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¦ . AFPopriteife ^ ( 886 ) , Freemasons' Hall , at 7 . Friday , 22 n < VI ^™^ CHESMIBE . Appointments .---io ^ es . — ^ Wednesday , October 20 fch , Zetland ( 782 ) , Mark ' s Eetry Hotel , afc 4 ; Thursda-y , 21 st , Unity ( 334 ) , Macclesfield Arms , Macclesfield ; at 7 ; I ^ tatry ( 465 ) , Norfol k Arms , !^ de , at 7 ; ^
App oin ! umbkts . ~ Z 0 18 th , Phoenix of jjfenotir and Pradeiiee , 5 | aaonia Booins , Truro , at 7 ; TOdjftesdarp , Wm Moscmen ( 10 # 0 )> Britannia Ifafeet GJxacewateiy lat 7 . DEEBYSHIEE . Appointment . —Zo ^ e ^ Monday , October 18 th , Devonshire ( 908 ) , ISTorMk Arms , Grlossop . at 7 * ¦ . '¦ ^
BEVG ^ SHIRE , Appointme ^ ts , —!^^ Oct ober 19 th , Charity ( 270 ) , King * ? Arms Hbtel * Ply mouth , at ? . Ghapter . ^ Mondayy ISth , Bedford ;( 358 ) , Private ^ Eoonls , Tavi ^ tbfek , ai 7 . fflictimp we ^ . —Monday ^ 18 th , Eoyal Sussex , Three Tuns , Tiverton , at 7 . DORSETSHIRE . AppoiNTMENTS . —Zo ^ e . ~~ "Wednesday , October 20 th , Amity ( 160 ) , Masonic Hall , Poole , at 7 f 7 ^^ r . —Wednesday , 20 ; th , Faith and IJnanimity ( 6105 ) , Freemasons'Rail , at 6 .
DURHAM . AppoiNrMENT . —Zo ^ e . —Monday , October ISfcli , Borough ( 614 ) , Crrey Horse Inn , Gateshead , at 7 .
PROVINCIAL GftAND LODGE , On Tuesday , the 5 th October ^ the Provincial Grand Lodge for the county of Durham , was held in the Hall at the Mechanics' Institute , Darlington , when about 150 Brethren from the various Lodges in the province , together with visiting Brethren fromneighbouring provinces , attended . The business had been greatly facilitated by the committee , when the various demands on the fvhds for charitable purposes were examined into and prepared for the meeting , over which jBro . if .
Jbenwic * , M . P ., and D . Prov . G . M ,, presided . The various Lodges in the province were found to be in a flourishing state , both in number and funds , and large sums had been appropriated to the charities of the brotherhood during the past year . The Lodge was opened hy the Prov . QM .., in his usualeffective nlaiiner , who , after other business had been disposed of , appointed his ofl 5 cers for the ensumg year , viz . —Bros . H . Fenwick , M . P ., D . Prov . Q . M . ; G . S . Ransom , Prov . S . G . W . ; John , Shelly , Prov . J . G . W . ; Joseph Dodds , Prov . G . R . ; J . Kenyon , Prov . GL Chaplain ;
J . Cundell , Prov . O- Treasurer ; W . H . Crooks , Prov . G . Secretary Benjantin Levy , Prov . S . G . D . ; B , Tayloi ' , Prov . J . G . D . ; G . A . Middlemiss , Prov : G . S . oiW . ' ; E . D . Davis , Prov . a . Dir . of Cers . ; J . Watts , Prov . G . Org . ; Q . Jones , KG . S . B . j — Poster , Prov . G . P . ; fm . Lawes , Prov . G . Tyler . After the losing of the Lodge , upwards of 100 of the Brethren adjourned to the Sun . turn to djinx when a pleasant evening was passed , the Prov . G . M . presiding , supported by the IX Prov , G . M . The Brethren separated at an early hour .
