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CHESHIRE . Appon-TirEHT . —7 > J c—Friday , Jnno 3 rd , Mersey Injunction ( 701 ) , Angel Inn , Birkenhead , ate , DEVONSHIRE . Apporamrrj-rs . — Ladt / es . —Wednesday , . Tune 1 st , Brunswick ( 185 ) , Masonic Hall , Plymouth , at 7 ; Perseverance ( 100 ) , London Hotel , Sidmouth , at 7 . DORSETSHIRE . ArpoiNTitiiXTS . —/ . oA / cs . —Wednesday , Juno 1 st , Amity ( 1 G 0 ) , Masonic Hall , Poole , at 7 ; Thursday , 2 nd , Unity ( 542 ) , Town Hall , Waroham , at T ;
DURHAM . APPOINTMENTS . —LoA / es . —Wednesday , June 1 st , Plicunfcc ( 111 ) , Plifflnix Hall , Sunderland , at 7 ; Thursday , 2 nd , Tees ( 74 H ) , Mason ' s Court , Stockton , at 7 ; St . Helen ' s ( 774 ) , Masonic Hall , Hartlepool , at 7 J ; Friday , 3 rd , lambton ( 521 ) , lambton Arms , Chester le Street . GATESHEAD . —Borough Lodge ( No . C 14 . )—The regular meeting of this Lodge was held on Monday evening , the 16 th instant , at the Grey Horse Inn , when the Lodge was opened by the AV . M . Bro . P . S . Gilliesassisted by the immediate Past
, Master Bro . Septimus Bell , and the officers of the Lodgo . The W . M ., according to notice given at the last regular meeting ( held on the ISth April ) renewed the subject of a Masonic Hall for Gateshead . After several remarks from the brethren Bro . W . I . Kimpster proposed— " That the W . M . ( Bro . P . S . Gillies ) , P . M . ( Bro . S . Bell ) , Bro . F . H . Weyergang , S . W ., and Bro . G-. Walker , jun ., J . Vf ., form a committee to confer with the Loci JO of Industry , No . 50 , as to the ways and means of obtaining a Masonic Hall for the borough of Gateshead , " ivhich was seconded
by Bro . William Scott , jun ., and carried unanimously . Bro . James Roberts , of St . Enoch ' s Lodge , No . 11 , was proposed by the W . M ., and seconded by Bro . Thomas Alexander , P . M ., as a subscribing member to this Lodge . The Lodge having been closed in due form , the brethren adjourned to refreshment ( after having relieved a poor brother from the charity bos ) , when the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given with proper honours . The healths of the W . M . and Bros . S . Bell and Alexander , P . Ms ., were proposed and briefly responded to , after ivhich the brethren retired at half-past nine o ' clock ,
GLOUCESTERSHIRE . APPOINTMENT . — . £ «/»/; . —Wednesday , June Ist , Koyal Union ( 307 ) , Freemasons' Hall , Chelten . ham , at ft . HAMPSHIRE , APPOINTMENTS . —Lodges . —Thursday , Juno 2 nd , Panmure ( 1025 ) , Eoyal Hotel , Aldershott , at ( I . Chapters . —Wednesday , 1 st , Southampton ( o 5 o ) , Freemasons' Hall , Southampton , at 7 ; Thursday , 2 nd , Eoyaf Gloucester ( 152 ) , Freemasons' Hall , ditto , at 7 .
BASINO . STOKK . —Oahley Lodge ( No . 995 . )—A Lodge of Emergency was holden on the 13 th instant , at the Masonic Rooms , Basingstoke . In the absence of Bro . the Rev . W . H . Davies , Bro . W . W . B . Beach , M . l ' ., officiated as W . M ., Bro . D . Sherry , P . M ., No . 90 , acting as S . W . There were also present Bro . Challis , J . W ., Bros . Hulbort , S . D ., and Higgins , J . D . ; Bros . Ford and Fowler , Stewards ; Bro . J . Lamb , I . G . Three candidates , Messrs . C . W . Turner , E . A . Cundcll , of Mieheldever , and E . Bailey , of Whitchurch , were balloted for , approved , and initiated into the
Craft . Bro . Sherry then proposed Bro . Hulbort , mayor of Basingstoke , as the charities member to represent Oakley Lodge in the provincial organisation , iu accordance with the late recommendation of Bros . Lyall and Symonds . The motion was seconded by Bro . Challis , J . W ., and carried unanimously ; upon which Bro . Hulbert expressed the pleasure he felt in taking tho office , and pledged himself to exercise his very best endeavours iu tho performance of the duties which would devolve upon him in his new capacity . Bro . M . Fowler , sen ., was , at the
request of tho W . M ., appointed Dir . of Cers . for this Lodgo . This being the whole of the business for the day , the Lodge was closed , and the brethren dined together . An exceedingly i > leasant evening followed . 3 s
