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The Week
Syria is in a state of great agitation . There are continual disturbances , the Turkish government exercising scarcely any authority . The Christian populations live in perpetual fear of the Mussulnians ,-------In the United States , the elections are being prepared for by conventions of the different parties . At New Orleans , the yellow fever was still raging fearfully , and a fast day had been appointed . The captain of the Echo , the captured slaver has been taken for trial to Boston ; which means
that he will certainly be convicted . A duel was fought on the 17 th near Richmond , in Virginia , between Mr . Jennings "Wise , editor of the Enquirer , and the Hon . Sherrard , Clemens , member of Congress . Mr . Clemens , the challenger , was wounded in the thigh . The rendezvous of the Paraguay expedition has been fixed at Buenos Ayres from its proximity to the mouth of the Parana River , up which the vessels are to proceed . The Union Bank at Hinderhook , county of Columbia , has been robbed of specie and bank notes to the amount of 10 , 000 dollars . The thieves
blew open the bank vault with gunpowder . General Walker and Colonel Natzmer sailed on the 20 th ult ., for Aspinwall , it is said , on a fillibustering expedition to Nicaragua . An attempt of some coloured residents to burn the city of Belize had been frustrated and the incendiaries apprehended . The Niagara had sailed with the captured negroes taken from the Echo , for Africa . The quarantine excitement is decreasing . The threatened martial law has failed to keep up the fever , and it is questionable if even the arrival of the grand army will operate with any better
success / - -The West India islands are healthy , and full average crops have been gathered . The weather throughout the colonies has been dry . ——A fearful calamity occurred on Thursday at Page Bank colliery , six miles west of Durham . At eight o ' clock the shaft of the pit was found on fire , and one of the overmen was killed by portions of the burning brattice . Eighty-five men and boys were in the pit , who it was feared could not "be got out . The fire consumed all the brattice , and extended to the coal in the return drift . At noon on Friday , by the most strenuous
exertions , the fire was subdued sufficiently to attempt the rescue of the imprisoned pitmen . Out of the number , seventy-six were brought up alive , most of whom are doing well . The corpses of the remainder have been recovered . -The steam ship Austria , from Southampton to New York , has been destroyed by fire at sea , and it is feared , from circumstances , that about 500 persons have lost their lives thereby . Some of the passengers were fortunately saved hy passing vessels . The fire broke out on the 13 th of September . The captain jumped overboard , and was drowned .
——On Sunday , a fire occurred m the West India-road , Poplar , near the railway and the West India Docks ; an immense amount of property was consumed . The premises belonged to Messrs . Westropp , and Messrs . Bell and Wright , ship-riggers-The fire had obtained a great head before it could be checked ; the traffi c on the Blackwall railway was stopped by it . — - An Irishman , named Philip Donatty , proceeding to his work at Agar Town , on Thursday morning , was furiously assailed by three or four of his countrymen , and struck and kicked in such a manner that
he expired immediately . The ruffians who perpetrated this brutal murder are all well known , aiid cannot long escape detection . They had all been quarrelling the previous evening in a public-house . Francis John Beckford , head clerk in the banking-house of Smith , Payne , and Smith , of Lombard-street , who has been thirty years in their service , has been brought before the Lord Mayor , charged with embezzling to the value of £ 450 . The prisoner acknowledged his crime . An inquest was held on the body of a single woman at Manchester , on Friday , and from
tho evidence it appeared that she had come by her death through the attempts of two medical men to procure an abortion . Tho persons charged with the crime are Germans , named August Wilhelm and Carl Stadtm . ull . er The jury returned a verdict of wilful murder , and the coroner issued a warrant for their committal . Mr . Robert Johnson , a master cutler , carrying on business in the City , has been
sentenced to one month ' s imprisonment by the Lord Mayor for neglecting to support his daughter , and thus causing her to become chargeable to the parish . The unhappy young woman had , in consequence of her father ' s treatment , attempted sol ! .- (' . ! esl-ruction by tin-owing herself from London Bridge , six months ago , since which time she has been an inmate of St . Thomas ' s Hospital under treatment for injuries received in hov fall . -The charge of fraud in picture dealing against the Bantses has heni brought to a close by being dismissed . The medical attendant
