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sively performedby Bros / John Thomas , P . M . No . 745 , and Lambert , P . M . No . 234 ( the mother Lodge ) being the master elect for the occasion . It is unnecessary to dilate on the excellent working of Bro . Thomas , who has been well and worthily styled the father of Freemasonry on the " Surrey side . " He gave the charges and exhortations in all their beauty , and delighted every one present . The following Brethren were elected joining members : —Bros . Stock , No . 21
Parr , No . 85 ; Freeman , No . 90 ; Hastelow , No . 118 ; Stuart , No . 165 ; Wake , No . 206 ; Berry , No . 209 ; Benda , No . 218 ; Sydney , No . 218 ; Thompson , No . 223 ; Drukker , No . 223 " ; Jackson , No . 228 ; Myers , No . 247 ; Swarby , No . 257 ; Wall , No . 745 ; Higgins , No . Q 55 , and Edwards of No . 151 , Edinburgh . The Treasurer , Bro . Burrell , W . M . of the mother Lodge , said the Lodge had lost none of its lustre in being removed to the East , for during the one month it had met at Bro . Painter ' s , more subscription money had been received than during
any year of its existence with one single exception . The sum of one guinea was voted to the * Boy ' 6 . ' 'School / ' to be entrusted to the care of Bro . Painter , who was to represent the Percy Lodge as steward at the festival . At the close of the ceremony fifty of the Brethren adjourned to a sumptuous banquet , Bro . Lambert presiding , The usual loyal toasts were given , and also " Continued success to the Percy Lodge of Instruction , " to which Bro . Thomas very effectively replied .
" Success to the efforts of the Masonic Press was proposed , and appropriately responded to . Bro . Lambert wore a magnificent P . M ' s . jewel , lately presented to him by the Percy Lodge , an excellent specimen of Bro . Piatt ' s workmanship . During the month of February fifty new members have joined the Lodge . Amongst the visitors we noticed Bros . Binckes , No . 11 ; Punchard , Nos . 7 and 775 : Paas , No . 30 : Gardner and Hannam , No . 745 .
BRISTOL . Appointments . —Lodges . — -Wednesday , March 24 th , Royal Sussex ( 221 ) , Freemasons' Hall , at 7 s Friday , 26 th , Instruction , Freemasons' Hall , at 7 ^ . Chapter . —Tuesday , 23 rd , Beaufort ( 120 ) , Freemasons' Hall , at 7 . Mark . —Canynges ( Scotch ) , Freemasons' Hall , at 7 . CHESHIRE . Appointments —Lodge . —Thursday , March 18 th , Unity ( 334 ) , Macclesfield , at 7 .
COENWALL . Appointments . —Lodge . —Monday , March 22 nd , Boscawen ( 1 , 000 ) , Britannia Hotel , Chaccwater , at 7 « DEEBYSHIRE . Appointments . — Lodge . —Monday , March 29 th , Devonshire ( 908 ) , Norfolk Arms , Glossop , at 7 .
DEVONSHIRE , Appointments . —Lodge . —Thursday , March 25 th , Friendship ( 238 ) , Lord Hood Hotel , Devonport , at 6 . DORSETSHIRE . Appointments . —Lodges . —Thursday , March 25 th , Friendshiy and Sincerity ( 694 ) , Town Hall , Shaftesbury , at 7 : Thursday , 25 th , St . Mary ' s ( 1 , 009 ) , Bull Inn , Bridport , at 7 .
