Article METROPOLITAN. ← Page 13 of 13
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After this his lordship appointed Bro . Blenkinsop to the chair of the S . W ., just vacated . Suitable appointments having been made to the other offices , a committee was chosen to prepare an address for presentation to Bro > Bdughton
Leigh , on his retirement from the office he has so long held , and also to devise means of acknowledging the services of Bro . Lloyd , who had most efficiently performed the duties of Treasurer for many years . The Prov . Grand Lodge was then closed in due form , and with solemn prayer . The Brethren were then invited to the banqueting room , where , by the kindness and with the accustomed hospitality of the Howe Lodge , a cold collation had been prepared ; and after a . few minutes devoted to refreshment , formed in procession to accompany the Prov . G . M . to St . Philip ' s church . Prayers were read by the Rev .
— Aston , one of the curates of the parish , in the unavoidable absence of the rector , the Hon . and Bev . Bro . Grantham Yorke ; and the sermon was preached by one of the Chaplains , the Rev . Bro . Bedford , which was so admirable and so completely in comformity with , and explanatory of Masonic principle ; that on the proposition of the R . W . Lord Leigh , the Chaplain kindly consented to allow its publication at the expense of the fraternity , for distribution among its members . Dinher was afterwards served at the Eoyal Hotel , to which nearly a hundred Brethren sat down . This was succeeded by the usual Masonic and other toasts , when interesting addresses were delivered by their proposers , and by those with whose names they were respectively connected . Quite in consonance with propriety , and with Masonic principles , the party broke up at an early hour , eight o ' clock , after a delightful reunion , spent in harmony and brotherly love .
WORCESTERSHIRE . A ? vowrMEmsK—Lodges . —Monday , October 25 th , Hope and Charity ( 523 ) , Black Horse , Kidderminster , at 7 \; Tuesday , 20 th , Stability ( 824 ) , Talbot Hotel , Stourbridge , at 6 j ; Wednesday , 27 th , Vernon ( 819 ) , Old Town Hall , Dudley , at 6 \ .
Dudley . —Harmonic Lodge ( No . 313 ) . —The usual monthly meeting of this Lodge took place on Tuesday evening , the W . M ., Bro . Clark , being in the chair . We noticed Bros . Morris , P . M ., Masefleld , P . M ., Dermison , P . M ., Rudd , P . M ., Bristow , and about twenty Brethren of the Craft . Bro . Thompson being in attendance for the purpose of being passed to the second degree , the W . M ., in his usual distinct and impressive mode , performed the ceremony . After which Bro , Masefield
delivered the explanation of the tracing board . Lodge business being over , the Brethren repaired to the evening banquet , when that harmony and good feeling , which so peculiarly belongs to Lodge No . 313 , reigned supreme . Bro . Masefield gave his report of the proceeds of the last Masonic ball , amounting to £ 20 , which sum was judiciously distributed amongst the local charities . The health of the Prov . G . M . Bro . Vernon having been proposed by the W . M .., he took occasion fo refer to the small attendance of the Craft at the last Prov . Grand meeting , and explained the erroneous impression that had been received by the Craft that none but Prov . G . Officers cotdd attend , it being fully explained by
the Prov . G . M ., that " he always wished to see as many as possible of the Brethren at the Prov . Grand Meetings , but only members of the Prov . Grand Lodge would be allowed to take part in the proceedings . " > YORKSHIRE ( NORTH AND EAsST ) . Appointments . —Lodges —Wednesday , October 27 th , Minerva ( 311 ) , Masonic Hall , Hull , at 7 ; Friday , 20 th , JNbrth York ( 876 ) , Station Hotel , Middlesbro , at 7 . Chapters . — Whines * day , 27 th , Zetland ( 287 ) , Masonic Hull , York , at 7 ; Friday , 29 th , Huraber ( 6 . >) , Freemason ^ Hall , Hull , at 8 ; Minerva ( 311 ) , Masonic . Hall , Hull , at 8 .
