Article THE MASONIC MIRROR. ← Page 3 of 9 →
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The Masonic Mirror.
Xo . Date of last Return . 306 . Lodge of School of Plato , Cambridge ' . . December , 1 S 53 . 159 . Lodge of Benevolence , Sherborne .... December , 1851 . -17-1 . St . David ' s Lodge , Milford December , 1 S 53 . 751 . Prince Edwin ' s Lodge , Bye December , 18-19 . 705 . Kodcn Lodgo , Wem ( Warrant granted February , ( 18-16—no return
_ . . SOB . Castlomartin Lodge , Pembroke .... December , 1819 . S 7 S . Mariners' Lodgo , Littlehampton . . . / Warrant granted July , 1852 5 L 1 —uo return . 8 S 0 . Conibcrmere Lodge , Lisard , Cheshire . . i ?™ S ™ ted 0 ctote ' ' ° ' ' I 1852—no return . 010 . Peveril of the Peak Lodgo , Xew Mills , near / Warrant granted July , 1855 Glossop . I —no return .
The Board have had their attention directed to tho present duties of the officers in the Grand Secretary ' s department , and they arc of opinion that tho salary of the Grand Secretary is inadequate , and is jiot a sufficient remuneration for a gentleman who , owing to the increase of work , is compelled to devote the whole of his time to the duties of his office , and they recommend to Grand Lodge tbat the salary of the Grand Secretary bo raised to . £ ' 100 per annum . The Board further recommend that the salary of the Second Clerk ( Bro . Buss ) be raised to £ 150 per annum , and that such increase of salaries shall take place from the 1 st January , 1859 .
The Board have under their consideration a plan for simplifying and improving tbe system of keeping the accounts of the society , which they believe will be of advantage . Considering the magnitude of the accounts aud the impossibility of carrying out any systematic or efficient audit under tho present regulations , the Board tire of opinion that ( without interfering with the present audit by the Masters of Lodges ) , it would be desirable and advantageous that the accounts should be audited once at least iu each year , by professional accountants , who should have fruo access to all such books and documents as they requireThe Board
may . believe that brethren thoroughly competent to undertake such work may be found , and that a stun of tivciity guineas per annum will be an adequate remuneration ; they therefore recommend to Grand Lodge to empower the M . W . Grand Master to aimo ' mii two such professional accountants as auditors .
The Board have received communications from the W . M . of the Oriental Lodge , Xo . 988 , at Constantinople , requesting their advice and assistance in reference to irregular Lodges said to exist at Smyrna . The Board have reason to believe that the Lodges at Smyrna , named Ionic , Anatolia , and Beiizcmda , arc irregular assemblies , and are not possessed of warrants from any constituted Masonic authority ; and that the so-called Grand Lodge of Turkey , formed of those three Lodges , is also an irregular body . The Board regret to hear that a large number of persons havo been induced to join these irregular LodgesThe Board have
, afforded every advice and assistance iu their power to the Worshipful Master of the Oriental Lodge to enable him to place in a right path those who havo been innocently led into error , aud thoy deem it highly desirable that the Worshipful Masters of all regular Lodges should be cautioned against receiving persons claiming admission ( either as visitors or joining members ) on the ground of their having beeu initiated by such irregular Lodges in Smyrna . The Board have also to report that they have received communications from a
large number of Lodges , in reply to the circular letter addressed to them on the subject of the proposed plan for dealing with the property of tho Society . They desire to observe that , in ; t . matter of so much importance , it is necessary to pro-; eed with duo caution and deliberation , and that some further time must yet jlapse before a detailed scheme can be satisfactorily submitted for the consideration if the brethren . In the meantime , thoy again invite the co-operation aud assistive of brethren who have given attention to the subject , and they give notice ihiit so long as any copies of the lithographed plans of the Society ' s buildings re-
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The Masonic Mirror.
Xo . Date of last Return . 306 . Lodge of School of Plato , Cambridge ' . . December , 1 S 53 . 159 . Lodge of Benevolence , Sherborne .... December , 1851 . -17-1 . St . David ' s Lodge , Milford December , 1 S 53 . 751 . Prince Edwin ' s Lodge , Bye December , 18-19 . 705 . Kodcn Lodgo , Wem ( Warrant granted February , ( 18-16—no return
_ . . SOB . Castlomartin Lodge , Pembroke .... December , 1819 . S 7 S . Mariners' Lodgo , Littlehampton . . . / Warrant granted July , 1852 5 L 1 —uo return . 8 S 0 . Conibcrmere Lodge , Lisard , Cheshire . . i ?™ S ™ ted 0 ctote ' ' ° ' ' I 1852—no return . 010 . Peveril of the Peak Lodgo , Xew Mills , near / Warrant granted July , 1855 Glossop . I —no return .
The Board have had their attention directed to tho present duties of the officers in the Grand Secretary ' s department , and they arc of opinion that tho salary of the Grand Secretary is inadequate , and is jiot a sufficient remuneration for a gentleman who , owing to the increase of work , is compelled to devote the whole of his time to the duties of his office , and they recommend to Grand Lodge tbat the salary of the Grand Secretary bo raised to . £ ' 100 per annum . The Board further recommend that the salary of the Second Clerk ( Bro . Buss ) be raised to £ 150 per annum , and that such increase of salaries shall take place from the 1 st January , 1859 .
The Board have under their consideration a plan for simplifying and improving tbe system of keeping the accounts of the society , which they believe will be of advantage . Considering the magnitude of the accounts aud the impossibility of carrying out any systematic or efficient audit under tho present regulations , the Board tire of opinion that ( without interfering with the present audit by the Masters of Lodges ) , it would be desirable and advantageous that the accounts should be audited once at least iu each year , by professional accountants , who should have fruo access to all such books and documents as they requireThe Board
may . believe that brethren thoroughly competent to undertake such work may be found , and that a stun of tivciity guineas per annum will be an adequate remuneration ; they therefore recommend to Grand Lodge to empower the M . W . Grand Master to aimo ' mii two such professional accountants as auditors .
The Board have received communications from the W . M . of the Oriental Lodge , Xo . 988 , at Constantinople , requesting their advice and assistance in reference to irregular Lodges said to exist at Smyrna . The Board have reason to believe that the Lodges at Smyrna , named Ionic , Anatolia , and Beiizcmda , arc irregular assemblies , and are not possessed of warrants from any constituted Masonic authority ; and that the so-called Grand Lodge of Turkey , formed of those three Lodges , is also an irregular body . The Board regret to hear that a large number of persons havo been induced to join these irregular LodgesThe Board have
, afforded every advice and assistance iu their power to the Worshipful Master of the Oriental Lodge to enable him to place in a right path those who havo been innocently led into error , aud thoy deem it highly desirable that the Worshipful Masters of all regular Lodges should be cautioned against receiving persons claiming admission ( either as visitors or joining members ) on the ground of their having beeu initiated by such irregular Lodges in Smyrna . The Board have also to report that they have received communications from a
large number of Lodges , in reply to the circular letter addressed to them on the subject of the proposed plan for dealing with the property of tho Society . They desire to observe that , in ; t . matter of so much importance , it is necessary to pro-; eed with duo caution and deliberation , and that some further time must yet jlapse before a detailed scheme can be satisfactorily submitted for the consideration if the brethren . In the meantime , thoy again invite the co-operation aud assistive of brethren who have given attention to the subject , and they give notice ihiit so long as any copies of the lithographed plans of the Society ' s buildings re-