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at 7 ; Tuesday , 12 th , JerusaleW ( 986 ) , ditto , at 7 ; Wednesday , 13 th 5 Eoyal Susses ( 221 ) , ditto , at 7 . Instruction . —Friday , 15 th , ditto , at 7 J . Chapter . —Thursday , 14 th , Clarence ( 81 ) , Freemasons Hall , at 7 . CHANNEL ISLANDS . Appoiwtment . —X o ^ . —Tueaday , October 12 th , St , Anne ' s ( 863 ) , New Street , Alderney , at 7 . CHESHIRE . % ' . ¦ ' . ¦ ' ' . ¦ ¦ . '¦ . - . . Appointmekts . —Z ^ o ^ 66 . —Tuesday , October 12 th , Fidelity ( 623 ) , White Hart , Flowery Field , at 6 ; Thursday , 14 th , Mersey ( 701 ) , Angel Hotel , Birkenhead , at 5 . < ~ . DEVONSHIRE .
Appointments . — . Latf (/ es . r-Monday , October 11 th , Sun ( 123 ) , Globe Hotel , Exmouth , at 5 ; Sincerity ( 224 ) , St . George ' s Hall , Stonehouae , at 7 ; Wednesday , 13 th , Fortitude ( 122 ) , Prince George Hotel , Stonehouse , at 7 .
DOESETSHIRE . Appointment . —Lodge .- —Monday , October 11 th , Montague ( 963 ) , Lion Inn , Lyme Regis , at 7 , DURHAM . Appointments . —Lodges , —Thursday , October Hth , Palatine ( 114 ) , Bridge Hotel , Sunderland , at 7 ; Restoration ( 128 ) , Town Hall , Durham , at 8 . ESSEX .
Appointments . —Lodges . —Monday , October 11 th , Star in the East ( 935 ) , Private Rooms Harwich , at 7 ; Wednesday , 13 th , United ( 998 ) , George Hotel , Colchester , at 7 . Chigwell . —Chigwell Zodge , ( No . 663 ) . —The members of this Lodge held their last meeting of the season on Saturday , 25 th September , when Bro . Stony who has filled the chair for two years , raised Bro . Saunders in his usual impressive manner , and afterwards very ably installed the S . W ., Bro . Richard Motion as W . M . for the ensuing year . Bro . Dr . Howe , the father of the Lodge , in a Tory neat speech proposed " That a vote of thanks , with a jewel , should be presented to Bro . Storr , P . M ., for the very efficient manner in which he had presided over the
Lodge for two years , " which was carried unanimously . The new W . M . appointed Bros . W . Paas , S . W . ; Stewart , J . W . ; Geo . Motion , S . D . ; Catling , J . D , ; Saunders , I . G . ; Rice ., Tyler . The Lodge was closed in due form , and the Brethren adjourned to an excellent banquet , provided by Bro . Basham . The visitors were Bros . T .
Hutchings , P . G . S . B . ; Bisgood , D , Prov . G . M . for Kent ; Bro . Capt . McGrill ( returned from Delhi ) , S . E . Nutt , T . Davies , W . Davies , Blatspiel , Vesper , Lock , Cooper , Cox , Hayward , Watson , & c , & c . Bro . Capt . McGrill belongs to the gallant 60 th Regiment of Rifles , which did such good service at Delhi . The circumstance of the captain having been one of the leaders at the Cashmere Gate , and tjie first to enter that dreadful fortress , excited much attention and sympathy from the Brethren present" and it is scarcely necessary to add that the gallant captain was hailed with due Masonic honours . GLOUCESTERSHIRE .
Appointment . —Chapter . —Wednesday , October 13 th , Unanimity ( 97 ) , Freemasons' Rail , Cheltenham . HAMPSHIRE . Appointments . —Zodtfcs . — Tuesday , October 12 fch , Royal Gloucester ( 152 ) , Freemasons' Hall , Southampton , at 7 . Encampment . — Wednesday , 13 th , Royal Naval ( No . 2 ) , Phoenix Lodge Kooms , Portsmouth , at 7 » KENT , Appointments . —Z < % 6 > s ' .- ~ Tuesday , October 12 th , Belvidere ( 741 ) , Star Hotel , Maidstone at 7 ; IMday , 15 th , Vmon ( 149 ) , King's Head , Margate , afc 7 . Chapter .--Tuesday , I 2 th , Adams ( 184 ) , Masonic Hall , bheevnoss , at 7 . LANCASHIRE ( EAST ) .
