Article METROPOLITAN. ← Page 11 of 13 →
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of receiving arepl $ rfrom Bro , Butson , in answer to a letter addressed to him , with reference to the huilding of a new Lodge room . However , as no definitive communication had been received by the "VV . M ., Bro . Saunders , S . W ., aft 0 r adverting to the dilatory conduct of Bro . Butson , and reminding the Brethren that nearly eighteen months had elapsed since the subject of increased accommodation had been first mooted by himself and other members of the Lodge , moved , " That the
Lodge foe removed to Burnham . " Bro . Ghas . Lowell expressed himself much in favour of Bro . Saunders ' s proposition , and said , it | arTorded hirn great pleasure to second it . Bro . H . J . Smith moved as an amendment , " That Bro . Read ( who has offered to provide suitable accommodation in the Pier Hotel , now in course of erection at Biirnham ) , and Bro . Butson , he written to , asking upon terms they would severally provide the necessary accommodation required by the Brethren ;" seconded by Bro . Barum . Much desultory conversation here ensued , in which several Brethren strong ly ceiisured Bro . Butson , for his want of courtesy ; and on
the show of hands being taken for the motion and amendment , the W . M . declared that of Bro , Saunders to have been carried . Advantage was taken of the extra meeting to initiate a gentleman named Cartrop , and raise two Brethren , Bros . Down and West , to the sublime degree of Master Mason . The initiation was efficiently performed by the W-M < , Bro . C . Halliday ; and ; - ' the excellent manner in which the raisings were performed by P . M . Bro , Henry Bridges , elicited the praise and admiration of all present . # The day concluded by about twenty Brethren partaking of an excellent dinner , with that harmony and temperate convivialitywhich should ever characterize our society .
STAFFORDSHIRE . Wolverhampton— Lodge of Honour ( No . 769 . )—The monthly meeting of this Lodge was holden at the Star and Garter , on Friday , Sept . 8 th . Forty Brethren were present , amongst whom were several Prov . Grand Officers . The W . M ., Bro . Go ugh , presided . The folio wing is a summary of the proceedings . Eight gentlemen were balloted for as candidates for initiation , and five Brethren to join ; all were unanimously elected . Bros . Ward and Sollom were raised to the
third degree ; Bro . Manton was passed to the second . Of the candidates , three being- present , viz ., Rev . W . L , Rosenthal ! , Captain Henry Seagrave , and Wm . Parkes , Esq ., were initiated into the mysteries of Masonry . The ceremonies were performed by the W . M ., Bro . Gough , and occupied about four hours and a ^ half , rather heavy work for one sitting . The full sonorous voice of Bro . Gough , corn binecl with his finely intoned and correct delivery , adds greatly to the solemnity of ceremonies , which even with the most commonplace speaker , are ever most
impressive and instructive . Time would not permit of any other business . The W . M . said that he had received a letter from the R . W . Prov . G . M ., Colonel Vernon , stating that an engagement to be present at an installation that day , would prevent his being present , but that he would endeavour to hold himself at liberty to visit the Lodge at the next meeting , on Nov . 12 th . Bro . the Rev . E . H . A . Gwynne , Frov . G . Chaplain , acted as Chaplain pro . tern . ; and Bro . H . Hay ward as Organist jpro tern . The duties of both were most impressively and efficiently performed . The
W . M . said that arrangements had been made to enlarge and improve the room , tho better to accommodate visitors at the next meeting , when the R . W » Prov . G . M . would be present . Amongst the visitors wo noticed , V . W . Bro . Trubshaw , P . Prov . S . G . W . ; Rev . J . H , lies , P . Prov . G . Supt . of Works , Oxfordshire ; Rev . PI . H . A . Gwynne , Prov . Q . Chap . ; J . W . Harris , P . Prov . G . Reg . ; W . Howells , P . Prov . G . Supt . of Works , and P . Prov . G . Sec , Worcester , P . M . ' ., Nos . 730 , 435 ; Oollis , Drake , No . 1028 ; Pigott , Wallace , No . 007 ; Stanway , S . W ., No . 607 ; H .
Hayward , late No . 607 ; Waterhouse , J . W ., No . 435 ; E . Peters ; W . H . Laud , lat < No . 50 ; of whom the-five latter requested to ho propped as joining members At the conclusion of tlio business , the Brethren adjourned to banquet , and the 1
usual Masonic toasts were given and duly honoured . " The visitors ' ' \ v ; . ts replied to by 'WW . Bro . Trubsluvw , P . Prov . S . G . W , ; ho thanked the Brethren for tho cordial manner in which they had been received , and expressed the pleasure ho had experienced in hearing the working of the talented Brother ( Cough ) who prosided over the Lodge .
