Article PROVINCIAL ← Page 6 of 8 →
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regulations , and which already have received the assent of Prov . Grand Lodge , lias made an earnest appeal to the Brethren for increased support to the charitystating that out of 1562 siibscribing members to Lodges in the province , there are not more than six individual subscribers to the charity . Blackburn . — Lodge of Perseverance ( No . 432 ) . —This Lodge held its usual monthly meeting on . the evening of Thursday , 21 st Oct . ; the W . M ., - Bro . William
Harrison , presiding , assisted by his Wardens , Bro . Bell , S . W . ; and Bro . KadcIifFe , ( W . M . and P . M ., No . 434 ) J . W . There was an average attendance of the Brethren . The ordinary business of the Lodge having been transacted , the W . M . called the attention of the members to the scheme of Bro . Pollitt , Prov . G . Reg ., for concentrating the votes of Lodges , & c , at the elections of candidates to the Royal Benevolent Institution , and it met with the hearty and unanimous approval of the Lodge . The W . M . entered his name for £ 5 as a donation to the above excellent
institution ( which constitutes him a life governor , entitled to two votes for life ) , when his example was followed by several other Brethren entering their names as donors and subscribers ; and a proposal was made , that the Lodge should subscribe annually , as well as the members individually , to emulate the examples mentioned above . Bro . Bandell , a member of the Lodge , but residing at Maidstone , Kent
having written , presenting the Lodge with the portrait of an eminent Brother , f ramed in Masonic style , his handsome gift was heartily and thankfully accepted , and ordered to be acknowledged in the Lodge minutes . Several other matters of interest were gone into , and two Brethren having been proposed as joining members , and a gentleman for initiation , the Lodge adjourned after spending a profitable and pleasant evening .
LANCASHIRE ( WEST ) . Appointments . —Loo ^ s . —Monday , November 1 st , Harmony ( 267 ) , Wellington Hotel . Garston , at 3 J ; Wednesday , 3 rd , St . John ' s ( 971 ) , Caledonian Hotel , Liverpool , at 6 i : Ellesmere ( 1032 ) , Ked Lion , Chorley , at 6 ; Thursday , 4 th , Mariner ' s ( 310 ) . Masonic Hall , Liverpool , at 6-Friday , 5 th . Instruction . — Ditto , at 7 . Chapters . — -Tuesday , 2 nd , St . John ( 245 ) , Eoyal Hotel ^ Liverpool , at 6 .
Liverpool . Third Amateur Performance . —On Wednesday , the 13 th insi , a number of the Liverpool Brethren gave an amateur performance , at the Theatre Eoyal , Williamson-square , in aid of the funds for the erection of the intended new Masonic hall , Hope-street . The performance was under the patronage of Bros . Le Gendre Nicholas Starkie , Prov . G . M . ; Sir Thomas G . Hesketh , Bart ., Deputy Prov . G . M ., and the other Provincial Grand Officers . The house was tolerably well filled by a highly respectable auditory . The pieces produced were "London
Assurance" and " Little Toddlekins , " the acting of which created considerable amusement , and the efforts of the various Brethren were warmly applauded throughout . Too much praise cannot be given to the acting of Bros . Clark Meyrick , Coulter , and Hammond , who , on the conclusion of the performance ^ were vociferously called for by the audience , and on their appearance , were received
with repeated rounds of applause . The Brethren were well supported in their efforts by Miss Page , Miss Edwards , and Mrs . Power , whose services had been granted by Mr . Copeland , lessee of the amphitheatre . sBy this performance and the gift of Grand Lodge , on Tuesday , the 12 th instant , the requisite funds for the alteration of the premises in Hope-street , in its present temporary state , will have been realized .
