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V HAMPSHIRE . Appointments . —Xoi ^ s . —Wednesday , Octoher 20 th , Royal Sussex ( 428 ) , freemasons' Hotel , Portsea , at 7 ; Thursday , 21 st , Southampton ( 555 ) , Ereemasons' Hall , Southampton , at 7 . Chapter . —Economy ( 90 ) , Black Swan , Winchester , at 7 .
HERTFORDSHIRE . BerTchampstead Lodge ( No . 742 ) . —At the regular meeting held on Wednesday , October 6 th , at Bro . Lane ' s , the King ' s Arms Hotel , Great Berkhampstead , Bro . James Webber , W . M . ; Bros . David Stevenson , William Butcher , Charles Gordon , and Philip Hart , were passed to the second degree . The Brethren next proceeded to the choice of Master , Treasurer ^ raand Tyler , for the ensuing year > when Bro . H . Q . Warren , S . W ., declining to stand , on the ground that he would not vacate
the chair of No . 169 until February , Bro . Shugar ,, J . W ., was elected W . M . Bro . Lane was re-elected Treasurer ; and Bro . Thomas Tyler . The ftev . Bro . P . B . Harvey moved , and Bro . H . Isaacs seconded , a resolution , to the effect that ; a testimonial be presented at the next me eting to Bro . Webber , in acknowledgment of the efficient manner in which he had discharged the duties of W . M . during his year of office . The Brethren afterwards dined together , and enlivened by the musical powers of Bro . Isaacs and other Brethren , spent a happy evening .
ISLE OF WIGHT . A . ppoilW ! MEHT . —ZiO % e . —Wednesday , October 20 th , $ East Medina ( 204 ) , Masonic Kail , Ryde at 7 . Hyde Lodge ( No .. 999 ) . — -At a meeting held on Tuesday , Sept . 28 th , in the Masonic Hall , Byde , the Y . W . Bro . Hyde Pullen , W . M ., presiding / supported by his Officers and Brethren , Mr . J . T . Trekell , was initiated into the Order . We are pleased to find that this new Lodge is gradually adding to its numbers . The meeting was most satisfactory .
KENT . Appointment . —i / O ^ e . —Wednesday , October 20 th , Eoyal itfaval ( 621 ) , Royal Hotel , Earnsgate , at 7 . LANCASHIRE ( EAST ) . Appointments . —lodges . —Wednesday , October 20 th , Lime Stone Bock ( 481 ) , Brownlow Arms , Clithero , at 7 ; St . John ' s ( 268 ) , Coromereial Hotel , Bolton , at 6 J ; Faith ( 847 ) , New Inn , Openshaw , at 7 ; Friendship ( 34 * 4 ) , Angel Hotel , Oldham , at 7 .
LANCASHIRE ( WEST ) . Appointments . — Lodges . —Monday , October 18 th , Unity ( 889 ) , Scarisbrkvk Arms , Sonthport , at 6 ; Tuesday , 19 th , Sefton ( 980 ) , Litherland Arms , Litherland , at 6 ; Wednesday , 20 th . Royalty ( 101 ) , Royal Hotel , Prescot , at 6 ; Harmony ( 845 ) , Wheatsheaf , Ormskirk , at 5 ; St John ' s ( 407 ) , Rose and Crown , Pendleton , at 6 j ; Thursday , 21 st , Ancient "Union ( 245 ) , Roya ' Hotel , Liverpool , at 6 . Chapter . —Monday , 18 th , Jerusalem ( 35 ) , Adelphi Hotel , liyerpool ^ at 41
Liveepool . —Lodge of Harmony ( No . 267 ) . —The members of this Lodge met at their rooms , Wellington Hotel , Garston , on the 4 th of October . The Lodge was opened by the W . M ., Bro . George Holme . ' The ballot having been taken for Mr . James P . Price and Mr . John James Wrenn , and declared to be unanimous , these gentlemen , with three others previously balloted for , were duly initiated . These ceremonies , with three passings and three raisings , made the work for the evening somewhat heavy .. Bros . Heald and Banister , P . M's . therefore kindly consented
to assist by performing the ceremonies of the first and second degrees , and the Worshipful Master raised Bros . Fearon and Singlehurst to the sublime degree of Master Mason . The visitors present were numerous , and amongst them we noticed the following : Bros . Malone Raymond , P . Prov . G . D . ; W . Bullen , Prov . J . G . D ., Cheshire ; LyonKerows , No . 298 , Doncaster ; Fairfax , No . 51 , Birmingham ; Shadmond , Jamaica ; Marshall , W . M ., No , 782 , and his officers ; Morrison and Skafte , 368 ; Mottram , 845 ; Carson , No . 846 , & c ., & c . Most of the Brethren having given in their subscriptions * to the West Lancashire Educational Institute , and tho
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
V HAMPSHIRE . Appointments . —Xoi ^ s . —Wednesday , Octoher 20 th , Royal Sussex ( 428 ) , freemasons' Hotel , Portsea , at 7 ; Thursday , 21 st , Southampton ( 555 ) , Ereemasons' Hall , Southampton , at 7 . Chapter . —Economy ( 90 ) , Black Swan , Winchester , at 7 .
