Article MASK MASOHEY ← Page 2 of 2 Article ROYAL ARCH Page 1 of 1 Article IRELAND Page 1 of 2 →
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Mask Masohey
! •¦'¦¦ ¦ Goggin and Wake being in attendance , were advanced to the degree of Mark Master $ the ceremony being performed in a very able and impressive manner by the W . M . This being the night of election of W . M . for the ensuing year , fe Lodge unanimously elected Bro . Edward Burrell , the S . W ., and J . G . D ., to fill that
responsible office , an * i Btfo . Thorii # &^ Bro . W- Bice , Tyler . The other businesss of the Lodge being ever , the Bre & ren adjourned to an elegant dinner , provided by Bro . Painter , the host , and one of the Stewards of the Lodge . The evening was one of the most delightniL ^ in Masonry , and beginning as ^ ®^
Royal Arch
METROPOLITAN CHAPTEKS . Joppa Chapter ( No . 223 ) .- —A convocation of this Chapter was held , on Monday , October 18 th , at Seyd's Hotel , Einsbury-square . Comp . A , J . Jones , M . E . Z . Comp . How , as H . ; Comp . A- M . Cohen , J . ; Comp . I . Somers , P . Z . ; Comp . W . Goring , P . Z . > and others , were present . E . Comp . Henry Isaacs , H ., elect , was installed into the second chair by Comp . Goring ; A ballot was taken for Bro . Lewis Jones , of tlie Jo > ppa , Lodge , which being unanimous in his favour , he was
duly exalted by Comp ,. Somers , Comp . T . E . Ladds , E ., acting as P . S . At the conclusion of the exaltation , the iiiathematical explanation of the B . A . jewel was most ably delivered by Comp . Ladds . A ne # member was proposed for exaltation , and some suggestions offered for altering the day of meeting ; and all business ended , the Chapter was closed . The Companions afterwards banqueted together , and retired " at an early hour . The report of the audit committee announced a satisfactory state of the finances of the Chapter .
Polish : National Chafer ( No . 778 ) . — -This Chapter held a convocation on Thursday , September 30 th , for the purpose of exalting Bro . Miles to the sublime degriee of Arch Masonry . The ceremony Was performed by Oomp . Watson , M « E . Z ., in his usual style of excellence , supported by the officers and several P . Zs .
CORK . PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE Otf MUNSTER . On Tuesday , Sept . 28 th , the Provincial Grand Lodge of Muhster , the oldest Masonic body in Ireland , having been established in Cork for upwards of a century and a half , assembled for the purpjose of installing the newly appointed D . Prov . G . M ., George Chatterton . The Prov . G . M ., Major-General Sir James Chatterton , Bart ., S . P . G . I . G ., 33 rd or dernier degree , occupied the throne . The chairs of the
Senior and Junior Grand Wardens were filled by Bros . Richard Meara , P . G . R . C , and Thomas Ware , W . M , of the first Lodge of Ireland ; the Prov . G . Deacons being Bros . Godfrey Brereton , No . 33 , representative of the Grand Lodge ol England ; and James E . White , P . M ., No . 8 . The following Lodges were fully represented : —Nos . 1 , 3 , 8 , 67 , 71 , 95 , Cork ; 190 , Queenstown ; 68 , Youghal ; 81 , Bandon ; 385 , Clonakilty . There was also a very large gathering of the members of the different Lodges in the province , amounting to nearly a hundred .
The Grand Lodge was opened according to ancient form , and with prayer , by the R . W . Prov . G . M ., whd feelingly addressed the Brethren present . The diploma appointing Bro . George Chatterton having been read by the Prov . G . Secretary , the newly appointed Deputy was led to the East by the Senior Past Masters , Bros .
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Mask Masohey
! •¦'¦¦ ¦ Goggin and Wake being in attendance , were advanced to the degree of Mark Master $ the ceremony being performed in a very able and impressive manner by the W . M . This being the night of election of W . M . for the ensuing year , fe Lodge unanimously elected Bro . Edward Burrell , the S . W ., and J . G . D ., to fill that
responsible office , an * i Btfo . Thorii # &^ Bro . W- Bice , Tyler . The other businesss of the Lodge being ever , the Bre & ren adjourned to an elegant dinner , provided by Bro . Painter , the host , and one of the Stewards of the Lodge . The evening was one of the most delightniL ^ in Masonry , and beginning as ^ ®^
Royal Arch
METROPOLITAN CHAPTEKS . Joppa Chapter ( No . 223 ) .- —A convocation of this Chapter was held , on Monday , October 18 th , at Seyd's Hotel , Einsbury-square . Comp . A , J . Jones , M . E . Z . Comp . How , as H . ; Comp . A- M . Cohen , J . ; Comp . I . Somers , P . Z . ; Comp . W . Goring , P . Z . > and others , were present . E . Comp . Henry Isaacs , H ., elect , was installed into the second chair by Comp . Goring ; A ballot was taken for Bro . Lewis Jones , of tlie Jo > ppa , Lodge , which being unanimous in his favour , he was
duly exalted by Comp ,. Somers , Comp . T . E . Ladds , E ., acting as P . S . At the conclusion of the exaltation , the iiiathematical explanation of the B . A . jewel was most ably delivered by Comp . Ladds . A ne # member was proposed for exaltation , and some suggestions offered for altering the day of meeting ; and all business ended , the Chapter was closed . The Companions afterwards banqueted together , and retired " at an early hour . The report of the audit committee announced a satisfactory state of the finances of the Chapter .
Polish : National Chafer ( No . 778 ) . — -This Chapter held a convocation on Thursday , September 30 th , for the purpose of exalting Bro . Miles to the sublime degriee of Arch Masonry . The ceremony Was performed by Oomp . Watson , M « E . Z ., in his usual style of excellence , supported by the officers and several P . Zs .
CORK . PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE Otf MUNSTER . On Tuesday , Sept . 28 th , the Provincial Grand Lodge of Muhster , the oldest Masonic body in Ireland , having been established in Cork for upwards of a century and a half , assembled for the purpjose of installing the newly appointed D . Prov . G . M ., George Chatterton . The Prov . G . M ., Major-General Sir James Chatterton , Bart ., S . P . G . I . G ., 33 rd or dernier degree , occupied the throne . The chairs of the
Senior and Junior Grand Wardens were filled by Bros . Richard Meara , P . G . R . C , and Thomas Ware , W . M , of the first Lodge of Ireland ; the Prov . G . Deacons being Bros . Godfrey Brereton , No . 33 , representative of the Grand Lodge ol England ; and James E . White , P . M ., No . 8 . The following Lodges were fully represented : —Nos . 1 , 3 , 8 , 67 , 71 , 95 , Cork ; 190 , Queenstown ; 68 , Youghal ; 81 , Bandon ; 385 , Clonakilty . There was also a very large gathering of the members of the different Lodges in the province , amounting to nearly a hundred .
The Grand Lodge was opened according to ancient form , and with prayer , by the R . W . Prov . G . M ., whd feelingly addressed the Brethren present . The diploma appointing Bro . George Chatterton having been read by the Prov . G . Secretary , the newly appointed Deputy was led to the East by the Senior Past Masters , Bros .