Article THE MASONIC MIRROR. ← Page 4 of 9 →
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The Masonic Mirror.
main on hand , they will he supplied to brethren applying for them at the cost price ( 21 s . the set ) . ( Signed ) JOHN HAVERS , President . The Board beg further to report that at a meeting of the Board , held ou Tuesday , the 17 th instant , it was unanimously resolved , —¦ That the best thanks of the Board be and arc hereby tendered to the W . Bro . John HaversPresident of the Board during the past yearfor the constant regularity
, , of his attendance , for the very able and efficient manner in which he has conducted , and for tho kind and laborious attention he has devoted to , the business of the Board , and also for his uniform courtesy to all the members of tho Board . ( Signed ) C . LococK WEBB , Vice-President . Fi-eanasons' Hall , London , IStft , May , 1 S 59 . Thou follows the Cash Account .
REPORT 01 ' THE COLONIAL BOARD . To the United Grand Lodge of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons of England . The Colonial Board beg to report that they have received a complaint from Bro . V . S . Uichardson , against tho Harmonic Lodge , Xo . ' 158 , Island of St . Thomas , for having refused to give him the third degree , although ho had been initiated in the Lodge . After carefully considering the case on the part of Bro . Kichavdson , together with the evidence laid before them by the Lodge , and ifc appearing that
the Lodgo had taken a ballot on tho question whether the complainant should be permitted to take the said degree , the Board decided , That the Lodge was bound to confer tbe degree on Bro . V . S . Bichardson , and that such ballot was illegal ; but that if . the Lodge refused to confer the degree , the money , if any , paid in respect thereof should be credited or refunded to the complainant . The Board have also to report that they havo directed a letter to be written to the District Provincial Grand Lodge of Victoria , in reply to tho memorial from that body , which was referred hack to the Board by Grand Lodge at the Quarterly
Communication of the 2 nd March last , pointing out the difficulties that lie in the way of complying with the wishes of the memorialists , and drawing their attention to the very small difference that exists between the aggregate sum now paid by the Lodges in tho colonies aud foreign parts for registration and certificate , and that proposed by the memorialists , and expressing a hope that , upon more mature consideration , the District Provincial Grand Lodge of Victoria will come to the conclusion thafc the important reduction in the fees recently made iu favour of Lodges abroad should bo acquiesced iu as sufficient . ( Signed ) J . LLEWKLLYN EVANS , President . Freemasons' Hall , London , ISth Mai / , 1859 .
The annual report of the Eoyal Benevolent Institution for Aged Freemasons and their Widows , dated 20 th May , 1859 , will be laid before Grand Lodge . NOTICES OE MOTIONS . By W . Bro . Frederick Binckes , P . M ., Xo . 11 . " That it is inexpedient to publish the discussions iu Grand Lodge in the printed minutes of proceedings of tho quarterly eommuutcatious as issued from the Grand Secretary ' s office . "
By W , Bro . Frederick Binckes , P . M ., iSo . 11 . " Thafc considering the scanty material at present available lor the production of a literature in any respect worthy of a society so important and extensive as that of Freemasonry , the M . W . Grand Master bo , aud hereby is , respectfully solicited to nominate a commission for the purpose of examining such Masonic books aud MSS . as may be found iu the Bodlciau Library and Askmolean Museum at Oxford , and iu other institutions . " " That such commission be instructed to submit to Grand Lodge a scheme for tho publication of such books and MSS . as it may recommend , at a price thafc will place thorn within reach of the great body of the fraternity , and that
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The Masonic Mirror.
main on hand , they will he supplied to brethren applying for them at the cost price ( 21 s . the set ) . ( Signed ) JOHN HAVERS , President . The Board beg further to report that at a meeting of the Board , held ou Tuesday , the 17 th instant , it was unanimously resolved , —¦ That the best thanks of the Board be and arc hereby tendered to the W . Bro . John HaversPresident of the Board during the past yearfor the constant regularity
, , of his attendance , for the very able and efficient manner in which he has conducted , and for tho kind and laborious attention he has devoted to , the business of the Board , and also for his uniform courtesy to all the members of tho Board . ( Signed ) C . LococK WEBB , Vice-President . Fi-eanasons' Hall , London , IStft , May , 1 S 59 . Thou follows the Cash Account .
REPORT 01 ' THE COLONIAL BOARD . To the United Grand Lodge of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons of England . The Colonial Board beg to report that they have received a complaint from Bro . V . S . Uichardson , against tho Harmonic Lodge , Xo . ' 158 , Island of St . Thomas , for having refused to give him the third degree , although ho had been initiated in the Lodge . After carefully considering the case on the part of Bro . Kichavdson , together with the evidence laid before them by the Lodge , and ifc appearing that
the Lodgo had taken a ballot on tho question whether the complainant should be permitted to take the said degree , the Board decided , That the Lodge was bound to confer tbe degree on Bro . V . S . Bichardson , and that such ballot was illegal ; but that if . the Lodge refused to confer the degree , the money , if any , paid in respect thereof should be credited or refunded to the complainant . The Board have also to report that they havo directed a letter to be written to the District Provincial Grand Lodge of Victoria , in reply to tho memorial from that body , which was referred hack to the Board by Grand Lodge at the Quarterly
Communication of the 2 nd March last , pointing out the difficulties that lie in the way of complying with the wishes of the memorialists , and drawing their attention to the very small difference that exists between the aggregate sum now paid by the Lodges in tho colonies aud foreign parts for registration and certificate , and that proposed by the memorialists , and expressing a hope that , upon more mature consideration , the District Provincial Grand Lodge of Victoria will come to the conclusion thafc the important reduction in the fees recently made iu favour of Lodges abroad should bo acquiesced iu as sufficient . ( Signed ) J . LLEWKLLYN EVANS , President . Freemasons' Hall , London , ISth Mai / , 1859 .
The annual report of the Eoyal Benevolent Institution for Aged Freemasons and their Widows , dated 20 th May , 1859 , will be laid before Grand Lodge . NOTICES OE MOTIONS . By W . Bro . Frederick Binckes , P . M ., Xo . 11 . " That it is inexpedient to publish the discussions iu Grand Lodge in the printed minutes of proceedings of tho quarterly eommuutcatious as issued from the Grand Secretary ' s office . "
By W , Bro . Frederick Binckes , P . M ., iSo . 11 . " Thafc considering the scanty material at present available lor the production of a literature in any respect worthy of a society so important and extensive as that of Freemasonry , the M . W . Grand Master bo , aud hereby is , respectfully solicited to nominate a commission for the purpose of examining such Masonic books aud MSS . as may be found iu the Bodlciau Library and Askmolean Museum at Oxford , and iu other institutions . " " That such commission be instructed to submit to Grand Lodge a scheme for tho publication of such books and MSS . as it may recommend , at a price thafc will place thorn within reach of the great body of the fraternity , and that