Article THE MASONIC MIRROR Page 1 of 3 →
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The Masonic Mirror
MASOHIC MEMS . The Provincial Grand Lodge of Durham meets on Tuesday , the 5 th of October at Darlington . The Provincial Grand Lodge of Northumberland meets on Friday , the 8 th of October , in the Masonic Hall , Blacket Street , Hewcastle-on-Tyne . __ - __
A Prov / Grand Lodge for the Western Division of the county of Lancashire has been conveiied by the E . W . Prov . D . ^ Hall ) to be held at the hew Masonic Temple in Hope Street > Liverpool , on Tuesday , the 12 th October , at 10 sum . This being the first time that the newly appointed D . Prov . GM . has presided ; and also the opening of the Masonic Temple ( the property of , and erected by the Liverpool Brethren ) a large muster of the Craft from theadjacent provinces is expected .
The Eobert Burns Chapter of Instruction will resume its meetings for the season this evening , at the Sussex Stores , the corner of Upper St . Martini Lane and liong Acre , under the able direction of Comp . Sheen , P . Z . of the Jerusalem Chapter . The difficulty of obtaining instruction in the ceremonies of the Koyal Arch is generally acknowledged , and therefore the certainty of the presence of a
Companion so well qualified to afford it as Comp . Sheen , ought to be a sufficient guarantee for this Chapter of Instruction being well supported . We recently announced the dissolution of the Masonic Benefit Society , which had been in abeyance for some years . We understand that it has been determined to re-establish it , but we have not as yet been favoured with a copy of the rules .
We are requested to remind the Craft that the Prestonian Lecture will be delivered by Bro . Thiselton , at the Lodge of Antiquity , on Wednesday , the 27 th instant , and that it will be open to every member of the Order desirous of being present . The Supreme Council of the 33 rd Degree , for England and Wales , will assemble
for their quarterly meeting oa Tuesday , the 14 th October , when they will hold a Grand Council of Knights , K . H ., for the receptiomof Candidates , at Freemasons ' Tavern , Great Queen Street , at 4 o ' clock . The consecration , by the Supreme Council , of the Royal Naval Chapter , Rose Croix , will take place at Portsmouth , on Thursday , the 14 th inst . ; and the consecration of the Yeetis Chapter , Rose Croix , at Ryde , on the same day .
METROPOLITAN w *'» wr "> " " "i » if' i ' » i APPOINTMENTS .
Wednesday , Octoher 6 *// ,-nl 4 odge Oamden ( 1006 ) , Assembly House , Kentish Town . Thursday , 7 Mr--Loclgefl > Egyptian ( 29 ) , George fcnd Blue Boar ; Strong Man ( 63 ) , Falcon
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Masonic Mirror
MASOHIC MEMS . The Provincial Grand Lodge of Durham meets on Tuesday , the 5 th of October at Darlington . The Provincial Grand Lodge of Northumberland meets on Friday , the 8 th of October , in the Masonic Hall , Blacket Street , Hewcastle-on-Tyne . __ - __
A Prov / Grand Lodge for the Western Division of the county of Lancashire has been conveiied by the E . W . Prov . D . ^ Hall ) to be held at the hew Masonic Temple in Hope Street > Liverpool , on Tuesday , the 12 th October , at 10 sum . This being the first time that the newly appointed D . Prov . GM . has presided ; and also the opening of the Masonic Temple ( the property of , and erected by the Liverpool Brethren ) a large muster of the Craft from theadjacent provinces is expected .
The Eobert Burns Chapter of Instruction will resume its meetings for the season this evening , at the Sussex Stores , the corner of Upper St . Martini Lane and liong Acre , under the able direction of Comp . Sheen , P . Z . of the Jerusalem Chapter . The difficulty of obtaining instruction in the ceremonies of the Koyal Arch is generally acknowledged , and therefore the certainty of the presence of a
Companion so well qualified to afford it as Comp . Sheen , ought to be a sufficient guarantee for this Chapter of Instruction being well supported . We recently announced the dissolution of the Masonic Benefit Society , which had been in abeyance for some years . We understand that it has been determined to re-establish it , but we have not as yet been favoured with a copy of the rules .
We are requested to remind the Craft that the Prestonian Lecture will be delivered by Bro . Thiselton , at the Lodge of Antiquity , on Wednesday , the 27 th instant , and that it will be open to every member of the Order desirous of being present . The Supreme Council of the 33 rd Degree , for England and Wales , will assemble
for their quarterly meeting oa Tuesday , the 14 th October , when they will hold a Grand Council of Knights , K . H ., for the receptiomof Candidates , at Freemasons ' Tavern , Great Queen Street , at 4 o ' clock . The consecration , by the Supreme Council , of the Royal Naval Chapter , Rose Croix , will take place at Portsmouth , on Thursday , the 14 th inst . ; and the consecration of the Yeetis Chapter , Rose Croix , at Ryde , on the same day .
METROPOLITAN w *'» wr "> " " "i » if' i ' » i APPOINTMENTS .
Wednesday , Octoher 6 *// ,-nl 4 odge Oamden ( 1006 ) , Assembly House , Kentish Town . Thursday , 7 Mr--Loclgefl > Egyptian ( 29 ) , George fcnd Blue Boar ; Strong Man ( 63 ) , Falcon