Article PROVINCIAL ← Page 5 of 8 →
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who in return said , he was gratified to find his services of past times thus acknowledged . He on every occasion , whether in the province or in the Grand Lodge of England , gave support to the great , principles on which the Order was founded . The time had now arrived when the provinces need more regular attendance of their representatives in Grand Lodge , a duty that had been much neglected , and hence the interests of the Provincial Lodges had not been attended to . ic 5
The health of The visitors , ' and "The officers of the province , ' followed . The Chairman , Prov . G . M ., and several other Brethren , departed at nine o ' clock ; some few , however , under the presidency of Bro . Wyatt , prolonged their enjoyment for another hour or so . The entire subscriptions reached £ 150 .
, KENT . Appointments . — -Lodges . —Monday , November 1 st , Peace anil Harmony ( 235 ) , Royal Oak , Doyer , at 7 J ; Tuesday , 2 nd , Adam ' s ( 184 ) , Masonic Hall , Sheerness , at 6 ; Wednesday , 3 rd , Eoyal Naval ( 621 ) , Royal Hotel ,. Eamsgate , at 7 ; Invieta ( 1011 ) , George Hotel , Ashford , at 8 ; Thursday , 4 th ., United Industrious ( 34 ) , Freemasons' Tavern , Canterbury , at 8 ; Friday , 5 th , "Union ( 149 ) , King ' s Head , Margate , at 7 .
LANCASHIRE ( BAST ) . Appointments . —Lodges . —Monday , November 1 st , Cheetham and Crumpsall ( 921 ) , Crumpsall Hotel , Manchester , at 6 ; Thursday , 4 th , Affability ( 399 ) , Cross Street , Manchester , at 6 J ; Friday , 5 th , Anchor and Hope ( 4 . 4 ) , Swan Hotel , Bolton , at 6 .
ROYAL MASONIC BENEVOLENT INSTITUTION FOR AGED FREEMASONS A . ND THEIR WIDOWS . The following Regulations are proposed to be adopted by the Prov . G . Lodge of East Lancashire , for concentrating the votes of Lodges , Chapters , and Subscribers in the Province of East Lancashire , submitted with a view to secure the more speedy election of candidates from the province .
1 . At the quarterly meeting of the Provincial Grand Lodge , to be held in March in each year , the candidate to be supported by the province at the ensuing election shall be determined ; and notice shall be given to each Lodge in the summons convening such meeting , that the selection of a candidate will be made , at such quarterly meeting . 2 . The candidates so elected shall receive the united support of all the Lodges in the province .
3 . The Prov . Grand Master , or his Deputy , may from time to time appoint one or more members of the Prov . Grand Lodge , to assist the Prov . Grand Secretary in superintending the collection of the voting papers , to manage the election , and to see that the Lodges and Chapters are not in arrear with their returns and payments , to Grand Lodge , or Grand Chapter ; and such committee may , with the approbation of the Prov . Grand Master or his Deputy , adopt such measures generally , as may promote the election of the candidate .
4 . The Prov . Grand Master or his Deputy , may appoint some member of the Prov . Grand Lodge to attend each election for the purpose of recording the votes , and promoting the election of the candidate . The member so appointed shall have a discretionary power to expend a sum . not exceeding £ 20 , from the Benevolent Fund of this province , in obtaining votes in support of the candidate at each election . The reasonable expenses of the member so deputed , shall be paid out of the funds of the Prov . Grand Lodge .
