Article METROPOLITAN. ← Page 5 of 13 →
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endeavour that the Lodge should again have the best of the bargain . He trusted the Brethren would not be offended when he said he felt if impossible to find anoiher such a Secretary ; and that being the case , it was his intention to make the Secretaryship an honorary appointment , and not to call in aid the provisions of the by-lawis . They certainly had a very efficient Brother in Bro . Norris , and as he was the senior F . M of the Lodge he oflered him the appointment . Bro . Norris said he would take it with pleasure if the Worshipful Master desired , hilt as he was
very much from home , and understood Bro . Lambert was also willing and anxious to take the office , he would be happy to waive the offer in favour of Bro . Lambert . The W orsliipful Master said Bro . Lambert certainly was willing to take the office , and if Bro . Norris waived the on ^ r in favour of Bro . Lamb ert , he should proceed at once to invest as Honorary Secretaiy , and not suhj ect to the provision of the by-law , Bro . Norris as Bro . Lamberi / s [ fec'ttm tme ^ s , which was accordingly' done , the Worshipful Master paying a very high compliment to both the Brothers , which was appropriately acknowledged by Bro . Norris . Bro . Warren , J . W ., P . M ., and
Secretary of thePercy Lodge of Instruction , then called the attention of the Percy Lodge to the fac ^ that the Instruction Lodge had not met for several evenings , and complaineddf the hon-attendaiice of members , when he himself ha < d remained in town at some inconvenience ; and requested a day might be named for them to hbld the next meeting . The Worshipful Master said he thought the members of the Instruction Lodge might fix their ' own day , but while lie could not help observing that they were greatly indebted to the exertions of Brothers Warren and Charnock in having resuscitatecl this excellent Lodge of Instruction , and the able
manner in which the work had been done , he was rather glad than otherwise to hear of the complaint . According to the old regulations , the Lodge had always had a cessation from labour of six months in the summer season , and the fact of the members not being there was because they were breathing sea air ^ which was , in his opinion , the best thing they could do . He thought it was unreasonable to suppose members could meet in hot rooms the whole of the summer , and he had always thought Bro . Warren had , though with a praiseworthy zeal , attempted too much in endeavouring to continue the meetings the whole year round . Bro .
Tyerman concurred in these views , and Saturda }^ the 23 rd instant , was named for the next meeting . The votes for the election of candidates for the Boys' School was agreed to . The Lodge was closed in the three degrees , and the Brethren , eighteen in number , adjourned at six o ' clock to an excellent dinner , prepared for them by Bro . Painter , and a very pleasant evening followed , enlivened by songs from Bros . Dr . Bainbridge , Painter , Ker , Hides , and others . Bro . Lambert , P . M .
was understood to be visiting some Lodges in the provinces . The only visitor present was Bro . Warren , the W . M . of thePanrnure Lodge ; his health was drunk with the usual honours , and iu returning thanks for the entertainment afforded him , he said that he was on this , as he had been on other occasions , very much gratified by the admirable manner in which the work of the Percy Lodge was performed . Bro . Rice gave the Tylers' Toast , and the meeting separated , as usual , at an early hour . ft
BELOBA . VE Lodge ( No . 1 , 055 ) . —The duties of this Lodge were commenced on Wednesday , Oct . 13 th , at the Gun Tavern , Lupus Street , Belgravia South . The W . M ., Bro . Woodstock , presided , this being the first meeting since his installation , and performed the arduous duties appertaining to the offj . ce in a most impressive and perfect manner . Mr . Lucas and Mr . Riley having been balloted for , were
introduced , and initiated into Ireemasonry ; two Brothers were passed to the decree of F . C ; and Bro . A . Froud was duly , raised to the sublime degree of M . M . Among tho visitors were—Bro . Collard , P . M . No , 168 ; Bro . T . Carpenter , P . M ., No . 219 ; Bros . Cobham , Daintree , Sedgwick , and Sharp , No . 211 ; Bros . Thorns , and Piatt , No . 219 . The ceremonies ended , several communications were read and
disposed of ; after Which , the Brethren , twenty-five in number , adjourned to tho banquet , presided over by the W . M . Afterwards , Bro . Wood stock , W . M ., proposed the health of the visiting Brethren , and particularly alluded to the eminent abilities and talent of Bro . Collard , P . M ., No . 168 , to whom the thanks of every member of the Lodge were duo , for his readiness at all . times to assist with his Masonic
