE ( AA'EST ) . ' ArroiOTMHNTs .-Xorf /^ .-Wednesday , June 1 st , St . John ' s ( 971 ) , Caledonian Hotel , Liverpool , at 6 J ; Thursday , 2 nd , Mariners ( 310 ) , Masonic Temple , Liverpool , at 6 ; Friday , 3 rd , Mariner ' s Instruction ( 310 ) , Masonic Temple , ditlo , at 7 . Chapter . —St . John ( 245 ) , Masonic temple , ditto , at 8 , Encampment . —Thursday , 2 nd , St , Michael , Wewchurch .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
ISLE OF WIGHT . APPOINTMENT . —M /// -. —Wednesday , Juno 1 st , Yarborongh ( 809 ) , High Street , Ventnor , at 7 . KENT . APPOINTMENTS . —// W /(/ cs . —Wednesday , June 1 st , ltoyal Naval ( G 21 ) , Itoyal Hotel , Ramsgate , at 7 ; Invicta ( 1011 ) , George Hotel , Aslii ' ord , at 8 ; Thursday , 2 nd , United Industrious ( 34 ) , Freemasons' Tavern , Canterbury , at 8 .
GnAVis-RNn . —Lodge of Freedom ( No . 91 ) . —A meeting of this Lodge was held at the Town Hall , Gravesend , on 'Monday . May Kith , Bro . E . Watcs , W . M ., presiding , supported by Bros . Pottinger , S . W . ; J . J . Everist , J . W . ; Stephen Barton Wilson , P . G . D . ; Southgate , Prov . S . G . W . ; Hilder , P . Prov . J . G . W .- Watson P . Prov . G . S . B . ; Hyde Clarke , P . M . ; Gore , P . M . ; Hills , P . M . ; Ross . P . M . ; Everist , Prov . G . Steward ; T . F . Nettlingham , & c , & c . A brother was elected a joining member and a gentleman initiated into the Order . Relief was granted to a former
member . Tho W . M . commended to the brethren a subscri ption for repairing the tombs of brethren of the last century in Milton churchyard , which have been discovered by himself and Bro . J . J . Everist . The AV . M ., llros . Everist , S . B . Wilson , Hyde Clarke , and Gore , undertook to give the necessary instructions for the restoration .
LANCASHIRE ( EAST ) . APPOINTMENTS .- / , o //? es . —Wednesday , June 1 st , Ellesmere ( 1032 ) , lied Lion Inn , Chorlev , at ( i ; Thursday , ' 2 nd , Affability ( 3011 ) , Cross Street Chambers , Manchester , at GJ ; Friday , 3 i ' d , Anchor and Hope ( -14 ) , Swan Hotel , Bolton , at ( i . Marl :. —Thursday , 2 nd , St . John's , Commercial Hotel , Bolton , at ( i . Chapter . —Friday , 3 rd , Concord ( 44 ) , Swan Hotel , Bolton , at 0 . Bum-. —Lodge of Ilelief ( No . 50 ) .-This Lodge met on Thursday evening , May lflth , ( being the Thursday nearest full moon ) , at the Hare and Hounds Inn , JohRcdfernDirof
Bro . n , . Cers ., officiating as AV . M . ; Bro . Thos . Fishwick , P . M ., as S . AV ., and Bro . George M . Tweddell , as J . AV ., when a joining member was admitted unanimously , and two brothers passed to the degree of Fellow Graft by Bro . Rcdfern ; after which , Bro . Matthew AA ' ardhaugh was raised to the sublime degree of Master Mason by Bro . Binns , P . M ., who also delivered the lecture on the tracing board for tho third degree ; this tracing board was handsomel y painted by Bro . Binns , and presented to the Lodge during the last year . Before the LotFe was closed , a petition from a distressed brother , formerly a subscribing member to the Lodge , was presented , when the sum of oue pound was voted to him . The brethren then agreed to dine together on Midsummer day , according to ancient custom , to celebrate the festival of St . John the Bantist .
Bum' . —Prince Edwin Lodge ( No . 150 ) . —On the evening of May ISth , ( being AVednesday nearest the full moon ) , the usual monthly meeting of this Lodge was held , at the Bridge Inn , when Bro . Veevcrs presided as AV . M ., Bro . Harris , as S . AV . and Bro . AVaite , as J . W . Mr , Richard Prestwich , a lewis , was initiated into ' Freemasonry by the AV . M . ; after which , the brethren adjourned from labour to refreshment , and spent a comfortable evening together . EF . yvzooo . —Napthali Lodge ( No . 33 . ' !) . —The monthly meeting of this Lod
ge was held at the Brunswick Hotel , Hoywood , on the evening of AVednesday , May 15 th , when the minutes of the previous meeting were passed , and the festival of St . John the . Baptist was agreed to be celebrated by the brethren on AVhit Friday instead of Midsummer-day . Br . Tweddell , of No . 50 , was the only visiting brother present , and after the Lodge was closed a pleasant evening and lengthy conversation was held on Freemasonry , in which he strongly recommended the Lodge as their funds would
soon as permit , to subscribe to the Freemasons' Magazine , and lend it for perusal amongst the brethren . LANCASHIRE ( AA'EST ) . ' ArroiOTMHNTs .-Xorf /^ .-Wednesday , June 1 st , St . John ' s ( 971 ) , Caledonian Hotel , Liverpool , at 6 J ; Thursday , 2 nd , Mariners ( 310 ) , Masonic Temple , Liverpool , at 6 ; Friday , 3 rd , Mariner ' s Instruction ( 310 ) , Masonic Temple , ditlo , at 7 . Chapter . —St . John ( 245 ) , Masonic temple , ditto , at 8 , Encampment . —Thursday , 2 nd , St , Michael , Wewchurch .