5 . Each Lodge shall , as soon after the receipt of the voting paper from the Grand Lodge as possible , forward the same , properly signed and marked for the selected Candidate , to , the Prov . Grand Secretary , in order that the same may be examined and recorded . The W . M . of each Lodgo must make the requisite returns and
payments to Grand Lodge , prior to tho day of election . 6 . A writtenSpeport of the result of each election shall be made at the annual meeting of the Prov . Grand Lodge , held in dune in each year , and tho substance of such report shall be entered upon the minutes , and a copy thereof sent to each Lodge in the province . Pro- Pollitt , the Prov , Grand Registrar for East Lancashire , who proposes the
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who in return said , he was gratified to find his services of past times thus acknowledged . He on every occasion , whether in the province or in the Grand Lodge of England , gave support to the great , principles on which the Order was founded . The time had now arrived when the provinces need more regular attendance of their representatives in Grand Lodge , a duty that had been much neglected , and hence the interests of the Provincial Lodges had not been attended to . ic 5
The health of The visitors , ' and "The officers of the province , ' followed . The Chairman , Prov . G . M ., and several other Brethren , departed at nine o ' clock ; some few , however , under the presidency of Bro . Wyatt , prolonged their enjoyment for another hour or so . The entire subscriptions reached £ 150 .
, KENT . Appointments . — -Lodges . —Monday , November 1 st , Peace anil Harmony ( 235 ) , Royal Oak , Doyer , at 7 J ; Tuesday , 2 nd , Adam ' s ( 184 ) , Masonic Hall , Sheerness , at 6 ; Wednesday , 3 rd , Eoyal Naval ( 621 ) , Royal Hotel ,. Eamsgate , at 7 ; Invieta ( 1011 ) , George Hotel , Ashford , at 8 ; Thursday , 4 th ., United Industrious ( 34 ) , Freemasons' Tavern , Canterbury , at 8 ; Friday , 5 th , "Union ( 149 ) , King ' s Head , Margate , at 7 .
LANCASHIRE ( BAST ) . Appointments . —Lodges . —Monday , November 1 st , Cheetham and Crumpsall ( 921 ) , Crumpsall Hotel , Manchester , at 6 ; Thursday , 4 th , Affability ( 399 ) , Cross Street , Manchester , at 6 J ; Friday , 5 th , Anchor and Hope ( 4 . 4 ) , Swan Hotel , Bolton , at 6 .
ROYAL MASONIC BENEVOLENT INSTITUTION FOR AGED FREEMASONS A . ND THEIR WIDOWS . The following Regulations are proposed to be adopted by the Prov . G . Lodge of East Lancashire , for concentrating the votes of Lodges , Chapters , and Subscribers in the Province of East Lancashire , submitted with a view to secure the more speedy election of candidates from the province .
1 . At the quarterly meeting of the Provincial Grand Lodge , to be held in March in each year , the candidate to be supported by the province at the ensuing election shall be determined ; and notice shall be given to each Lodge in the summons convening such meeting , that the selection of a candidate will be made , at such quarterly meeting . 2 . The candidates so elected shall receive the united support of all the Lodges in the province .
3 . The Prov . Grand Master , or his Deputy , may from time to time appoint one or more members of the Prov . Grand Lodge , to assist the Prov . Grand Secretary in superintending the collection of the voting papers , to manage the election , and to see that the Lodges and Chapters are not in arrear with their returns and payments , to Grand Lodge , or Grand Chapter ; and such committee may , with the approbation of the Prov . Grand Master or his Deputy , adopt such measures generally , as may promote the election of the candidate .
4 . The Prov . Grand Master or his Deputy , may appoint some member of the Prov . Grand Lodge to attend each election for the purpose of recording the votes , and promoting the election of the candidate . The member so appointed shall have a discretionary power to expend a sum . not exceeding £ 20 , from the Benevolent Fund of this province , in obtaining votes in support of the candidate at each election . The reasonable expenses of the member so deputed , shall be paid out of the funds of the Prov . Grand Lodge .
5 . Each Lodge shall , as soon after the receipt of the voting paper from the Grand Lodge as possible , forward the same , properly signed and marked for the selected Candidate , to , the Prov . Grand Secretary , in order that the same may be examined and recorded . The W . M . of each Lodgo must make the requisite returns and
payments to Grand Lodge , prior to tho day of election . 6 . A writtenSpeport of the result of each election shall be made at the annual meeting of the Prov . Grand Lodge , held in dune in each year , and tho substance of such report shall be entered upon the minutes , and a copy thereof sent to each Lodge in the province . Pro- Pollitt , the Prov , Grand Registrar for East Lancashire , who proposes the