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Week
Syria is in a state of great agitation . There are continual disturbances , the Turkish government exercising scarcely any authority . The Christian populations live in perpetual fear of the Mussulnians ,-------In the United States , the elections are being prepared for by conventions of the different parties . At New Orleans , the yellow fever was still raging fearfully , and a fast day had been appointed . The captain of the Echo , the captured slaver has been taken for trial to Boston ; which means
that he will certainly be convicted . A duel was fought on the 17 th near Richmond , in Virginia , between Mr . Jennings "Wise , editor of the Enquirer , and the Hon . Sherrard , Clemens , member of Congress . Mr . Clemens , the challenger , was wounded in the thigh . The rendezvous of the Paraguay expedition has been fixed at Buenos Ayres from its proximity to the mouth of the Parana River , up which the vessels are to proceed . The Union Bank at Hinderhook , county of Columbia , has been robbed of specie and bank notes to the amount of 10 , 000 dollars . The thieves
blew open the bank vault with gunpowder . General Walker and Colonel Natzmer sailed on the 20 th ult ., for Aspinwall , it is said , on a fillibustering expedition to Nicaragua . An attempt of some coloured residents to burn the city of Belize had been frustrated and the incendiaries apprehended . The Niagara had sailed with the captured negroes taken from the Echo , for Africa . The quarantine excitement is decreasing . The threatened martial law has failed to keep up the fever , and it is questionable if even the arrival of the grand army will operate with any better
success / - -The West India islands are healthy , and full average crops have been gathered . The weather throughout the colonies has been dry . ——A fearful calamity occurred on Thursday at Page Bank colliery , six miles west of Durham . At eight o ' clock the shaft of the pit was found on fire , and one of the overmen was killed by portions of the burning brattice . Eighty-five men and boys were in the pit , who it was feared could not "be got out . The fire consumed all the brattice , and extended to the coal in the return drift . At noon on Friday , by the most strenuous
exertions , the fire was subdued sufficiently to attempt the rescue of the imprisoned pitmen . Out of the number , seventy-six were brought up alive , most of whom are doing well . The corpses of the remainder have been recovered . -The steam ship Austria , from Southampton to New York , has been destroyed by fire at sea , and it is feared , from circumstances , that about 500 persons have lost their lives thereby . Some of the passengers were fortunately saved hy passing vessels . The fire broke out on the 13 th of September . The captain jumped overboard , and was drowned .
——On Sunday , a fire occurred m the West India-road , Poplar , near the railway and the West India Docks ; an immense amount of property was consumed . The premises belonged to Messrs . Westropp , and Messrs . Bell and Wright , ship-riggers-The fire had obtained a great head before it could be checked ; the traffi c on the Blackwall railway was stopped by it . — - An Irishman , named Philip Donatty , proceeding to his work at Agar Town , on Thursday morning , was furiously assailed by three or four of his countrymen , and struck and kicked in such a manner that
he expired immediately . The ruffians who perpetrated this brutal murder are all well known , aiid cannot long escape detection . They had all been quarrelling the previous evening in a public-house . Francis John Beckford , head clerk in the banking-house of Smith , Payne , and Smith , of Lombard-street , who has been thirty years in their service , has been brought before the Lord Mayor , charged with embezzling to the value of £ 450 . The prisoner acknowledged his crime . An inquest was held on the body of a single woman at Manchester , on Friday , and from
tho evidence it appeared that she had come by her death through the attempts of two medical men to procure an abortion . Tho persons charged with the crime are Germans , named August Wilhelm and Carl Stadtm . ull . er The jury returned a verdict of wilful murder , and the coroner issued a warrant for their committal . Mr . Robert Johnson , a master cutler , carrying on business in the City , has been
sentenced to one month ' s imprisonment by the Lord Mayor for neglecting to support his daughter , and thus causing her to become chargeable to the parish . The unhappy young woman had , in consequence of her father ' s treatment , attempted sol ! .- (' . ! esl-ruction by tin-owing herself from London Bridge , six months ago , since which time she has been an inmate of St . Thomas ' s Hospital under treatment for injuries received in hov fall . -The charge of fraud in picture dealing against the Bantses has heni brought to a close by being dismissed . The medical attendant