Article OXFORDSHIRE. ← Page 6 of 6 Article ROYAL ARCH. Page 1 of 2 →
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' credit upou Freemasonry in the province of Sussex . " In putting the above resolution the AV . AI . remarked , that independently of the personal regard which they entertained for Bro . Poeoek , he thought it but right that they should place this resolution upon the minutes of tbe Lodge as a record of their appreciation of the honour which the M . AV . G . M . had conferred upon the province of Sussex . Bro . Pocock expressed his warm acknowledgments to the brethren . A letter was read from Bro . D . JL Folkavd , stating that he was about to leave England for India ,
ivhere be had received an appointment , which compelled him to tender his resignation as a subscribing member to the Lodge—whereupon it was proposed by Bro . AVilkinson , P . M ., seconded by Bro . Pocock , G . S . B ., and unanimously resolved , " That in accepting the resignation of Bro . Daniel Manthorp Folkard , the brethren of the Royal Clarence Lodge beg to express their fraternal congratulations on his appointment in India , and their sincere wishes for his future prosperity . '' Bros . Beecham , Jessop , and Fawcctt were then raised to the third degree , and Dr . Stodniau initiated . All business being ended , the Lodge was closed .
AVARWICKSHIRE . APPOINTMENT . —Lodge . —Tlutwday , June 2 nd , Temperance ( 1011 ) , Masonic Booms , Birmingham , at 5 . WORCESTERSHIRE . APPOINTMENT . —Lodge . —Wednesday , June 2 nd , AVoreestcr ( 3 J'l ) , Dell Hotel , AA ' orceslcr , at ( ii . DUDLEY . —Royal Standard ( No . T 30 ) . —Tbe brethren met at the Dudley Arms
Hotel , on Tuesday , May 10 th ; Lodgo was opened iu due form and with solemn jirayer . 'The only business before the meeting was the consideration of the report of the committee relative to the Alasonic charities . The brethren adjourned to refreshment , and separated at an early hour . DUDLEY . — Vernon Lodge ( No . 81 !)) . —This Lodge met ou the third AVednesday in the present month ; Lodge was opened by Bro . G . H . Deeloy , P . M ., ( P . Prov . G . Supt . of AVorks ) , iu the unavoidable absence of the AV . M . ( Bro . E . Hollier , P . M ., aud P . Prov . G . Dir . of Cers . ) There was no business before tho Lodge , which was closed early , and the brethren separated .
YORKSHIRE ( NORTH AND EAST ) . APPOINTMENTS . — £ orf (/ cs .- ~ Thur 3 day , June 2 nd , Constitutional ( 371 ) , Assembly Booms , Beverley , at 8 j Friday , 3 rd , St . Germain ( 827 ) , The Crescent , Selby , tit 7 ; Alfred ( 331 ) , Grilliu Hotel , Leeds , at 7 . lustruetiun . —Ditto , at 7 J . YORKSHIRE ( AVEST ) , APPOINTMENTS . —Lodges . —Friday , June 3 rd , Truth ( 763 ) , Freemasons' Hall , llndderslield , at 7 . Chapter . —Thursday , 2 ud , Sincerity ( S 71 ) , Freemasons' Hall , Bradford , at S .
Royal Arch.