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of receiving arepl $ rfrom Bro , Butson , in answer to a letter addressed to him , with reference to the huilding of a new Lodge room . However , as no definitive communication had been received by the "VV . M ., Bro . Saunders , S . W ., aft 0 r adverting to the dilatory conduct of Bro . Butson , and reminding the Brethren that nearly eighteen months had elapsed since the subject of increased accommodation had been first mooted by himself and other members of the Lodge , moved , " That the
Lodge foe removed to Burnham . " Bro . Ghas . Lowell expressed himself much in favour of Bro . Saunders ' s proposition , and said , it | arTorded hirn great pleasure to second it . Bro . H . J . Smith moved as an amendment , " That Bro . Read ( who has offered to provide suitable accommodation in the Pier Hotel , now in course of erection at Biirnham ) , and Bro . Butson , he written to , asking upon terms they would severally provide the necessary accommodation required by the Brethren ;" seconded by Bro . Barum . Much desultory conversation here ensued , in which several Brethren strong ly ceiisured Bro . Butson , for his want of courtesy ; and on
the show of hands being taken for the motion and amendment , the W . M . declared that of Bro , Saunders to have been carried . Advantage was taken of the extra meeting to initiate a gentleman named Cartrop , and raise two Brethren , Bros . Down and West , to the sublime degree of Master Mason . The initiation was efficiently performed by the W-M < , Bro . C . Halliday ; and ; - ' the excellent manner in which the raisings were performed by P . M . Bro , Henry Bridges , elicited the praise and admiration of all present . # The day concluded by about twenty Brethren partaking of an excellent dinner , with that harmony and temperate convivialitywhich should ever characterize our society .
STAFFORDSHIRE . Wolverhampton— Lodge of Honour ( No . 769 . )—The monthly meeting of this Lodge was holden at the Star and Garter , on Friday , Sept . 8 th . Forty Brethren were present , amongst whom were several Prov . Grand Officers . The W . M ., Bro . Go ugh , presided . The folio wing is a summary of the proceedings . Eight gentlemen were balloted for as candidates for initiation , and five Brethren to join ; all were unanimously elected . Bros . Ward and Sollom were raised to the
third degree ; Bro . Manton was passed to the second . Of the candidates , three being- present , viz ., Rev . W . L , Rosenthal ! , Captain Henry Seagrave , and Wm . Parkes , Esq ., were initiated into the mysteries of Masonry . The ceremonies were performed by the W . M ., Bro . Gough , and occupied about four hours and a ^ half , rather heavy work for one sitting . The full sonorous voice of Bro . Gough , corn binecl with his finely intoned and correct delivery , adds greatly to the solemnity of ceremonies , which even with the most commonplace speaker , are ever most
impressive and instructive . Time would not permit of any other business . The W . M . said that he had received a letter from the R . W . Prov . G . M ., Colonel Vernon , stating that an engagement to be present at an installation that day , would prevent his being present , but that he would endeavour to hold himself at liberty to visit the Lodge at the next meeting , on Nov . 12 th . Bro . the Rev . E . H . A . Gwynne , Frov . G . Chaplain , acted as Chaplain pro . tern . ; and Bro . H . Hay ward as Organist jpro tern . The duties of both were most impressively and efficiently performed . The
W . M . said that arrangements had been made to enlarge and improve the room , tho better to accommodate visitors at the next meeting , when the R . W » Prov . G . M . would be present . Amongst the visitors wo noticed , V . W . Bro . Trubshaw , P . Prov . S . G . W . ; Rev . J . H , lies , P . Prov . G . Supt . of Works , Oxfordshire ; Rev . PI . H . A . Gwynne , Prov . Q . Chap . ; J . W . Harris , P . Prov . G . Reg . ; W . Howells , P . Prov . G . Supt . of Works , and P . Prov . G . Sec , Worcester , P . M . ' ., Nos . 730 , 435 ; Oollis , Drake , No . 1028 ; Pigott , Wallace , No . 007 ; Stanway , S . W ., No . 607 ; H .
Hayward , late No . 607 ; Waterhouse , J . W ., No . 435 ; E . Peters ; W . H . Laud , lat < No . 50 ; of whom the-five latter requested to ho propped as joining members At the conclusion of tlio business , the Brethren adjourned to banquet , and the 1
usual Masonic toasts were given and duly honoured . " The visitors ' ' \ v ; . ts replied to by 'WW . Bro . Trubsluvw , P . Prov . S . G . W , ; ho thanked the Brethren for tho cordial manner in which they had been received , and expressed the pleasure ho had experienced in hearing the working of the talented Brother ( Cough ) who prosided over the Lodge .