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
endeavour that the Lodge should again have the best of the bargain . He trusted the Brethren would not be offended when he said he felt if impossible to find anoiher such a Secretary ; and that being the case , it was his intention to make the Secretaryship an honorary appointment , and not to call in aid the provisions of the by-lawis . They certainly had a very efficient Brother in Bro . Norris , and as he was the senior F . M of the Lodge he oflered him the appointment . Bro . Norris said he would take it with pleasure if the Worshipful Master desired , hilt as he was
very much from home , and understood Bro . Lambert was also willing and anxious to take the office , he would be happy to waive the offer in favour of Bro . Lambert . The W orsliipful Master said Bro . Lambert certainly was willing to take the office , and if Bro . Norris waived the on ^ r in favour of Bro . Lamb ert , he should proceed at once to invest as Honorary Secretaiy , and not suhj ect to the provision of the by-law , Bro . Norris as Bro . Lamberi / s [ fec'ttm tme ^ s , which was accordingly' done , the Worshipful Master paying a very high compliment to both the Brothers , which was appropriately acknowledged by Bro . Norris . Bro . Warren , J . W ., P . M ., and
Secretary of thePercy Lodge of Instruction , then called the attention of the Percy Lodge to the fac ^ that the Instruction Lodge had not met for several evenings , and complaineddf the hon-attendaiice of members , when he himself ha < d remained in town at some inconvenience ; and requested a day might be named for them to hbld the next meeting . The Worshipful Master said he thought the members of the Instruction Lodge might fix their ' own day , but while lie could not help observing that they were greatly indebted to the exertions of Brothers Warren and Charnock in having resuscitatecl this excellent Lodge of Instruction , and the able
manner in which the work had been done , he was rather glad than otherwise to hear of the complaint . According to the old regulations , the Lodge had always had a cessation from labour of six months in the summer season , and the fact of the members not being there was because they were breathing sea air ^ which was , in his opinion , the best thing they could do . He thought it was unreasonable to suppose members could meet in hot rooms the whole of the summer , and he had always thought Bro . Warren had , though with a praiseworthy zeal , attempted too much in endeavouring to continue the meetings the whole year round . Bro .
Tyerman concurred in these views , and Saturda }^ the 23 rd instant , was named for the next meeting . The votes for the election of candidates for the Boys' School was agreed to . The Lodge was closed in the three degrees , and the Brethren , eighteen in number , adjourned at six o ' clock to an excellent dinner , prepared for them by Bro . Painter , and a very pleasant evening followed , enlivened by songs from Bros . Dr . Bainbridge , Painter , Ker , Hides , and others . Bro . Lambert , P . M .
was understood to be visiting some Lodges in the provinces . The only visitor present was Bro . Warren , the W . M . of thePanrnure Lodge ; his health was drunk with the usual honours , and iu returning thanks for the entertainment afforded him , he said that he was on this , as he had been on other occasions , very much gratified by the admirable manner in which the work of the Percy Lodge was performed . Bro . Rice gave the Tylers' Toast , and the meeting separated , as usual , at an early hour . ft
BELOBA . VE Lodge ( No . 1 , 055 ) . —The duties of this Lodge were commenced on Wednesday , Oct . 13 th , at the Gun Tavern , Lupus Street , Belgravia South . The W . M ., Bro . Woodstock , presided , this being the first meeting since his installation , and performed the arduous duties appertaining to the offj . ce in a most impressive and perfect manner . Mr . Lucas and Mr . Riley having been balloted for , were
introduced , and initiated into Ireemasonry ; two Brothers were passed to the decree of F . C ; and Bro . A . Froud was duly , raised to the sublime degree of M . M . Among tho visitors were—Bro . Collard , P . M . No , 168 ; Bro . T . Carpenter , P . M ., No . 219 ; Bros . Cobham , Daintree , Sedgwick , and Sharp , No . 211 ; Bros . Thorns , and Piatt , No . 219 . The ceremonies ended , several communications were read and
disposed of ; after Which , the Brethren , twenty-five in number , adjourned to tho banquet , presided over by the W . M . Afterwards , Bro . Wood stock , W . M ., proposed the health of the visiting Brethren , and particularly alluded to the eminent abilities and talent of Bro . Collard , P . M ., No . 168 , to whom the thanks of every member of the Lodge were duo , for his readiness at all . times to assist with his Masonic