Article METROPOLITAN. ← Page 4 of 13 →
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Percy Lodge ( No . 2 S 1 ) . —This Lodge held its first meeting for the season on Tuesday , the 12 th instant , at Bro . Painter ' s , Ship and Turtle Tavern , Leadenhall street . " ' The W . M ., Bro . Edward Barrell , P . M ., with his unerring punctuality sounded his gavel as the clock struck five , the time named in the summons , when the Lodge was opened in form in the three degrees , and the business was proceeded with . There were but few Brethren in attendance , it being understood that many
of the members had not yet returned to town . In the absence of Bro . Key , P . M ., Bro . Norris , P . M ., acted as Sec . The ininutes of the last Lodge in April were read and confirmed . A letter from Bro . Henry King , tendering his resignation on the ground of ill-health was read , and received with great regret . Bro . Davies , S . J ) ., proposed a new member for initiation , to be balloted for at the next meeting in November . The Worshipful Master stated that the Secretary had informed him , that a letter which appeared to have been mislaid had been received from Bro . W . Cross
stating that in consequence of his having arranged to go to New Zealand , China , & c ., he requested to be placed on the list of country members . A ballot was taken , when Bro . Cross was declared to have been elected a country member . Bro . Norris then read a letter from Bro . Key to the Worshipful Master , stating that in consequence of his having arranged to reside at Birmingham he was obliged to resign his office of Secretary , which he had held for seventeen years , and the great regret he felt in so doing and in having to leave so many good friends—the
members of the Lodge . In reading the letter , Bro . Noras was several times so ' much affected as not to be able to proceed , and the Brethren all appeared to be much grieved to lose so good and valuable a member . Bro . Thorn , in rising to move that the resignation be accepted , spoke for some time with great eloquence and warmth of feeling with regard to the Secretary who had been so long among them , upwards of twenty-five years , and had served the office of Worshipful Master for three years , five years Treasurer , and seventeen years Secretary : Bro . Norris seconded the motion ,
and the Worshipful Master said he wished also to express the deep regret he felt in losing the valuable services of a Brother so much respected and esteemed in the Lodge and in the Craft . The motion was then carried . The Worshipful Master then suggested that Bro . Key be made an honorary member of the Lodge , of the first class . This was proposed , seconded , and carried unanimously . Bro . Treas . Thorn , the father of the Lodge , then said he had great pleasure in moving that some further testimony be afforded of the manner in which Bro . Key was esteemed
among them , and as a beginning , moved that the accustomed sum of £ 5 : 5 s . out of the Lodge Funds be voted to Bro . Key , which was unanimously acceded to by the Lodge , when Bro . Ayre suggested that a purse should be presented , which was agreed to , and the Brethren then expressed their wish that a purse of £ 20 should be presented to Bro . Key as a small memento of the affection of the Brethren of the Lodge , and to testify their appreciation of the valuable services done for them for a great number of years . This it was understood would be carried into effect at the next
meeting . The Worshipful Master then said it devolved upon him to appoint a new Secretary , and in doing so he observed he had the power under the by-laws to appoint one free of subscription . Betffre making the appointment he wished to state his views upon that subject . He considered the office of Secretary one of the most important in the Lodge . Tho Secretary ought to be well acquainted with the Book of Constitutions ; he ought to be constantly attending to Masonry ; present at the meetings of the Grand Lodge ; well skilled in a knowledge of the Craft ; he
ought to know ofj everything which was taking place and to be able to see its bearing not only upon the Craft in general , but upon his own Lodge iu particular ; to be able to advise the Master and . the Lodge upon every subject arising in Masonry ; in fact tho Secretary might be considered , for many purposes , the Lodged As tlio Master ' s chair was a running stream , a new Master coming iu each year and leaving it at the end , it was not possible that tho Master could support and ensure
the safety and . position of the Lodge without an able Secretary . That being the case he thought it was his duty to look out tor the most efficient Brothei- in the Lodge to take that office . It was true that Bro . Key had held that office without subscription for many years , and in this respect he thought the Lodge had had the best of the bargain , as Brother Key ' s services were much more valuable than his subscription . In making a now arrangement ho would
