Article METROPOLITAN. ← Page 2 of 13 →
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creditable to the Lodge , and he hoped would be a lesson to the younger members , Bro . Dearsley briefly acknowledged the compliment : ^ After which , " The V \ si tors '' were proposed , there being present Bros . Humphries , No . 311 ; Hardy , ISTo . 1 , 020 ; Brett , . W . M ., 206 ; Haydon , Fo . 206 ; Forge , jun ., ' No . 206 ; and Thos . Beard , P . M . and secretary of 118 . The P . Ms . were—Bros . Williams-, Squires , liecknell , Heath , Grant , Low , Gillespie , & c .
Strong Man Lodge ( No . 53 ) .- —A meeting of this Lodge took place on Thursday , Oct . 14 th , at the Masonic Hall , Fetter Lane . Bro . Codner , W . M ., presided ; Bro . Ireland assisted as ¦ S . W . pro . tern ., and Bro . Lundy as J . W , There being no business to be transacted , the W . M . worked the third section of the first lecture . The Brethren then adjourned to the banquet , where the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given , and the evening spent in an agreeable manner .
ViTRUViAN Lodge ( rTo . 103 ) . —The members of this Lodge met at the White Hart Tavern , College street , 'Lambeth , on Wednesday , October' 13 th , when two Brethren were raised to the sublime degree of Master Mason . All business being ended , the Lodge was closed , and the Brethren proceeded to banquet . After the usual loyal and Masonic toasts , Bro . Mauclsley , P . M ., proposed the health of the W . M . Bro . Harnor , thanking him on behalf of the Lodge , for the very able manner in which he discharged the duties of his office , more especially for his care in disnensine : the Lodge funds . The . W . M ... in return , expressed his great desire to
discharge his duties to the best of his ability , and thereby to promote the prosperity of the Lodge and in proposing the health of the Past Masters , thanked them severally for their constant attendance and valuable assistance . Bro . Thomas Morris , in returning thanks for the Past Masters , expressed the great pleasure he felt in finding this his mother Lodge , of which he had now been upwards ot twenty years a member , was still in such a flourishing state , celebrated throughout the Ornft for t . hft fixcfillenee of its . worldtip * and the true Maftorue , feeling ( Hsnhived -- - - — j
„ __ . „ . _ — ^ _ ' o ~ - ~ " ~— o r ~ - ~~ , by its members . He had , whilst filling the several offices of the Lodge , performed his duties to the best of his ability , and the bpst evidence of his estimation of the Lodge was his having introduced his son into it ; and as he was now in office , he trusted he would follow the path his father had taken . He felt very great pleasure in seeing present Bros . Fisher , Davidson , and Crawley , whose eminent services in rendering instruction to the younger Brethren were well known , and who , together with the other Past Masters , had always felt the greatest pleasure in giving every assistance and support to the Lodge , that laid in their power . . The Worshipful Master then proposed the health of the officers , and thanked them for
the able manner m which they discharged their duties and supported him m his office . After spending a most pleasant evening , which was enlivened by some excellent singing , the Brethren separated at rather a late . hour—the only discomfort of this Lodge , we believe , and which might be easily amended by arranging the business so that the Brethren may sit down to supper as much before ten o ' clock as possible .
Domatic Lodge ( No . 20 G ) . — A meeting of this largo and rapidly-increasing Lodge was held ~ fth Monday , Oct . 18 , at Bro . Ireland ' s , Masonic Hall , Fetter Lane , and was most numerously attended . Bro . J . Brett presided as W . M ,, supported by Bro . Baker , S . W . ; Bro . Haydon , J . W . ; Bro . Snow , S . I ) . ; Bro . liosser , JUL ; and Bro . Owen , LG . Messrs . M'Nally , Richard Wyun Kee ' ne , James Silvester , William Ade , and Augustus Walker , were duly initiated into the first degree of Freemasonry by the 'Worshipful Master , the ceremony being rendered more than usually impressive by a performance on the harmonium by Bro . Maekney . After
which , Bros . Wilcox , Weston , and Edwards were entrusted with tho second degree . Bros . Steel and Seaton were then introduced , and raised to the sublime degree of Master Masons , the ceremony being performed by the Worshipful Master in his usual impressive manner . Bro . William Jones , of , the Lodge ; of Prudent Brethren , No . 1 G 9 , and Bro . Samuel Laurence Mann were admitted as joining members . The Worshipful Master proponed for the next meeting that Bro . Silvester , of the Maneliester a , ud Pjinmuro Lodges , and Bro . Piatt , of the St . LukoVi Lodge , No . 1 G 8 , should bo elected joining members of this Lodge . In consequence of the large amount of business to be transacted , the proceedings did not terminate until half
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
creditable to the Lodge , and he hoped would be a lesson to the younger members , Bro . Dearsley briefly acknowledged the compliment : ^ After which , " The V \ si tors '' were proposed , there being present Bros . Humphries , No . 311 ; Hardy , ISTo . 1 , 020 ; Brett , . W . M ., 206 ; Haydon , Fo . 206 ; Forge , jun ., ' No . 206 ; and Thos . Beard , P . M . and secretary of 118 . The P . Ms . were—Bros . Williams-, Squires , liecknell , Heath , Grant , Low , Gillespie , & c .
