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Bear Sir and Brother , —I observe hy your report of ^ at the Prov . Grand Lodge of Suffolk , on Friday , the 24 th nit ., ( published , in the last num ^ B enj . Head is reported to have stated that the circular letter signed hy Bros . X y ^ , Binckes , and myself , in reference to the Masonic Schools , was not of the committee of the schools , but was the act of the three Brothers who had signed it . Bro . Head is entirely mistake
[ The Editob does nob hold himself responsible Jot < my opmwns entertained by Correspondents . ]
Will you kindly give insertion to the annexed extract from the minutes of the Girls School . I wished to have preceded it by the corresponding extract from the Boys School minutes , but b y some accident the copy which I wrote for has not reached me in time for this week ' s publication . It will he seen , however , that the extract from the Girls' School minutes implies a previous
resolution of the committee of the Boys' School . I am , dear Sir and Brother , Yours truly and fraternally , 3 , Ingrain-court , Fenchurch-street , E . C . John Symonds ith October , 1858 .
extract from minutes . " Quarterly General Court , Thursday , 8 th July , 1858 * " Resolved : —« ' tfhat the Committee of this Institution desire to co-operate with the Committee of the Royal Masonic Boys School , in taking measures to acquire such information as may be requisite for the purpose of enabling them to devise some plau by which the claims of the Masonic charities may be submitted to provincial Brethren in a maimer more forcible than has hitherto been done ; and that it be referred to Bros . Symonds , Lyall , and Bincke , * , to act on behalf of this Institution ) and to report the result of their inquiries . ' "
THE MASONIC CHARITIES . TO THE EDITOR Otf THE FRT 2 BMAS 0 H & ' MAGAZINE AND MASONIC MIRKO & I > ear Sir and Brother . —The exertions of Bro . Symonds to promote the efficiency of our Masonic Schools cannot be too highly appreciated wbuld that Brethren generally were more alive to their usefulness than at
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Bear Sir and Brother , —I observe hy your report of ^ at the Prov . Grand Lodge of Suffolk , on Friday , the 24 th nit ., ( published , in the last num ^ B enj . Head is reported to have stated that the circular letter signed hy Bros . X y ^ , Binckes , and myself , in reference to the Masonic Schools , was not of the committee of the schools , but was the act of the three Brothers who had signed it . Bro . Head is entirely mistake
[ The Editob does nob hold himself responsible Jot < my opmwns entertained by Correspondents . ]
Will you kindly give insertion to the annexed extract from the minutes of the Girls School . I wished to have preceded it by the corresponding extract from the Boys School minutes , but b y some accident the copy which I wrote for has not reached me in time for this week ' s publication . It will he seen , however , that the extract from the Girls' School minutes implies a previous
resolution of the committee of the Boys' School . I am , dear Sir and Brother , Yours truly and fraternally , 3 , Ingrain-court , Fenchurch-street , E . C . John Symonds ith October , 1858 .
extract from minutes . " Quarterly General Court , Thursday , 8 th July , 1858 * " Resolved : —« ' tfhat the Committee of this Institution desire to co-operate with the Committee of the Royal Masonic Boys School , in taking measures to acquire such information as may be requisite for the purpose of enabling them to devise some plau by which the claims of the Masonic charities may be submitted to provincial Brethren in a maimer more forcible than has hitherto been done ; and that it be referred to Bros . Symonds , Lyall , and Bincke , * , to act on behalf of this Institution ) and to report the result of their inquiries . ' "
THE MASONIC CHARITIES . TO THE EDITOR Otf THE FRT 2 BMAS 0 H & ' MAGAZINE AND MASONIC MIRKO & I > ear Sir and Brother . —The exertions of Bro . Symonds to promote the efficiency of our Masonic Schools cannot be too highly appreciated wbuld that Brethren generally were more alive to their usefulness than at