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
CHESHIRE . Appon-TirEHT . —7 > J c—Friday , Jnno 3 rd , Mersey Injunction ( 701 ) , Angel Inn , Birkenhead , ate , DEVONSHIRE . Apporamrrj-rs . — Ladt / es . —Wednesday , . Tune 1 st , Brunswick ( 185 ) , Masonic Hall , Plymouth , at 7 ; Perseverance ( 100 ) , London Hotel , Sidmouth , at 7 . DORSETSHIRE . ArpoiNTitiiXTS . —/ . oA / cs . —Wednesday , Juno 1 st , Amity ( 1 G 0 ) , Masonic Hall , Poole , at 7 ; Thursday , 2 nd , Unity ( 542 ) , Town Hall , Waroham , at T ;
DURHAM . APPOINTMENTS . —LoA / es . —Wednesday , June 1 st , Plicunfcc ( 111 ) , Plifflnix Hall , Sunderland , at 7 ; Thursday , 2 nd , Tees ( 74 H ) , Mason ' s Court , Stockton , at 7 ; St . Helen ' s ( 774 ) , Masonic Hall , Hartlepool , at 7 J ; Friday , 3 rd , lambton ( 521 ) , lambton Arms , Chester le Street . GATESHEAD . —Borough Lodge ( No . C 14 . )—The regular meeting of this Lodge was held on Monday evening , the 16 th instant , at the Grey Horse Inn , when the Lodge was opened by the AV . M . Bro . P . S . Gilliesassisted by the immediate Past
, Master Bro . Septimus Bell , and the officers of the Lodgo . The W . M ., according to notice given at the last regular meeting ( held on the ISth April ) renewed the subject of a Masonic Hall for Gateshead . After several remarks from the brethren Bro . W . I . Kimpster proposed— " That the W . M . ( Bro . P . S . Gillies ) , P . M . ( Bro . S . Bell ) , Bro . F . H . Weyergang , S . W ., and Bro . G-. Walker , jun ., J . Vf ., form a committee to confer with the Loci JO of Industry , No . 50 , as to the ways and means of obtaining a Masonic Hall for the borough of Gateshead , " ivhich was seconded
by Bro . William Scott , jun ., and carried unanimously . Bro . James Roberts , of St . Enoch ' s Lodge , No . 11 , was proposed by the W . M ., and seconded by Bro . Thomas Alexander , P . M ., as a subscribing member to this Lodge . The Lodge having been closed in due form , the brethren adjourned to refreshment ( after having relieved a poor brother from the charity bos ) , when the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given with proper honours . The healths of the W . M . and Bros . S . Bell and Alexander , P . Ms ., were proposed and briefly responded to , after ivhich the brethren retired at half-past nine o ' clock ,
GLOUCESTERSHIRE . APPOINTMENT . — . £ «/»/; . —Wednesday , June Ist , Koyal Union ( 307 ) , Freemasons' Hall , Chelten . ham , at ft . HAMPSHIRE , APPOINTMENTS . —Lodges . —Thursday , Juno 2 nd , Panmure ( 1025 ) , Eoyal Hotel , Aldershott , at ( I . Chapters . —Wednesday , 1 st , Southampton ( o 5 o ) , Freemasons' Hall , Southampton , at 7 ; Thursday , 2 nd , Eoyaf Gloucester ( 152 ) , Freemasons' Hall , ditto , at 7 .
BASINO . STOKK . —Oahley Lodge ( No . 995 . )—A Lodge of Emergency was holden on the 13 th instant , at the Masonic Rooms , Basingstoke . In the absence of Bro . the Rev . W . H . Davies , Bro . W . W . B . Beach , M . l ' ., officiated as W . M ., Bro . D . Sherry , P . M ., No . 90 , acting as S . W . There were also present Bro . Challis , J . W ., Bros . Hulbort , S . D ., and Higgins , J . D . ; Bros . Ford and Fowler , Stewards ; Bro . J . Lamb , I . G . Three candidates , Messrs . C . W . Turner , E . A . Cundcll , of Mieheldever , and E . Bailey , of Whitchurch , were balloted for , approved , and initiated into the
Craft . Bro . Sherry then proposed Bro . Hulbort , mayor of Basingstoke , as the charities member to represent Oakley Lodge in the provincial organisation , iu accordance with the late recommendation of Bros . Lyall and Symonds . The motion was seconded by Bro . Challis , J . W ., and carried unanimously ; upon which Bro . Hulbert expressed the pleasure he felt in taking tho office , and pledged himself to exercise his very best endeavours iu tho performance of the duties which would devolve upon him in his new capacity . Bro . M . Fowler , sen ., was , at the
request of tho W . M ., appointed Dir . of Cers . for this Lodgo . This being the whole of the business for the day , the Lodge was closed , and the brethren dined together . An exceedingly i > leasant evening followed . 3 s