Appointments . —lodges . —Thureclay , October 23 th , fidelity ( 361 . ) , Freemasons' Hall , Leeds , at 7 ; Friday , 29 th , St . George ( 298 )/ ro > vn Hall ) Doncastev , at 7 . Instruction , -Friday , October 29 th , Ahre 4 ( 281 ) Leads , at 7 .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
After this his lordship appointed Bro . Blenkinsop to the chair of the S . W ., just vacated . Suitable appointments having been made to the other offices , a committee was chosen to prepare an address for presentation to Bro > Bdughton
Leigh , on his retirement from the office he has so long held , and also to devise means of acknowledging the services of Bro . Lloyd , who had most efficiently performed the duties of Treasurer for many years . The Prov . Grand Lodge was then closed in due form , and with solemn prayer . The Brethren were then invited to the banqueting room , where , by the kindness and with the accustomed hospitality of the Howe Lodge , a cold collation had been prepared ; and after a . few minutes devoted to refreshment , formed in procession to accompany the Prov . G . M . to St . Philip ' s church . Prayers were read by the Rev .
— Aston , one of the curates of the parish , in the unavoidable absence of the rector , the Hon . and Bev . Bro . Grantham Yorke ; and the sermon was preached by one of the Chaplains , the Rev . Bro . Bedford , which was so admirable and so completely in comformity with , and explanatory of Masonic principle ; that on the proposition of the R . W . Lord Leigh , the Chaplain kindly consented to allow its publication at the expense of the fraternity , for distribution among its members . Dinher was afterwards served at the Eoyal Hotel , to which nearly a hundred Brethren sat down . This was succeeded by the usual Masonic and other toasts , when interesting addresses were delivered by their proposers , and by those with whose names they were respectively connected . Quite in consonance with propriety , and with Masonic principles , the party broke up at an early hour , eight o ' clock , after a delightful reunion , spent in harmony and brotherly love .
WORCESTERSHIRE . A ? vowrMEmsK—Lodges . —Monday , October 25 th , Hope and Charity ( 523 ) , Black Horse , Kidderminster , at 7 \; Tuesday , 20 th , Stability ( 824 ) , Talbot Hotel , Stourbridge , at 6 j ; Wednesday , 27 th , Vernon ( 819 ) , Old Town Hall , Dudley , at 6 \ .
Dudley . —Harmonic Lodge ( No . 313 ) . —The usual monthly meeting of this Lodge took place on Tuesday evening , the W . M ., Bro . Clark , being in the chair . We noticed Bros . Morris , P . M ., Masefleld , P . M ., Dermison , P . M ., Rudd , P . M ., Bristow , and about twenty Brethren of the Craft . Bro . Thompson being in attendance for the purpose of being passed to the second degree , the W . M ., in his usual distinct and impressive mode , performed the ceremony . After which Bro , Masefield
delivered the explanation of the tracing board . Lodge business being over , the Brethren repaired to the evening banquet , when that harmony and good feeling , which so peculiarly belongs to Lodge No . 313 , reigned supreme . Bro . Masefield gave his report of the proceeds of the last Masonic ball , amounting to £ 20 , which sum was judiciously distributed amongst the local charities . The health of the Prov . G . M . Bro . Vernon having been proposed by the W . M .., he took occasion fo refer to the small attendance of the Craft at the last Prov . Grand meeting , and explained the erroneous impression that had been received by the Craft that none but Prov . G . Officers cotdd attend , it being fully explained by
the Prov . G . M ., that " he always wished to see as many as possible of the Brethren at the Prov . Grand Meetings , but only members of the Prov . Grand Lodge would be allowed to take part in the proceedings . " > YORKSHIRE ( NORTH AND EAsST ) . Appointments . —Lodges —Wednesday , October 27 th , Minerva ( 311 ) , Masonic Hall , Hull , at 7 ; Friday , 20 th , JNbrth York ( 876 ) , Station Hotel , Middlesbro , at 7 . Chapters . — Whines * day , 27 th , Zetland ( 287 ) , Masonic Hull , York , at 7 ; Friday , 29 th , Huraber ( 6 . >) , Freemason ^ Hall , Hull , at 8 ; Minerva ( 311 ) , Masonic . Hall , Hull , at 8 .
Appointments . —lodges . —Thureclay , October 23 th , fidelity ( 361 . ) , Freemasons' Hall , Leeds , at 7 ; Friday , 29 th , St . George ( 298 )/ ro > vn Hall ) Doncastev , at 7 . Instruction , -Friday , October 29 th , Ahre 4 ( 281 ) Leads , at 7 .