Article MASK MASONRY ← Page 4 of 4 Article ROYAL ARCH Page 1 of 2 →
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Mask Masonry
At this period of the banquet the visitors from Bristol were warned by the tihie that the " inexorable train '' should be at hand ; a hurried farewell was therefore taken of their hospitable hosts . But , alas ! a full hour was spent waiting at the station / which it would have been a hoon to pass elsewhere . The visiting Brethren were unanimous in their estimate of the reception they had experienced , and gratified with everything connected with the event . Nor should we close this record of their visit , without some special note in commendation of the excellent furniture of the new Lodge , which is in every respect worthy of the Lodge , and bears witness to the taste and good judgment of the Brethren who selected it .
WARWICKSHIRE . Birmingham .- Howe Marie Blasters Lodge . —The Brethren of this Lodge assembled at the Masonic rooms , on Monday , Oct . 18 th . Pour Brethren were advanced to this degree . The W . M ., Bro . A . M ' cCracken , presided , and his officers were all well up to their duties . . These rooms are admirably adapted for Lodge meetings . If Masonic meetings could generally be-held in buildings such as this , the Order would be advanced , and the comfort of the Brethren greatly enhanced .
Royal Arch
METROPOLITAN CHAPTERS . Enoch Chapter ( No . 11 ) . —This Chapter met at the Freemasons' Tavern , on Tuesday , October 19 th . Comps . Richard Temple was installed as Z . ; Kennedey II . ; and George Gurton , J . ; the ceremonies being most ably performed by Comp . George Biggs , P . ¦ G . D . C , visitor . The following officers being present were invested and inducted ; Comps . Robert Williams , Treasurer ; Matthews , E . ; Sewell , P . S . ; Wm . Williams and Watson , Stewards .
Mount Sinai Chapter ( No . 49 ) . — -A convocation of this Chapter was held at Bro . Clemow ' s , Anderton's Hotel , Fleet-street , on Tuesday ,. October 19 th , Comp . Jos . Smith officiating as Z . ; Andrews , If . and Copus J . There were also present the following P . Z ' s , Comp . Collard , who acted as P . Z . in the absence of tWip . Norman ; and Comps . Kant , Potter , Rackstraw , and Andrew . Comp . Barnshaw , of the Robert Burns Chapter ( No . 25 ) , was proposed and received as a joining
member-It was then resolved to establish i \ Chapter of Instrction , to be held at Comp Gurton ' s , Old Bond-street , At the conclusion of the business the Comps . adjourned to refreshment , the toast of the visitors being acknowledged by Comps . Suter ( 206 ) , and Woodstock ( 25 ) . The M . E . Z . most ably advocated the claims of the Masonic Charities , and more especially tho . Royal Benevolent Institution for Aged Masons and their Widows , to support ; and it was resolved that the Chapter should be represented by a Steward at the festival of that institution to be held in January .
Hope Chapter ( No . 24-8 ) . —A convocation of this Chapter took place at the Globe Tavern , Greenwich , on the 19 th instant , Comp . Pates presiding as Z ., in the absence of Comp . Hutchinson , M . E . Z . ; Comps . Archer and Broughton were H .
and J . Amongst the others present we observed Comps , Nutt , Bowen , Noble , Leigh , Cole , Moore . Rev . J . Knott , Jones , & c . ; and visitors Comps . Eastwood { Prince of Wales Chapter ); Archer ( Polish ); and Wilson . Bro . Johan Blichfelclt , of Lodge No . 208 , was introduced , having been successfully balloted for , and most impressively exalted to the sublime degree—the highest in Freemasonry . The newly made Companion , who holds an important office in the Lodge of Sincerity ,
expressed his gratitude ' for the honour . vouchsafed him , and regretted that being a foreigner he was unable to express himself so well as he desired , but could not help saying that lie was deeply impressed -with the beautiful ritual in this advanced stage of . Freemasonry , trusting that the Great Cjepmetrichui would give him health and mental power to make himself sufficiently acquainted with its ceremonies to be
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Mask Masonry
At this period of the banquet the visitors from Bristol were warned by the tihie that the " inexorable train '' should be at hand ; a hurried farewell was therefore taken of their hospitable hosts . But , alas ! a full hour was spent waiting at the station / which it would have been a hoon to pass elsewhere . The visiting Brethren were unanimous in their estimate of the reception they had experienced , and gratified with everything connected with the event . Nor should we close this record of their visit , without some special note in commendation of the excellent furniture of the new Lodge , which is in every respect worthy of the Lodge , and bears witness to the taste and good judgment of the Brethren who selected it .
