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Tidings From The Craft In The United Sta...
antiquities of the Craft . In the archives of all your Lodges are documents of interest and value in art historic point of view to the American Craft , whose publication would add immensely to the value of the Magazine . To show you what a price we set upon such here ^—in my office I haye , framed for public inspection , as a gavel , the following diploma :- ~
"' , the High Priest , & c , of a Royal Arch super-excellent encampment , No . 419 , on the registry of Ireland , do hereby certify that our worthy and well beloved Brother , James Johnston , P . M ., was 'b y ' . us duly and regularly initiated into that most noble and sublime degree of a Royal Arch super-excellent Mason , behaving
with due honour and justice to the Craft , truly supported the amazing trials ot skill and valour attending his admission ; and as such we recommend him to all Royal Arch super-excellent Masons around the globe . Given under our hand and seal of our Grand Chapter in Ballibay , this 20 th day of May , 1799 , and of Royal Arch super-excellent Masonry , 3292 . " The titles of the officers whose signatures are appended , are H . P , C . G , K . G . M ., S . G . M ., and J . G . M .
Freemasonry And Architectuee.
[ From the Building Netvs . ] All our readers are aware that there has been at times a very close connection between Freemasonry and architecture , though at other times the sympathy has been small . Among the members of the mystic Craft there is commonly a large body of architects , builders , and masons , and in Scotland many working masons . It is the pride of Freemasonry , and an event
in the history of architecture , that Wren was Grand Master of England , and that he held a Lodge in regular working throughout the building of St . Paul ' s . Many architects of eminence have officiated in connection with the Order , and their co-operation is recognized and welcomed . Of late years less zeal has been displayed , the architects have been less active , and many new buildings have been founded without the ancient Masonic
celebration . It may be that the ecclesiologists have had something to do with this ; for though Aery many clergymen are connected with the Order , and the dignity of Grand Chaplain has become their monopoly besides the share they have in other offices , provincial and local , yet the regular Puseyitical parson is little disposed to countenance an order which has been distinguished by the inculcation of the highest moral teachings , which
enforces toleration , which has in this country many Lodges of Jews and even a Hebrew ritual , and which receives Turks and Par sees and men of all religious persuasions , or of no religious persuasions , without inquiring into their opinions , provided evidence is afforded of their being moral and religious men . The proceedings of the Freemasons , because they are eminently religious , are by bigots of all communions , treated as irreligious , and the
attendance of Freemasons at church with the insignia of their organization has been resented and refused by some parsons ; " permission lias been denied to the Chaplains of their Lodges to preach in the parish pulpits , and funerals which have been performed with Masonic rites have been treated with neglect and contempt . From laying the foundation stones of churches , Freemasons have been generally excluded , and their ritual has been superseded by practices more congenial to St . Barnabas and St . Margaret . The apathy of the Masons , within the Order and outside , has , however ,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Tidings From The Craft In The United Sta...
antiquities of the Craft . In the archives of all your Lodges are documents of interest and value in art historic point of view to the American Craft , whose publication would add immensely to the value of the Magazine . To show you what a price we set upon such here ^—in my office I haye , framed for public inspection , as a gavel , the following diploma :- ~
"' , the High Priest , & c , of a Royal Arch super-excellent encampment , No . 419 , on the registry of Ireland , do hereby certify that our worthy and well beloved Brother , James Johnston , P . M ., was 'b y ' . us duly and regularly initiated into that most noble and sublime degree of a Royal Arch super-excellent Mason , behaving
with due honour and justice to the Craft , truly supported the amazing trials ot skill and valour attending his admission ; and as such we recommend him to all Royal Arch super-excellent Masons around the globe . Given under our hand and seal of our Grand Chapter in Ballibay , this 20 th day of May , 1799 , and of Royal Arch super-excellent Masonry , 3292 . " The titles of the officers whose signatures are appended , are H . P , C . G , K . G . M ., S . G . M ., and J . G . M .
Freemasonry And Architectuee.
[ From the Building Netvs . ] All our readers are aware that there has been at times a very close connection between Freemasonry and architecture , though at other times the sympathy has been small . Among the members of the mystic Craft there is commonly a large body of architects , builders , and masons , and in Scotland many working masons . It is the pride of Freemasonry , and an event
in the history of architecture , that Wren was Grand Master of England , and that he held a Lodge in regular working throughout the building of St . Paul ' s . Many architects of eminence have officiated in connection with the Order , and their co-operation is recognized and welcomed . Of late years less zeal has been displayed , the architects have been less active , and many new buildings have been founded without the ancient Masonic
celebration . It may be that the ecclesiologists have had something to do with this ; for though Aery many clergymen are connected with the Order , and the dignity of Grand Chaplain has become their monopoly besides the share they have in other offices , provincial and local , yet the regular Puseyitical parson is little disposed to countenance an order which has been distinguished by the inculcation of the highest moral teachings , which
enforces toleration , which has in this country many Lodges of Jews and even a Hebrew ritual , and which receives Turks and Par sees and men of all religious persuasions , or of no religious persuasions , without inquiring into their opinions , provided evidence is afforded of their being moral and religious men . The proceedings of the Freemasons , because they are eminently religious , are by bigots of all communions , treated as irreligious , and the
attendance of Freemasons at church with the insignia of their organization has been resented and refused by some parsons ; " permission lias been denied to the Chaplains of their Lodges to preach in the parish pulpits , and funerals which have been performed with Masonic rites have been treated with neglect and contempt . From laying the foundation stones of churches , Freemasons have been generally excluded , and their ritual has been superseded by practices more congenial to St . Barnabas and St . Margaret . The apathy of the Masons , within the Order and outside , has , however ,