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tion ) , at the vote of the Lodge , was affiliated a member of St . Clair , and invested with their clothing , apron , and sash . In returning thanks for the honour conferred upon him , he gave an interesting account of Masonry in the province of Victoria , where he was the first of the outer world initiated into the mysteries of the Craft . He also stated that the Freemasons of Victoria had had the gratification of being instrumental in relieving and succouring , perhaps to a greater extent
than in any other place , worthy Brethren who had ventured to that distant province during its early and troublous times . He encouraged young Brethren to persevere in their endeavours to do their dxity , however humble their position in Masonry might he . He had been Inner Guard himself for two years , and had gradually wrought himself up to the high position which he now holds in the Craft . At the request of the Eight Worshipful Master , he then presided at the initiation of a young candidate , who happened to be a distant relative of his own
A Brother Apprentice being desirous of further insight into the mysteries , and having testified as to his knowledge , so far as imparted , was then passed as Fellowcraft , after which three Fellowcraftsrnen were raised to the sublime degree of Master Mason , the Lodge being progressively raised , and the Brethren instructed by Bro . Smith , whose manner of working the Lodge was universally admired . The Lodge was then gradually lowered and closed , after a vote of thanks to Brother Smith for his kindness in showing his Edinburgh Brethren
how Masonry was conducted in his native land . Refreshments were then served , when , after the usual loyal and Masonic toasts , the Eight Worshipful Master proposed the health of Bro . Smith , and passed a high eulogium on his character , both as a man and as a Mason , which had raised him to eminence in the Masonic and political world . His worship returned thanks in an eloquent speech , which we are sorry our limits will not allow us to do justice to . After some other toasts and songs , the meeting separated , highly gratified with the proceedings of the evening , which was quite an era in the history of Masonry in Edinburgh .
The Week
Her Majesty continues in excellent health , and has been enjoying her rides around Balmoral , The Prince Consort and Prince Alfred shoot daily . On the 12 th , the Queen gave a dance at the Castle to a small party . Her Majesty has also given a ball to the servants and gillies . The mayor of Graves end has received a letter from the Princess Eoyal , thanking him for a drawing which had been sent to her commemorating the presence of the young ladies who were the fair flowerstrewers on the occasion of her Royal Highness e s departure , and intended as a
souvenir of the event . Her Royal Highness appreciates in feeling terms the sympathy and affection shown towards her on leaving her native country . The court left Balmoral yesterday for Windsor . A more important establishment has been formed for the Prince of Wales , whose seventeenth birthday is the 9 th proximo . Colonel the Hon . Robert Bruce will be his governor , and the Rev . C . Tarver director of ' his studies and chaplain . -A grand held day at the Chalons camp brought the manoeuvres to a close on Saturday . On Sunday the Emperor and
Empress attended mass at the camp , performed by the Bishop of Nancy . The ceremony was most imposing . There was afterwards , a distribution of decorations hy the Emperor . Their majesties visited the ancient town of Rheims on Monday . Tho mayor issued a proclamation ; the old cathedral was ornamented ; there was much speechifying and acclamation , and illuminations in the evening . Marshal Pelissier ' s marriage withMadlle . Paniega has taken place at St . Cloud . The emperor and empress with a numerous assemblage of dignitaries were present . The duke is in his sixty-seventh year , his bride in her thirty-third .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
tion ) , at the vote of the Lodge , was affiliated a member of St . Clair , and invested with their clothing , apron , and sash . In returning thanks for the honour conferred upon him , he gave an interesting account of Masonry in the province of Victoria , where he was the first of the outer world initiated into the mysteries of the Craft . He also stated that the Freemasons of Victoria had had the gratification of being instrumental in relieving and succouring , perhaps to a greater extent
than in any other place , worthy Brethren who had ventured to that distant province during its early and troublous times . He encouraged young Brethren to persevere in their endeavours to do their dxity , however humble their position in Masonry might he . He had been Inner Guard himself for two years , and had gradually wrought himself up to the high position which he now holds in the Craft . At the request of the Eight Worshipful Master , he then presided at the initiation of a young candidate , who happened to be a distant relative of his own
A Brother Apprentice being desirous of further insight into the mysteries , and having testified as to his knowledge , so far as imparted , was then passed as Fellowcraft , after which three Fellowcraftsrnen were raised to the sublime degree of Master Mason , the Lodge being progressively raised , and the Brethren instructed by Bro . Smith , whose manner of working the Lodge was universally admired . The Lodge was then gradually lowered and closed , after a vote of thanks to Brother Smith for his kindness in showing his Edinburgh Brethren
how Masonry was conducted in his native land . Refreshments were then served , when , after the usual loyal and Masonic toasts , the Eight Worshipful Master proposed the health of Bro . Smith , and passed a high eulogium on his character , both as a man and as a Mason , which had raised him to eminence in the Masonic and political world . His worship returned thanks in an eloquent speech , which we are sorry our limits will not allow us to do justice to . After some other toasts and songs , the meeting separated , highly gratified with the proceedings of the evening , which was quite an era in the history of Masonry in Edinburgh .
The Week
Her Majesty continues in excellent health , and has been enjoying her rides around Balmoral , The Prince Consort and Prince Alfred shoot daily . On the 12 th , the Queen gave a dance at the Castle to a small party . Her Majesty has also given a ball to the servants and gillies . The mayor of Graves end has received a letter from the Princess Eoyal , thanking him for a drawing which had been sent to her commemorating the presence of the young ladies who were the fair flowerstrewers on the occasion of her Royal Highness e s departure , and intended as a
souvenir of the event . Her Royal Highness appreciates in feeling terms the sympathy and affection shown towards her on leaving her native country . The court left Balmoral yesterday for Windsor . A more important establishment has been formed for the Prince of Wales , whose seventeenth birthday is the 9 th proximo . Colonel the Hon . Robert Bruce will be his governor , and the Rev . C . Tarver director of ' his studies and chaplain . -A grand held day at the Chalons camp brought the manoeuvres to a close on Saturday . On Sunday the Emperor and
Empress attended mass at the camp , performed by the Bishop of Nancy . The ceremony was most imposing . There was afterwards , a distribution of decorations hy the Emperor . Their majesties visited the ancient town of Rheims on Monday . Tho mayor issued a proclamation ; the old cathedral was ornamented ; there was much speechifying and acclamation , and illuminations in the evening . Marshal Pelissier ' s marriage withMadlle . Paniega has taken place at St . Cloud . The emperor and empress with a numerous assemblage of dignitaries were present . The duke is in his sixty-seventh year , his bride in her thirty-third .