Article THE NEW GRAND OFFICERS. ← Page 2 of 7 →
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The New Grand Officers.
who is unfortunately unable to attend to the duties of his high oiiico ; the charge of the Masonic aliairs of the province , therefore , in a great degree devolves upon Sir Thomas , whose rule has been marked with sound judgment and discretion ; he is in consequence ]) opular among the Lancashire brethren . In addition to his other appointments Sir Thomas G . Hesketh holds tho rank of colonel of the third regiment oi Lancashire Militia .
THE REV , WILLIAM HENBY WEKTWORTII ATKYNS BOWYER , M . A ., GRAND CHAPLAIN . —The Very Worshipful Brother is a member of Brasenose College , Oxon ., and Sector of Clapham , Surrey , lie was initiated into Ereeinasonry on the 28 th of September , 1852 , in tlie Lodge of Harmony , No . 317 , at Richmond , in Surrey , ancl has served every office in that Lodge to the satisfaction of his brethren . The reverend brother is not altogether new to tho duties of Grand Chaplain , having for some time filled that office in the Provincial Grand Lodge of Oxfordshire .
BROTHER JOHN SAVAGE , S . G . D . —Brother John Savage is a Past Master of tho Eoyal Athelstan Loclge , No . 10 , and a Past First Principal of the Royal Tork Chapter , No . 7 , to both of which he has been a subscribing member for upwards of twenty years . He is also a P . Z . of the Robert Burns Chapter , No . 25 , having been a member from its inauguration in 1844 , to the present time . He has thrice held the
office of Worshi pful Master of different Lodges , and thrice that of M . E . Z . of various Chapters . Brother Savage was initiated into Freemasonry in the Fortitude and Old Cumberland Loclge , No . 12 , on the Oth ofNovcmber , 1835 , by Brother Hardy , tho then Worshipful Master , and was raised to the third degree in the January following . Having devoted himself to a study of the princi p les of Freemasonry very
early in his Masonic career , he joined several other Lodges , ancl amongst them the Egyptian , No . 20 ; the St . Michael ' s , No . 255 , & c . Holding the office of 'Warden in more than one Loclge at concurrent periods , and being of opinion that no brother should be Master of two Lodges during the same year ( at that time permissible by the Book of Constitutionsbut since forbiddenupon a motion proposed
, , by himself ) , he declined the chair of two Lodges in order to accept that of tho Royal Athelstan Lodge , No . 19 , which ho had joined iu January , 1839 . From the respect in ivhich ho ivas held he was appointed Junior Warden tho same evening ; Senior Warden in 1840 ; and Worshipful Master in 1841 . Upon retiring from the chair he was voted a handsome Past Master ' s jewel ; he was again chosen
Worshipful Master in 1847 ; and from that period has held the office of Director of Ceremonies . In 1848 he founded the Wellington Lodge , No . 805 , Lcwishani , and became its first Worshipful Master . On tendering his resignation some years afterwards , on account of the distance of his residence from the place of meeting , he received a cordial vote of thanks for his services , with the offer of a jewel , which he declined to receive , by reason of the funds of the Lodge not being
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The New Grand Officers.
who is unfortunately unable to attend to the duties of his high oiiico ; the charge of the Masonic aliairs of the province , therefore , in a great degree devolves upon Sir Thomas , whose rule has been marked with sound judgment and discretion ; he is in consequence ]) opular among the Lancashire brethren . In addition to his other appointments Sir Thomas G . Hesketh holds tho rank of colonel of the third regiment oi Lancashire Militia .
THE REV , WILLIAM HENBY WEKTWORTII ATKYNS BOWYER , M . A ., GRAND CHAPLAIN . —The Very Worshipful Brother is a member of Brasenose College , Oxon ., and Sector of Clapham , Surrey , lie was initiated into Ereeinasonry on the 28 th of September , 1852 , in tlie Lodge of Harmony , No . 317 , at Richmond , in Surrey , ancl has served every office in that Lodge to the satisfaction of his brethren . The reverend brother is not altogether new to tho duties of Grand Chaplain , having for some time filled that office in the Provincial Grand Lodge of Oxfordshire .
BROTHER JOHN SAVAGE , S . G . D . —Brother John Savage is a Past Master of tho Eoyal Athelstan Loclge , No . 10 , and a Past First Principal of the Royal Tork Chapter , No . 7 , to both of which he has been a subscribing member for upwards of twenty years . He is also a P . Z . of the Robert Burns Chapter , No . 25 , having been a member from its inauguration in 1844 , to the present time . He has thrice held the
office of Worshi pful Master of different Lodges , and thrice that of M . E . Z . of various Chapters . Brother Savage was initiated into Freemasonry in the Fortitude and Old Cumberland Loclge , No . 12 , on the Oth ofNovcmber , 1835 , by Brother Hardy , tho then Worshipful Master , and was raised to the third degree in the January following . Having devoted himself to a study of the princi p les of Freemasonry very
early in his Masonic career , he joined several other Lodges , ancl amongst them the Egyptian , No . 20 ; the St . Michael ' s , No . 255 , & c . Holding the office of 'Warden in more than one Loclge at concurrent periods , and being of opinion that no brother should be Master of two Lodges during the same year ( at that time permissible by the Book of Constitutionsbut since forbiddenupon a motion proposed
, , by himself ) , he declined the chair of two Lodges in order to accept that of tho Royal Athelstan Lodge , No . 19 , which ho had joined iu January , 1839 . From the respect in ivhich ho ivas held he was appointed Junior Warden tho same evening ; Senior Warden in 1840 ; and Worshipful Master in 1841 . Upon retiring from the chair he was voted a handsome Past Master ' s jewel ; he was again chosen
Worshipful Master in 1847 ; and from that period has held the office of Director of Ceremonies . In 1848 he founded the Wellington Lodge , No . 805 , Lcwishani , and became its first Worshipful Master . On tendering his resignation some years afterwards , on account of the distance of his residence from the place of meeting , he received a cordial vote of thanks for his services , with the offer of a jewel , which he declined to receive , by reason of the funds of the Lodge not being