WARWICKSHIRE . Birmingham .- Howe Marie Blasters Lodge . —The Brethren of this Lodge assembled at the Masonic rooms , on Monday , Oct . 18 th . Pour Brethren were advanced to this degree . The W . M ., Bro . A . M ' cCracken , presided , and his officers were all well up to their duties . . These rooms are admirably adapted for Lodge meetings . If Masonic meetings could generally be-held in buildings such as this , the Order would be advanced , and the comfort of the Brethren greatly enhanced .
Royal Arch
METROPOLITAN CHAPTERS . Enoch Chapter ( No . 11 ) . —This Chapter met at the Freemasons' Tavern , on Tuesday , October 19 th . Comps . Richard Temple was installed as Z . ; Kennedey II . ; and George Gurton , J . ; the ceremonies being most ably performed by Comp . George Biggs , P . ¦ G . D . C , visitor . The following officers being present were invested and inducted ; Comps . Robert Williams , Treasurer ; Matthews , E . ; Sewell , P . S . ; Wm . Williams and Watson , Stewards .
Mount Sinai Chapter ( No . 49 ) . — -A convocation of this Chapter was held at Bro . Clemow ' s , Anderton's Hotel , Fleet-street , on Tuesday ,. October 19 th , Comp . Jos . Smith officiating as Z . ; Andrews , If . and Copus J . There were also present the following P . Z ' s , Comp . Collard , who acted as P . Z . in the absence of tWip . Norman ; and Comps . Kant , Potter , Rackstraw , and Andrew . Comp . Barnshaw , of the Robert Burns Chapter ( No . 25 ) , was proposed and received as a joining
member-It was then resolved to establish i \ Chapter of Instrction , to be held at Comp Gurton ' s , Old Bond-street , At the conclusion of the business the Comps . adjourned to refreshment , the toast of the visitors being acknowledged by Comps . Suter ( 206 ) , and Woodstock ( 25 ) . The M . E . Z . most ably advocated the claims of the Masonic Charities , and more especially tho . Royal Benevolent Institution for Aged Masons and their Widows , to support ; and it was resolved that the Chapter should be represented by a Steward at the festival of that institution to be held in January .
Hope Chapter ( No . 24-8 ) . —A convocation of this Chapter took place at the Globe Tavern , Greenwich , on the 19 th instant , Comp . Pates presiding as Z ., in the absence of Comp . Hutchinson , M . E . Z . ; Comps . Archer and Broughton were H .
and J . Amongst the others present we observed Comps , Nutt , Bowen , Noble , Leigh , Cole , Moore . Rev . J . Knott , Jones , & c . ; and visitors Comps . Eastwood { Prince of Wales Chapter ); Archer ( Polish ); and Wilson . Bro . Johan Blichfelclt , of Lodge No . 208 , was introduced , having been successfully balloted for , and most impressively exalted to the sublime degree—the highest in Freemasonry . The newly made Companion , who holds an important office in the Lodge of Sincerity ,
expressed his gratitude ' for the honour . vouchsafed him , and regretted that being a foreigner he was unable to express himself so well as he desired , but could not help saying that lie was deeply impressed -with the beautiful ritual in this advanced stage of . Freemasonry , trusting that the Great Cjepmetrichui would give him health and mental power to make himself sufficiently acquainted with its ceremonies to be