Article OOMESPOTOENCE. ← Page 2 of 6 →
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present . Still , of the three charities , it must be admitted that the Boys and Girls Schools receive the greater ^ aniount of support , and the Prov . G . L . of Suffolk was solicited to aid their extension , and to complete their sphere of action . jNFow , whilst expressing my hearty concurrence in all that has been , and is doing , to mature their efficiency , I think our Benevolent Institution is equally deserving the sympathy and support of the Craft
generally , but not one word , not one voice , was heard in its favour at Ipswich , on the 24 th ult .., which I for one very sincerely regret , because , hi so large an assembly—every Lodge in the province being represented there , but one—very great good might , and undoubtedly would have resulted , had an appeal been made to the Brethren in its behalf . As it is generally known that I take a lively interest in support of this institution in particular and am one of its managing committee , it may he thought that I should have
enforced its claims upon the notice of the Brethren ; but being only a visitor there , though well known to many Brethren present , I did not think I should be strictly in order if I attempted to promulgate my views upon the subject . That the Benevolent Institution has greatly extended its means of usefulness of late cannot be denied ; and that much remains to be done before a majority of the Brethren and Widows , who are candidates for the annuity , can be admitted to its benefits is equally certain . The principal motive I
have in troubling you with this communication is , to remind Brethren generally , and those in the provinces in particular , that the next festival in aid of the funds of the institution is fixed to be held on the 26 th of January next , when it is earnestly hoped that our provincial Brethren will not withhold a liberal hand , so that the Committee may be able to place a great majority , if not all the candidates on the annuity . In furtherance of which
I shall be happy to represent any of our provincial Lodges as a steward at the festival , assuring them that it shall be without cost to themselves , provided they send a fair amount of subscriptions or donations to add to my list . Should no provincial Lodge feel disposed to avail itself of my services , I propose standing again as steward for my own Lodge ( No . 196 ) , and shall be glad to take charge of any contributions sent me .
I remain , dear Sir and Brother , faithfully and fraternally , yours , Samuel Azdrich . Hampstead , October 2 , 1858 , P . M . and Hon . Sec ., No . 196
BIGHT OP VOTING FOE W . M . TO THE EDITOR OP THE FREEMASONS' -MAGAZINE AND MASONIC MJBKOR , Deab Sin and Brother , —The letters of "P . M . " and Bro . Forbes ( pp . 558-9 , Freemasons' * Magazine ^ ) , are entitled to the highest consideration ol all W . Ms . If the rule of action there set forth were } to be adopted as the sine ( jud rum to preferment , the principles of the Craft would , he more
generally diffused , and the working of the different Lodges more eftectivdy performed than it is . But it appears to me that some inconvenience might attend the examination of the Brethren intended to be appointed , as Lodges recently established seldom contain sufficient to form the said Board of installed Masters , and the installation of the W . M . is directed to follow on the next regular Lodge after his election . This would , however , be surmounted if W . Ms , were to require the intended officers to prove their capabilities , as suggested by Br o * Forbes , in a Lodge
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present . Still , of the three charities , it must be admitted that the Boys and Girls Schools receive the greater ^ aniount of support , and the Prov . G . L . of Suffolk was solicited to aid their extension , and to complete their sphere of action . jNFow , whilst expressing my hearty concurrence in all that has been , and is doing , to mature their efficiency , I think our Benevolent Institution is equally deserving the sympathy and support of the Craft
generally , but not one word , not one voice , was heard in its favour at Ipswich , on the 24 th ult .., which I for one very sincerely regret , because , hi so large an assembly—every Lodge in the province being represented there , but one—very great good might , and undoubtedly would have resulted , had an appeal been made to the Brethren in its behalf . As it is generally known that I take a lively interest in support of this institution in particular and am one of its managing committee , it may he thought that I should have
enforced its claims upon the notice of the Brethren ; but being only a visitor there , though well known to many Brethren present , I did not think I should be strictly in order if I attempted to promulgate my views upon the subject . That the Benevolent Institution has greatly extended its means of usefulness of late cannot be denied ; and that much remains to be done before a majority of the Brethren and Widows , who are candidates for the annuity , can be admitted to its benefits is equally certain . The principal motive I
have in troubling you with this communication is , to remind Brethren generally , and those in the provinces in particular , that the next festival in aid of the funds of the institution is fixed to be held on the 26 th of January next , when it is earnestly hoped that our provincial Brethren will not withhold a liberal hand , so that the Committee may be able to place a great majority , if not all the candidates on the annuity . In furtherance of which
I shall be happy to represent any of our provincial Lodges as a steward at the festival , assuring them that it shall be without cost to themselves , provided they send a fair amount of subscriptions or donations to add to my list . Should no provincial Lodge feel disposed to avail itself of my services , I propose standing again as steward for my own Lodge ( No . 196 ) , and shall be glad to take charge of any contributions sent me .
I remain , dear Sir and Brother , faithfully and fraternally , yours , Samuel Azdrich . Hampstead , October 2 , 1858 , P . M . and Hon . Sec ., No . 196
BIGHT OP VOTING FOE W . M . TO THE EDITOR OP THE FREEMASONS' -MAGAZINE AND MASONIC MJBKOR , Deab Sin and Brother , —The letters of "P . M . " and Bro . Forbes ( pp . 558-9 , Freemasons' * Magazine ^ ) , are entitled to the highest consideration ol all W . Ms . If the rule of action there set forth were } to be adopted as the sine ( jud rum to preferment , the principles of the Craft would , he more
generally diffused , and the working of the different Lodges more eftectivdy performed than it is . But it appears to me that some inconvenience might attend the examination of the Brethren intended to be appointed , as Lodges recently established seldom contain sufficient to form the said Board of installed Masters , and the installation of the W . M . is directed to follow on the next regular Lodge after his election . This would , however , be surmounted if W . Ms , were to require the intended officers to prove their capabilities , as suggested by Br o * Forbes , in a Lodge