Strong Man Lodge ( No . 53 ) .- —A meeting of this Lodge took place on Thursday , Oct . 14 th , at the Masonic Hall , Fetter Lane . Bro . Codner , W . M ., presided ; Bro . Ireland assisted as ¦ S . W . pro . tern ., and Bro . Lundy as J . W , There being no business to be transacted , the W . M . worked the third section of the first lecture . The Brethren then adjourned to the banquet , where the usual loyal and Masonic toasts were given , and the evening spent in an agreeable manner .
ViTRUViAN Lodge ( rTo . 103 ) . —The members of this Lodge met at the White Hart Tavern , College street , 'Lambeth , on Wednesday , October' 13 th , when two Brethren were raised to the sublime degree of Master Mason . All business being ended , the Lodge was closed , and the Brethren proceeded to banquet . After the usual loyal and Masonic toasts , Bro . Mauclsley , P . M ., proposed the health of the W . M . Bro . Harnor , thanking him on behalf of the Lodge , for the very able manner in which he discharged the duties of his office , more especially for his care in disnensine : the Lodge funds . The . W . M ... in return , expressed his great desire to
discharge his duties to the best of his ability , and thereby to promote the prosperity of the Lodge and in proposing the health of the Past Masters , thanked them severally for their constant attendance and valuable assistance . Bro . Thomas Morris , in returning thanks for the Past Masters , expressed the great pleasure he felt in finding this his mother Lodge , of which he had now been upwards ot twenty years a member , was still in such a flourishing state , celebrated throughout the Ornft for t . hft fixcfillenee of its . worldtip * and the true Maftorue , feeling ( Hsnhived -- - - — j
„ __ . „ . _ — ^ _ ' o ~ - ~ " ~— o r ~ - ~~ , by its members . He had , whilst filling the several offices of the Lodge , performed his duties to the best of his ability , and the bpst evidence of his estimation of the Lodge was his having introduced his son into it ; and as he was now in office , he trusted he would follow the path his father had taken . He felt very great pleasure in seeing present Bros . Fisher , Davidson , and Crawley , whose eminent services in rendering instruction to the younger Brethren were well known , and who , together with the other Past Masters , had always felt the greatest pleasure in giving every assistance and support to the Lodge , that laid in their power . . The Worshipful Master then proposed the health of the officers , and thanked them for
the able manner m which they discharged their duties and supported him m his office . After spending a most pleasant evening , which was enlivened by some excellent singing , the Brethren separated at rather a late . hour—the only discomfort of this Lodge , we believe , and which might be easily amended by arranging the business so that the Brethren may sit down to supper as much before ten o ' clock as possible .
Domatic Lodge ( No . 20 G ) . — A meeting of this largo and rapidly-increasing Lodge was held ~ fth Monday , Oct . 18 , at Bro . Ireland ' s , Masonic Hall , Fetter Lane , and was most numerously attended . Bro . J . Brett presided as W . M ,, supported by Bro . Baker , S . W . ; Bro . Haydon , J . W . ; Bro . Snow , S . I ) . ; Bro . liosser , JUL ; and Bro . Owen , LG . Messrs . M'Nally , Richard Wyun Kee ' ne , James Silvester , William Ade , and Augustus Walker , were duly initiated into the first degree of Freemasonry by the 'Worshipful Master , the ceremony being rendered more than usually impressive by a performance on the harmonium by Bro . Maekney . After
which , Bros . Wilcox , Weston , and Edwards were entrusted with tho second degree . Bros . Steel and Seaton were then introduced , and raised to the sublime degree of Master Masons , the ceremony being performed by the Worshipful Master in his usual impressive manner . Bro . William Jones , of , the Lodge ; of Prudent Brethren , No . 1 G 9 , and Bro . Samuel Laurence Mann were admitted as joining members . The Worshipful Master proponed for the next meeting that Bro . Silvester , of the Maneliester a , ud Pjinmuro Lodges , and Bro . Piatt , of the St . LukoVi Lodge , No . 1 G 8 , should bo elected joining members of this Lodge . In consequence of the large amount of business to be transacted , the proceedings did not terminate until half