HERTFORDSHIRE . BerTchampstead Lodge ( No . 742 ) . —At the regular meeting held on Wednesday , October 6 th , at Bro . Lane ' s , the King ' s Arms Hotel , Great Berkhampstead , Bro . James Webber , W . M . ; Bros . David Stevenson , William Butcher , Charles Gordon , and Philip Hart , were passed to the second degree . The Brethren next proceeded to the choice of Master , Treasurer ^ raand Tyler , for the ensuing year > when Bro . H . Q . Warren , S . W ., declining to stand , on the ground that he would not vacate
the chair of No . 169 until February , Bro . Shugar ,, J . W ., was elected W . M . Bro . Lane was re-elected Treasurer ; and Bro . Thomas Tyler . The ftev . Bro . P . B . Harvey moved , and Bro . H . Isaacs seconded , a resolution , to the effect that ; a testimonial be presented at the next me eting to Bro . Webber , in acknowledgment of the efficient manner in which he had discharged the duties of W . M . during his year of office . The Brethren afterwards dined together , and enlivened by the musical powers of Bro . Isaacs and other Brethren , spent a happy evening .
ISLE OF WIGHT . A . ppoilW ! MEHT . —ZiO % e . —Wednesday , October 20 th , $ East Medina ( 204 ) , Masonic Kail , Ryde at 7 . Hyde Lodge ( No .. 999 ) . — -At a meeting held on Tuesday , Sept . 28 th , in the Masonic Hall , Byde , the Y . W . Bro . Hyde Pullen , W . M ., presiding / supported by his Officers and Brethren , Mr . J . T . Trekell , was initiated into the Order . We are pleased to find that this new Lodge is gradually adding to its numbers . The meeting was most satisfactory .
KENT . Appointment . —i / O ^ e . —Wednesday , October 20 th , Eoyal itfaval ( 621 ) , Royal Hotel , Earnsgate , at 7 . LANCASHIRE ( EAST ) . Appointments . —lodges . —Wednesday , October 20 th , Lime Stone Bock ( 481 ) , Brownlow Arms , Clithero , at 7 ; St . John ' s ( 268 ) , Coromereial Hotel , Bolton , at 6 J ; Faith ( 847 ) , New Inn , Openshaw , at 7 ; Friendship ( 34 * 4 ) , Angel Hotel , Oldham , at 7 .
LANCASHIRE ( WEST ) . Appointments . — Lodges . —Monday , October 18 th , Unity ( 889 ) , Scarisbrkvk Arms , Sonthport , at 6 ; Tuesday , 19 th , Sefton ( 980 ) , Litherland Arms , Litherland , at 6 ; Wednesday , 20 th . Royalty ( 101 ) , Royal Hotel , Prescot , at 6 ; Harmony ( 845 ) , Wheatsheaf , Ormskirk , at 5 ; St John ' s ( 407 ) , Rose and Crown , Pendleton , at 6 j ; Thursday , 21 st , Ancient "Union ( 245 ) , Roya ' Hotel , Liverpool , at 6 . Chapter . —Monday , 18 th , Jerusalem ( 35 ) , Adelphi Hotel , liyerpool ^ at 41
Liveepool . —Lodge of Harmony ( No . 267 ) . —The members of this Lodge met at their rooms , Wellington Hotel , Garston , on the 4 th of October . The Lodge was opened by the W . M ., Bro . George Holme . ' The ballot having been taken for Mr . James P . Price and Mr . John James Wrenn , and declared to be unanimous , these gentlemen , with three others previously balloted for , were duly initiated . These ceremonies , with three passings and three raisings , made the work for the evening somewhat heavy .. Bros . Heald and Banister , P . M's . therefore kindly consented
to assist by performing the ceremonies of the first and second degrees , and the Worshipful Master raised Bros . Fearon and Singlehurst to the sublime degree of Master Mason . The visitors present were numerous , and amongst them we noticed the following : Bros . Malone Raymond , P . Prov . G . D . ; W . Bullen , Prov . J . G . D ., Cheshire ; LyonKerows , No . 298 , Doncaster ; Fairfax , No . 51 , Birmingham ; Shadmond , Jamaica ; Marshall , W . M ., No , 782 , and his officers ; Morrison and Skafte , 368 ; Mottram , 845 ; Carson , No . 846 , & c ., & c . Most of the Brethren having given in their subscriptions * to the West Lancashire Educational Institute , and tho