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The Week
Miss Eliza Weekes . The result has been an undeniable success .- —A new comedietta , by Mr . J . P . Wooler , was produced last week at the Olympic , called "A Twice ToldTale . " Mr . Lewis Ball and Miss Wyndham sustained the principal characters , and it was quite successful . ——• Another farce has been produced at the Strand , called "My Wife ' s Husband , " by Mr . Charles Selby , whose pen has of late been wonderfully prolific , and , with one exception , no less successful .
This is the third new piece he has recently produced on those boards , all of which are now being played nightly , with uproarious applause , to crowded houses . ——The last and farewell season of Mr . Charles Kean ' s management of the Princess ' s commenced on Saturday . Mr . Kean has entirely recovered from his recent indisposition , and appeared as Shyloch in the " Merchant of Venice / ' This very elaborate scenic representation is to be continued another fortnight , when " King
John" will be revived . The play was preceded by the popular farce " Dying for Love . "—The Surrey Theatre opened for the winter season last week with a new play , " The Fatal Secret . " This is a work of very considerable merit , though the plot is complicated , and the incidents somewhat over-strained , It was received with most hearty applause : to which Mr . Creswick ' s acting most materially contributed . A domestic drama of the powerfully melo-dramatic kind , called ( i Harold Hawk , " was less favourably treated by the audience .
CRYSTAL PALACE . Madlle Piccolomini ' s farewell concert came off with great eclat , on the 28 th . Mr . Manns , the musical director , took his benefit on Saturday , and attracted a very fashionable assemblage . From the very attractive programme which he has published , w e anticipate a rush to the vocal and military festival announced hy Bro * Distin , for Saturday next , under every description of patronage , from royalty to lord-mayoralty . Among Bro . DistinV minor stars , the bright particular luminaries
are , Mesdames Rudersdorff and Albertazzi f Misses Dolby , Poole , Hansford , and Messent ; with Messrs . Perren , Thorpe Peed , Donald King , and J . W . Morgan , of the Rochester choir . The orchestra will comprise the band of the Royal Artillery ( eighty strong ) , with those of the Engineers , the 36 th and 47 th Foot , and the 11 th Hussars , with a due complement of drummers , fifers , and buglers , besides the
Crystal Palace Band proper , and the Distin corps of ten " Flugel horns . " Under the management of one so thoroughly at home in military music as Bro . Distin , we may look for a concert quite as attractive , if not superior , to that presented on the occasion of the visits of the renowned French and Belgian military bands . The presence of our own Artillery band is alone , we have no hesitation in saying , < mite sufficient to ensure this .
© 6 ttuar »
BROTHER BENJAMIN WILLIAMS . Tins Brother , who has lately become very popular as a buffo singer at Evans Royal Hotel , Covent Garden , died on the evening of Wednesday last , in the 31 st year of his ago , after a brief illness of eight days . He was a native of Newport , in Wales , and was admitted into . Masonry some few months back , in the Commercial Lodge ( Glasgow ) , No . 360 . If pure kindness , sincere friendship , and unalloyed
philanthropy are attributes that stamp a man with tho identity of virtue , then indeed . a bright light hath gone out . " Whoever knew " Bro . Williams" knew him only to love him . Ever ready to dispense the goods which fortune had bestowed for the benefit of his necessitous fellow creature , the poor revered him as a benefactor , and his friends respected him for his goodness of heart . Taken from us in the flower of his existence , we can truly aver that his life was one of the strictest rectitude .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Week
Miss Eliza Weekes . The result has been an undeniable success .- —A new comedietta , by Mr . J . P . Wooler , was produced last week at the Olympic , called "A Twice ToldTale . " Mr . Lewis Ball and Miss Wyndham sustained the principal characters , and it was quite successful . ——• Another farce has been produced at the Strand , called "My Wife ' s Husband , " by Mr . Charles Selby , whose pen has of late been wonderfully prolific , and , with one exception , no less successful .
This is the third new piece he has recently produced on those boards , all of which are now being played nightly , with uproarious applause , to crowded houses . ——The last and farewell season of Mr . Charles Kean ' s management of the Princess ' s commenced on Saturday . Mr . Kean has entirely recovered from his recent indisposition , and appeared as Shyloch in the " Merchant of Venice / ' This very elaborate scenic representation is to be continued another fortnight , when " King
John" will be revived . The play was preceded by the popular farce " Dying for Love . "—The Surrey Theatre opened for the winter season last week with a new play , " The Fatal Secret . " This is a work of very considerable merit , though the plot is complicated , and the incidents somewhat over-strained , It was received with most hearty applause : to which Mr . Creswick ' s acting most materially contributed . A domestic drama of the powerfully melo-dramatic kind , called ( i Harold Hawk , " was less favourably treated by the audience .
CRYSTAL PALACE . Madlle Piccolomini ' s farewell concert came off with great eclat , on the 28 th . Mr . Manns , the musical director , took his benefit on Saturday , and attracted a very fashionable assemblage . From the very attractive programme which he has published , w e anticipate a rush to the vocal and military festival announced hy Bro * Distin , for Saturday next , under every description of patronage , from royalty to lord-mayoralty . Among Bro . DistinV minor stars , the bright particular luminaries
are , Mesdames Rudersdorff and Albertazzi f Misses Dolby , Poole , Hansford , and Messent ; with Messrs . Perren , Thorpe Peed , Donald King , and J . W . Morgan , of the Rochester choir . The orchestra will comprise the band of the Royal Artillery ( eighty strong ) , with those of the Engineers , the 36 th and 47 th Foot , and the 11 th Hussars , with a due complement of drummers , fifers , and buglers , besides the
Crystal Palace Band proper , and the Distin corps of ten " Flugel horns . " Under the management of one so thoroughly at home in military music as Bro . Distin , we may look for a concert quite as attractive , if not superior , to that presented on the occasion of the visits of the renowned French and Belgian military bands . The presence of our own Artillery band is alone , we have no hesitation in saying , < mite sufficient to ensure this .
© 6 ttuar »
BROTHER BENJAMIN WILLIAMS . Tins Brother , who has lately become very popular as a buffo singer at Evans Royal Hotel , Covent Garden , died on the evening of Wednesday last , in the 31 st year of his ago , after a brief illness of eight days . He was a native of Newport , in Wales , and was admitted into . Masonry some few months back , in the Commercial Lodge ( Glasgow ) , No . 360 . If pure kindness , sincere friendship , and unalloyed
philanthropy are attributes that stamp a man with tho identity of virtue , then indeed . a bright light hath gone out . " Whoever knew " Bro . Williams" knew him only to love him . Ever ready to dispense the goods which fortune had bestowed for the benefit of his necessitous fellow creature , the poor revered him as a benefactor , and his friends respected him for his goodness of heart . Taken from us in the flower of his existence , we can truly aver that his life was one of the strictest rectitude .