LEICESTERSHIRE . Appointment .-Lodge . —Wednesday , November 3 rd , St . John ' s ( 34 iS ) , Bell Hotel , Leicester at 7 . Leicester . —John of Gaunt Lodge ( No . 766 ) . —The monthly meeting of the Brethren of this Lodge was held on Thursday evening , the 21 st instant when
there were present Bros . Kelly , Deputy Prov . GLM . ; Clephan , W . M . ; Wiiley , S . W .-Paul , J . W . ; Shephard , Sec . ; Brewin , J . D . ; Spencer , I . Q ., & c , & c , ' Bros ! Pettifor and Nedham of St . Johns , No . 348 . Bros . Forster , Qarnar , and Manning were parsed to the degree of Fellow Craft . The Lodge took into consideration tJh . 0 regent appeal on behalf of the Masonic Schools ; and after some discussion * 3 * 2 *
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
regulations , and which already have received the assent of Prov . Grand Lodge , lias made an earnest appeal to the Brethren for increased support to the charitystating that out of 1562 siibscribing members to Lodges in the province , there are not more than six individual subscribers to the charity . Blackburn . — Lodge of Perseverance ( No . 432 ) . —This Lodge held its usual monthly meeting on . the evening of Thursday , 21 st Oct . ; the W . M ., - Bro . William
Harrison , presiding , assisted by his Wardens , Bro . Bell , S . W . ; and Bro . KadcIifFe , ( W . M . and P . M ., No . 434 ) J . W . There was an average attendance of the Brethren . The ordinary business of the Lodge having been transacted , the W . M . called the attention of the members to the scheme of Bro . Pollitt , Prov . G . Reg ., for concentrating the votes of Lodges , & c , at the elections of candidates to the Royal Benevolent Institution , and it met with the hearty and unanimous approval of the Lodge . The W . M . entered his name for £ 5 as a donation to the above excellent
institution ( which constitutes him a life governor , entitled to two votes for life ) , when his example was followed by several other Brethren entering their names as donors and subscribers ; and a proposal was made , that the Lodge should subscribe annually , as well as the members individually , to emulate the examples mentioned above . Bro . Bandell , a member of the Lodge , but residing at Maidstone , Kent
having written , presenting the Lodge with the portrait of an eminent Brother , f ramed in Masonic style , his handsome gift was heartily and thankfully accepted , and ordered to be acknowledged in the Lodge minutes . Several other matters of interest were gone into , and two Brethren having been proposed as joining members , and a gentleman for initiation , the Lodge adjourned after spending a profitable and pleasant evening .
LANCASHIRE ( WEST ) . Appointments . —Loo ^ s . —Monday , November 1 st , Harmony ( 267 ) , Wellington Hotel . Garston , at 3 J ; Wednesday , 3 rd , St . John ' s ( 971 ) , Caledonian Hotel , Liverpool , at 6 i : Ellesmere ( 1032 ) , Ked Lion , Chorley , at 6 ; Thursday , 4 th , Mariner ' s ( 310 ) . Masonic Hall , Liverpool , at 6-Friday , 5 th . Instruction . — Ditto , at 7 . Chapters . — -Tuesday , 2 nd , St . John ( 245 ) , Eoyal Hotel ^ Liverpool , at 6 .
Liverpool . Third Amateur Performance . —On Wednesday , the 13 th insi , a number of the Liverpool Brethren gave an amateur performance , at the Theatre Eoyal , Williamson-square , in aid of the funds for the erection of the intended new Masonic hall , Hope-street . The performance was under the patronage of Bros . Le Gendre Nicholas Starkie , Prov . G . M . ; Sir Thomas G . Hesketh , Bart ., Deputy Prov . G . M ., and the other Provincial Grand Officers . The house was tolerably well filled by a highly respectable auditory . The pieces produced were "London
Assurance" and " Little Toddlekins , " the acting of which created considerable amusement , and the efforts of the various Brethren were warmly applauded throughout . Too much praise cannot be given to the acting of Bros . Clark Meyrick , Coulter , and Hammond , who , on the conclusion of the performance ^ were vociferously called for by the audience , and on their appearance , were received
with repeated rounds of applause . The Brethren were well supported in their efforts by Miss Page , Miss Edwards , and Mrs . Power , whose services had been granted by Mr . Copeland , lessee of the amphitheatre . sBy this performance and the gift of Grand Lodge , on Tuesday , the 12 th instant , the requisite funds for the alteration of the premises in Hope-street , in its present temporary state , will have been realized .
LEICESTERSHIRE . Appointment .-Lodge . —Wednesday , November 3 rd , St . John ' s ( 34 iS ) , Bell Hotel , Leicester at 7 . Leicester . —John of Gaunt Lodge ( No . 766 ) . —The monthly meeting of the Brethren of this Lodge was held on Thursday evening , the 21 st instant when
there were present Bros . Kelly , Deputy Prov . GLM . ; Clephan , W . M . ; Wiiley , S . W .-Paul , J . W . ; Shephard , Sec . ; Brewin , J . D . ; Spencer , I . Q ., & c , & c , ' Bros ! Pettifor and Nedham of St . Johns , No . 348 . Bros . Forster , Qarnar , and Manning were parsed to the degree of Fellow Craft . The Lodge took into consideration tJh . 0 regent appeal on behalf of the Masonic Schools ; and after some discussion * 3 * 2 *