GLOTJCESTERSfllR ? . Api > oitaEro- ~ Lod e . ~~ Wednesday , October 20 th , Cotteswold ( 862 ) , limn Hotel , Cirencester , at fc ) j £ , 2 z
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
¦ . AFPopriteife ^ ( 886 ) , Freemasons' Hall , at 7 . Friday , 22 n < VI ^™^ CHESMIBE . Appointments .---io ^ es . — ^ Wednesday , October 20 fch , Zetland ( 782 ) , Mark ' s Eetry Hotel , afc 4 ; Thursda-y , 21 st , Unity ( 334 ) , Macclesfield Arms , Macclesfield ; at 7 ; I ^ tatry ( 465 ) , Norfol k Arms , !^ de , at 7 ; ^
App oin ! umbkts . ~ Z 0 18 th , Phoenix of jjfenotir and Pradeiiee , 5 | aaonia Booins , Truro , at 7 ; TOdjftesdarp , Wm Moscmen ( 10 # 0 )> Britannia Ifafeet GJxacewateiy lat 7 . DEEBYSHIEE . Appointment . —Zo ^ e ^ Monday , October 18 th , Devonshire ( 908 ) , ISTorMk Arms , Grlossop . at 7 * ¦ . '¦ ^
BEVG ^ SHIRE , Appointme ^ ts , —!^^ Oct ober 19 th , Charity ( 270 ) , King * ? Arms Hbtel * Ply mouth , at ? . Ghapter . ^ Mondayy ISth , Bedford ;( 358 ) , Private ^ Eoonls , Tavi ^ tbfek , ai 7 . fflictimp we ^ . —Monday ^ 18 th , Eoyal Sussex , Three Tuns , Tiverton , at 7 . DORSETSHIRE . AppoiNTMENTS . —Zo ^ e . ~~ "Wednesday , October 20 th , Amity ( 160 ) , Masonic Hall , Poole , at 7 f 7 ^^ r . —Wednesday , 20 ; th , Faith and IJnanimity ( 6105 ) , Freemasons'Rail , at 6 .
DURHAM . AppoiNrMENT . —Zo ^ e . —Monday , October ISfcli , Borough ( 614 ) , Crrey Horse Inn , Gateshead , at 7 .
PROVINCIAL GftAND LODGE , On Tuesday , the 5 th October ^ the Provincial Grand Lodge for the county of Durham , was held in the Hall at the Mechanics' Institute , Darlington , when about 150 Brethren from the various Lodges in the province , together with visiting Brethren fromneighbouring provinces , attended . The business had been greatly facilitated by the committee , when the various demands on the fvhds for charitable purposes were examined into and prepared for the meeting , over which jBro . if .
Jbenwic * , M . P ., and D . Prov . G . M ,, presided . The various Lodges in the province were found to be in a flourishing state , both in number and funds , and large sums had been appropriated to the charities of the brotherhood during the past year . The Lodge was opened hy the Prov . QM .., in his usualeffective nlaiiner , who , after other business had been disposed of , appointed his ofl 5 cers for the ensumg year , viz . —Bros . H . Fenwick , M . P ., D . Prov . Q . M . ; G . S . Ransom , Prov . S . G . W . ; John , Shelly , Prov . J . G . W . ; Joseph Dodds , Prov . G . R . ; J . Kenyon , Prov . GL Chaplain ;
J . Cundell , Prov . O- Treasurer ; W . H . Crooks , Prov . G . Secretary Benjantin Levy , Prov . S . G . D . ; B , Tayloi ' , Prov . J . G . D . ; G . A . Middlemiss , Prov : G . S . oiW . ' ; E . D . Davis , Prov . a . Dir . of Cers . ; J . Watts , Prov . G . Org . ; Q . Jones , KG . S . B . j — Poster , Prov . G . P . ; fm . Lawes , Prov . G . Tyler . After the losing of the Lodge , upwards of 100 of the Brethren adjourned to the Sun . turn to djinx when a pleasant evening was passed , the Prov . G . M . presiding , supported by the IX Prov , G . M . The Brethren separated at an early hour .
GLOTJCESTERSfllR ? . Api > oitaEro- ~ Lod e . ~~ Wednesday , October 20 th , Cotteswold ( 862 ) , limn Hotel , Cirencester , at fc ) j £ , 2 z