PROVINCIAL CHAPTER . WATFORD CHAPTER [( N O . 580 ) . —At the regular convocation holden in Freemasons' Hall , AVatford , ou Monday , May 16 th , present , Comp . George Francis , as M . E . Z ., iu absence of Comp . John Sedgwick the First Principal ; Comp . T . A . AVard , as H ., in absence of Comp . AV . Stuart , jun . ; Com ]) . J . Tootel , J . ; and others , the Chapter having been opened , and the minutes confirmed , a ballot was taken for the admission of Bro . 3 . C . Humbert , P . M . of No . 5 S 0 ; aud the Rev . Bro . J . C . AVharton , AA ' . M . elect of No . 861 , which being favourable , they were exalted into this supreme degree , Comp . Burchell Heme , P . Z ., acting as P . S . The Companions afterwards proceeded to the election of officers , and the ballot had this
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
' credit upou Freemasonry in the province of Sussex . " In putting the above resolution the AV . AI . remarked , that independently of the personal regard which they entertained for Bro . Poeoek , he thought it but right that they should place this resolution upon the minutes of tbe Lodge as a record of their appreciation of the honour which the M . AV . G . M . had conferred upon the province of Sussex . Bro . Pocock expressed his warm acknowledgments to the brethren . A letter was read from Bro . D . JL Folkavd , stating that he was about to leave England for India ,
ivhere be had received an appointment , which compelled him to tender his resignation as a subscribing member to the Lodge—whereupon it was proposed by Bro . AVilkinson , P . M ., seconded by Bro . Pocock , G . S . B ., and unanimously resolved , " That in accepting the resignation of Bro . Daniel Manthorp Folkard , the brethren of the Royal Clarence Lodge beg to express their fraternal congratulations on his appointment in India , and their sincere wishes for his future prosperity . '' Bros . Beecham , Jessop , and Fawcctt were then raised to the third degree , and Dr . Stodniau initiated . All business being ended , the Lodge was closed .
AVARWICKSHIRE . APPOINTMENT . —Lodge . —Tlutwday , June 2 nd , Temperance ( 1011 ) , Masonic Booms , Birmingham , at 5 . WORCESTERSHIRE . APPOINTMENT . —Lodge . —Wednesday , June 2 nd , AVoreestcr ( 3 J'l ) , Dell Hotel , AA ' orceslcr , at ( ii . DUDLEY . —Royal Standard ( No . T 30 ) . —Tbe brethren met at the Dudley Arms
Hotel , on Tuesday , May 10 th ; Lodgo was opened iu due form and with solemn jirayer . 'The only business before the meeting was the consideration of the report of the committee relative to the Alasonic charities . The brethren adjourned to refreshment , and separated at an early hour . DUDLEY . — Vernon Lodge ( No . 81 !)) . —This Lodge met ou the third AVednesday in the present month ; Lodge was opened by Bro . G . H . Deeloy , P . M ., ( P . Prov . G . Supt . of AVorks ) , iu the unavoidable absence of the AV . M . ( Bro . E . Hollier , P . M ., aud P . Prov . G . Dir . of Cers . ) There was no business before tho Lodge , which was closed early , and the brethren separated .
YORKSHIRE ( NORTH AND EAST ) . APPOINTMENTS . — £ orf (/ cs .- ~ Thur 3 day , June 2 nd , Constitutional ( 371 ) , Assembly Booms , Beverley , at 8 j Friday , 3 rd , St . Germain ( 827 ) , The Crescent , Selby , tit 7 ; Alfred ( 331 ) , Grilliu Hotel , Leeds , at 7 . lustruetiun . —Ditto , at 7 J . YORKSHIRE ( AVEST ) , APPOINTMENTS . —Lodges . —Friday , June 3 rd , Truth ( 763 ) , Freemasons' Hall , llndderslield , at 7 . Chapter . —Thursday , 2 ud , Sincerity ( S 71 ) , Freemasons' Hall , Bradford , at S .
Royal Arch.
PROVINCIAL CHAPTER . WATFORD CHAPTER [( N O . 580 ) . —At the regular convocation holden in Freemasons' Hall , AVatford , ou Monday , May 16 th , present , Comp . George Francis , as M . E . Z ., iu absence of Comp . John Sedgwick the First Principal ; Comp . T . A . AVard , as H ., in absence of Comp . AV . Stuart , jun . ; Com ]) . J . Tootel , J . ; and others , the Chapter having been opened , and the minutes confirmed , a ballot was taken for the admission of Bro . 3 . C . Humbert , P . M . of No . 5 S 0 ; aud the Rev . Bro . J . C . AVharton , AA ' . M . elect of No . 861 , which being favourable , they were exalted into this supreme degree , Comp . Burchell Heme , P . Z ., acting as P . S . The Companions afterwards proceeded to the election of officers , and the ballot had this