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Percy Lodge ( No . 2 S 1 ) . —This Lodge held its first meeting for the season on Tuesday , the 12 th instant , at Bro . Painter ' s , Ship and Turtle Tavern , Leadenhall street . " ' The W . M ., Bro . Edward Barrell , P . M ., with his unerring punctuality sounded his gavel as the clock struck five , the time named in the summons , when the Lodge was opened in form in the three degrees , and the business was proceeded with . There were but few Brethren in attendance , it being understood that many
of the members had not yet returned to town . In the absence of Bro . Key , P . M ., Bro . Norris , P . M ., acted as Sec . The ininutes of the last Lodge in April were read and confirmed . A letter from Bro . Henry King , tendering his resignation on the ground of ill-health was read , and received with great regret . Bro . Davies , S . J ) ., proposed a new member for initiation , to be balloted for at the next meeting in November . The Worshipful Master stated that the Secretary had informed him , that a letter which appeared to have been mislaid had been received from Bro . W . Cross
stating that in consequence of his having arranged to go to New Zealand , China , & c ., he requested to be placed on the list of country members . A ballot was taken , when Bro . Cross was declared to have been elected a country member . Bro . Norris then read a letter from Bro . Key to the Worshipful Master , stating that in consequence of his having arranged to reside at Birmingham he was obliged to resign his office of Secretary , which he had held for seventeen years , and the great regret he felt in so doing and in having to leave so many good friends—the
members of the Lodge . In reading the letter , Bro . Noras was several times so ' much affected as not to be able to proceed , and the Brethren all appeared to be much grieved to lose so good and valuable a member . Bro . Thorn , in rising to move that the resignation be accepted , spoke for some time with great eloquence and warmth of feeling with regard to the Secretary who had been so long among them , upwards of twenty-five years , and had served the office of Worshipful Master for three years , five years Treasurer , and seventeen years Secretary : Bro . Norris seconded the motion ,
and the Worshipful Master said he wished also to express the deep regret he felt in losing the valuable services of a Brother so much respected and esteemed in the Lodge and in the Craft . The motion was then carried . The Worshipful Master then suggested that Bro . Key be made an honorary member of the Lodge , of the first class . This was proposed , seconded , and carried unanimously . Bro . Treas . Thorn , the father of the Lodge , then said he had great pleasure in moving that some further testimony be afforded of the manner in which Bro . Key was esteemed
among them , and as a beginning , moved that the accustomed sum of £ 5 : 5 s . out of the Lodge Funds be voted to Bro . Key , which was unanimously acceded to by the Lodge , when Bro . Ayre suggested that a purse should be presented , which was agreed to , and the Brethren then expressed their wish that a purse of £ 20 should be presented to Bro . Key as a small memento of the affection of the Brethren of the Lodge , and to testify their appreciation of the valuable services done for them for a great number of years . This it was understood would be carried into effect at the next
meeting . The Worshipful Master then said it devolved upon him to appoint a new Secretary , and in doing so he observed he had the power under the by-laws to appoint one free of subscription . Betffre making the appointment he wished to state his views upon that subject . He considered the office of Secretary one of the most important in the Lodge . Tho Secretary ought to be well acquainted with the Book of Constitutions ; he ought to be constantly attending to Masonry ; present at the meetings of the Grand Lodge ; well skilled in a knowledge of the Craft ; he
ought to know ofj everything which was taking place and to be able to see its bearing not only upon the Craft in general , but upon his own Lodge iu particular ; to be able to advise the Master and . the Lodge upon every subject arising in Masonry ; in fact tho Secretary might be considered , for many purposes , the Lodged As tlio Master ' s chair was a running stream , a new Master coming iu each year and leaving it at the end , it was not possible that tho Master could support and ensure
the safety and . position of the Lodge without an able Secretary . That being the case he thought it was his duty to look out tor the most efficient Brothei- in the Lodge to take that office . It was true that Bro . Key had held that office without subscription for many years , and in this respect he thought the Lodge had had the best of the bargain , as Brother Key ' s services were much more valuable than his subscription . In making a now arrangement ho would