DURHAM . Appointments . —Lodges . —Monday , March 22 nd , Industry ( r > 6 ) , Grey Horse , Gateshead , at 7 5 Thursday , 25 th , Restoration ( 128 ) , The Fleece , Darlington , at 7 . Chapter . —Tuesday , 30 th , Concord ( 146 ) , Freemasons' Hall , Durham . South Shields . —^ . Hilda ' s Lodge ( No . 292 ) . —The regular monthly meeting of this Lodge was held on Monday evening , the 8 th ult . There was a rriost numerous attendance of tlte Brethren , presided over by the W . M ., supported by
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
sively performedby Bros / John Thomas , P . M . No . 745 , and Lambert , P . M . No . 234 ( the mother Lodge ) being the master elect for the occasion . It is unnecessary to dilate on the excellent working of Bro . Thomas , who has been well and worthily styled the father of Freemasonry on the " Surrey side . " He gave the charges and exhortations in all their beauty , and delighted every one present . The following Brethren were elected joining members : —Bros . Stock , No . 21
Parr , No . 85 ; Freeman , No . 90 ; Hastelow , No . 118 ; Stuart , No . 165 ; Wake , No . 206 ; Berry , No . 209 ; Benda , No . 218 ; Sydney , No . 218 ; Thompson , No . 223 ; Drukker , No . 223 " ; Jackson , No . 228 ; Myers , No . 247 ; Swarby , No . 257 ; Wall , No . 745 ; Higgins , No . Q 55 , and Edwards of No . 151 , Edinburgh . The Treasurer , Bro . Burrell , W . M . of the mother Lodge , said the Lodge had lost none of its lustre in being removed to the East , for during the one month it had met at Bro . Painter ' s , more subscription money had been received than during
any year of its existence with one single exception . The sum of one guinea was voted to the * Boy ' 6 . ' 'School / ' to be entrusted to the care of Bro . Painter , who was to represent the Percy Lodge as steward at the festival . At the close of the ceremony fifty of the Brethren adjourned to a sumptuous banquet , Bro . Lambert presiding , The usual loyal toasts were given , and also " Continued success to the Percy Lodge of Instruction , " to which Bro . Thomas very effectively replied .
" Success to the efforts of the Masonic Press was proposed , and appropriately responded to . Bro . Lambert wore a magnificent P . M ' s . jewel , lately presented to him by the Percy Lodge , an excellent specimen of Bro . Piatt ' s workmanship . During the month of February fifty new members have joined the Lodge . Amongst the visitors we noticed Bros . Binckes , No . 11 ; Punchard , Nos . 7 and 775 : Paas , No . 30 : Gardner and Hannam , No . 745 .
BRISTOL . Appointments . —Lodges . — -Wednesday , March 24 th , Royal Sussex ( 221 ) , Freemasons' Hall , at 7 s Friday , 26 th , Instruction , Freemasons' Hall , at 7 ^ . Chapter . —Tuesday , 23 rd , Beaufort ( 120 ) , Freemasons' Hall , at 7 . Mark . —Canynges ( Scotch ) , Freemasons' Hall , at 7 . CHESHIRE . Appointments —Lodge . —Thursday , March 18 th , Unity ( 334 ) , Macclesfield , at 7 .
COENWALL . Appointments . —Lodge . —Monday , March 22 nd , Boscawen ( 1 , 000 ) , Britannia Hotel , Chaccwater , at 7 « DEEBYSHIRE . Appointments . — Lodge . —Monday , March 29 th , Devonshire ( 908 ) , Norfolk Arms , Glossop , at 7 .
DEVONSHIRE , Appointments . —Lodge . —Thursday , March 25 th , Friendship ( 238 ) , Lord Hood Hotel , Devonport , at 6 . DORSETSHIRE . Appointments . —Lodges . —Thursday , March 25 th , Friendshiy and Sincerity ( 694 ) , Town Hall , Shaftesbury , at 7 : Thursday , 25 th , St . Mary ' s ( 1 , 009 ) , Bull Inn , Bridport , at 7 .
DURHAM . Appointments . —Lodges . —Monday , March 22 nd , Industry ( r > 6 ) , Grey Horse , Gateshead , at 7 5 Thursday , 25 th , Restoration ( 128 ) , The Fleece , Darlington , at 7 . Chapter . —Tuesday , 30 th , Concord ( 146 ) , Freemasons' Hall , Durham . South Shields . —^ . Hilda ' s Lodge ( No . 292 ) . —The regular monthly meeting of this Lodge was held on Monday evening , the 8 th ult . There was a rriost numerous attendance of tlte Brethren , presided over by the W . M ., supported by