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Our Architectural Chapter.
those affecting the Order generally ; and of these , one of considerable interest is the assurance that Bro . Havers has been induced to continue his labours in Masonic administration . While that important measure for the resuscitation of the Order—the hall question—is pending , it would indeed have been a serious loss to have been deprived of the active co-operation of Bro . Havers . Brethren in the country , the
colonies , and in London , should remember that the purification of the hall is the first step for promoting the credit of the Order , for increasing its strength , and for laying a sound foundation for the charities . Reverting to the subject of hall funds , we may observe that with the present increase of halls ancl with the desire that is manifested in
many towns to jjrovide a hall , great demands will be made on the brethren to accomplish the desired objects , and therefore the provision of hall funds is most desirable . It is not ri g ht that zealous brethren should be called upou to give , when nothing in most cases is really
needed beyond a loan if a proper sinking fund is constituted ; and even with regard to loans , it is much better that the Lodges themselves should be in a situation to make the necessary advances than that individual members should be called upon . Convinced of the desirability of some general action in conformity with the great movement for providing the Grand Lodge of England
with suitable accommodation , we most earnestly recommend that the subject of hall funds be brought before each of the Provincial Grand Lodges at their apjiroaching yeai'ly meetings . If no one else does this , it is the duty of the Provincial Grand Superintendent of Works , and we trust that none of these functionaries will be found wanting in zeal . The articles on Masonic Missions in the Freemasons' Magazine have already shown the lamentable deficiency of hall accommodation iu many provinces .
EASTERN ARCHIPEIAGO . —Previous to its embarkation , wo have bad the pleasure of inspecting the clotbiug and jewels furnished by Bro . Thearle of Fleet Street to the Provincial Grand Lodge of tho Eastern Archipelago . The embroidery is traced iu gold with great delicacy aud correctness , and they are finished in a truly artistic spirit . The massive , durable , aud chaste jewels , without unnecessary ornament , but perfectly elegant and suitable , strike us as being far more to the purpose than some wc have seen overlaid with tawdry work like brass finishers'
ornaments . Last , not least , let us notice the great white satin banner for the Lodge of Fidelity , displaying a beautifully painted figure of Justice ; we could not wish a more appropriate banner to marshal Masons under . Tlie ivhole reflects great credit on Bro . Thearle's acknowledged taste . AVe heartily wish the brethren for ivhose use these regalia are intended enduring success , and wo are tolerably certain that ¦ they will be greatly pleased with Bro . Thearle ' s workmanship .
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Our Architectural Chapter.
those affecting the Order generally ; and of these , one of considerable interest is the assurance that Bro . Havers has been induced to continue his labours in Masonic administration . While that important measure for the resuscitation of the Order—the hall question—is pending , it would indeed have been a serious loss to have been deprived of the active co-operation of Bro . Havers . Brethren in the country , the
colonies , and in London , should remember that the purification of the hall is the first step for promoting the credit of the Order , for increasing its strength , and for laying a sound foundation for the charities . Reverting to the subject of hall funds , we may observe that with the present increase of halls ancl with the desire that is manifested in
many towns to jjrovide a hall , great demands will be made on the brethren to accomplish the desired objects , and therefore the provision of hall funds is most desirable . It is not ri g ht that zealous brethren should be called upou to give , when nothing in most cases is really
needed beyond a loan if a proper sinking fund is constituted ; and even with regard to loans , it is much better that the Lodges themselves should be in a situation to make the necessary advances than that individual members should be called upon . Convinced of the desirability of some general action in conformity with the great movement for providing the Grand Lodge of England
with suitable accommodation , we most earnestly recommend that the subject of hall funds be brought before each of the Provincial Grand Lodges at their apjiroaching yeai'ly meetings . If no one else does this , it is the duty of the Provincial Grand Superintendent of Works , and we trust that none of these functionaries will be found wanting in zeal . The articles on Masonic Missions in the Freemasons' Magazine have already shown the lamentable deficiency of hall accommodation iu many provinces .
EASTERN ARCHIPEIAGO . —Previous to its embarkation , wo have bad the pleasure of inspecting the clotbiug and jewels furnished by Bro . Thearle of Fleet Street to the Provincial Grand Lodge of tho Eastern Archipelago . The embroidery is traced iu gold with great delicacy aud correctness , and they are finished in a truly artistic spirit . The massive , durable , aud chaste jewels , without unnecessary ornament , but perfectly elegant and suitable , strike us as being far more to the purpose than some wc have seen overlaid with tawdry work like brass finishers'
ornaments . Last , not least , let us notice the great white satin banner for the Lodge of Fidelity , displaying a beautifully painted figure of Justice ; we could not wish a more appropriate banner to marshal Masons under . Tlie ivhole reflects great credit on Bro . Thearle's acknowledged taste . AVe heartily wish the brethren for ivhose use these regalia are intended enduring success , and wo are tolerably certain that ¦ they will be greatly pleased with Bro . Thearle ' s workmanship .