AiM > oipMBtfTS . ~ £ < % ™ . ~ Wednesday , October 13 th , Antiquity ( 170 ) , One Horse Shoo Iim Bolton , Kt 7 , Chapter , - ~ Monday , 11 th , reraeyerance ( 432 ) , Old PuH , Blackburn , at 8 , Mnoampl
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
at 7 ; Tuesday , 12 th , JerusaleW ( 986 ) , ditto , at 7 ; Wednesday , 13 th 5 Eoyal Susses ( 221 ) , ditto , at 7 . Instruction . —Friday , 15 th , ditto , at 7 J . Chapter . —Thursday , 14 th , Clarence ( 81 ) , Freemasons Hall , at 7 . CHANNEL ISLANDS . Appoiwtment . —X o ^ . —Tueaday , October 12 th , St , Anne ' s ( 863 ) , New Street , Alderney , at 7 . CHESHIRE . % ' . ¦ ' . ¦ ' ' . ¦ ¦ . '¦ . - . . Appointmekts . —Z ^ o ^ 66 . —Tuesday , October 12 th , Fidelity ( 623 ) , White Hart , Flowery Field , at 6 ; Thursday , 14 th , Mersey ( 701 ) , Angel Hotel , Birkenhead , at 5 . < ~ . DEVONSHIRE .
Appointments . — . Latf (/ es . r-Monday , October 11 th , Sun ( 123 ) , Globe Hotel , Exmouth , at 5 ; Sincerity ( 224 ) , St . George ' s Hall , Stonehouae , at 7 ; Wednesday , 13 th , Fortitude ( 122 ) , Prince George Hotel , Stonehouse , at 7 .
DOESETSHIRE . Appointment . —Lodge .- —Monday , October 11 th , Montague ( 963 ) , Lion Inn , Lyme Regis , at 7 , DURHAM . Appointments . —Lodges , —Thursday , October Hth , Palatine ( 114 ) , Bridge Hotel , Sunderland , at 7 ; Restoration ( 128 ) , Town Hall , Durham , at 8 . ESSEX .
Appointments . —Lodges . —Monday , October 11 th , Star in the East ( 935 ) , Private Rooms Harwich , at 7 ; Wednesday , 13 th , United ( 998 ) , George Hotel , Colchester , at 7 . Chigwell . —Chigwell Zodge , ( No . 663 ) . —The members of this Lodge held their last meeting of the season on Saturday , 25 th September , when Bro . Stony who has filled the chair for two years , raised Bro . Saunders in his usual impressive manner , and afterwards very ably installed the S . W ., Bro . Richard Motion as W . M . for the ensuing year . Bro . Dr . Howe , the father of the Lodge , in a Tory neat speech proposed " That a vote of thanks , with a jewel , should be presented to Bro . Storr , P . M ., for the very efficient manner in which he had presided over the
Lodge for two years , " which was carried unanimously . The new W . M . appointed Bros . W . Paas , S . W . ; Stewart , J . W . ; Geo . Motion , S . D . ; Catling , J . D , ; Saunders , I . G . ; Rice ., Tyler . The Lodge was closed in due form , and the Brethren adjourned to an excellent banquet , provided by Bro . Basham . The visitors were Bros . T .
Hutchings , P . G . S . B . ; Bisgood , D , Prov . G . M . for Kent ; Bro . Capt . McGrill ( returned from Delhi ) , S . E . Nutt , T . Davies , W . Davies , Blatspiel , Vesper , Lock , Cooper , Cox , Hayward , Watson , & c , & c . Bro . Capt . McGrill belongs to the gallant 60 th Regiment of Rifles , which did such good service at Delhi . The circumstance of the captain having been one of the leaders at the Cashmere Gate , and tjie first to enter that dreadful fortress , excited much attention and sympathy from the Brethren present" and it is scarcely necessary to add that the gallant captain was hailed with due Masonic honours . GLOUCESTERSHIRE .
Appointment . —Chapter . —Wednesday , October 13 th , Unanimity ( 97 ) , Freemasons' Rail , Cheltenham . HAMPSHIRE . Appointments . —Zodtfcs . — Tuesday , October 12 fch , Royal Gloucester ( 152 ) , Freemasons' Hall , Southampton , at 7 . Encampment . — Wednesday , 13 th , Royal Naval ( No . 2 ) , Phoenix Lodge Kooms , Portsmouth , at 7 » KENT , Appointments . —Z < % 6 > s ' .- ~ Tuesday , October 12 th , Belvidere ( 741 ) , Star Hotel , Maidstone at 7 ; IMday , 15 th , Vmon ( 149 ) , King's Head , Margate , afc 7 . Chapter .--Tuesday , I 2 th , Adams ( 184 ) , Masonic Hall , bheevnoss , at 7 . LANCASHIRE ( EAST ) .
AiM > oipMBtfTS . ~ £ < % ™ . ~ Wednesday , October 13 th , Antiquity ( 170 ) , One Horse Shoo Iim Bolton , Kt 7 , Chapter , - ~ Monday , 11 th , reraeyerance ( 432 ) , Old PuH , Blackburn , at 8 , Mnoampl