Article THE MASONIC MIRROR. Page 1 of 5 →
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The Masonic Mirror.
APPOINTMENTS . Wednesday , March 24 th . —Lodges , Antiquity ( 2 ) , Freemasons' Tavern ; Mount Moriah ( 40 ) f Freemasons' Tavern j United Pilgrims ( 745 ) , Manor House , Walworth . Mark Lodge , St . Mark ' s ( 1 ) , Freemasons 1 Tavern . Lodge of Benevolence at 7 . Thursday , 25 th . —Lodges , Neptune ( 22 ) , Hartley ' s Hotel ; Peace and Harmony ( 72 ) , London Tavern ; Grenadiers' ( 79 ) , Freemasons' Tavern j Shakespeare ( 116 ) , Albion Tavern . Chapter , Domatic ( 206 ) , Falcon Tavern . General Committee Girls ' School at 12 . Friday , 2 Gth . —Lodges , Universal ( 212 ) , Freemasons' Tavern ; Fitzroy ( 830 ) , Royal Artillery Company . House Committee Boys ' School at 3 .
Saturday , 27 th . —Lodge , Unity ( 215 ) , London Tavern . Chapter , St . George ' s ( 5 ) , Freemasons'Tavern . Monday , 29 / 7 * . —Lodge , Pythagorean ( 93 ) , Globe Tavern , Greenwich . Tuesday , Mh — Lodge , Faith ( 165 ) , Windsor Castle , Vauxhall-road . Thursday , April 1 st . — Lodges , Egyptian ( 29 ) , George and Blue Boar ; Strong Man ( 53 ) , Falcon Tavern ; Good Report ( 158 ) , Hartley ' s Hotel ; Lion and Lamb ( 227 ) , Bridge House Hotel ; Ionic ( 275 ) , Ship and Turtle y St . Andrew ' s ( 281 ) , Freemasons' Tavern ; Yarborough ( 812 ) , George , Commercial-road East . Chapters , St . James ' s ( 2 ) , Freemasons' Tavern ; Moriah ( 9 ) , Thatched House . Friday , 2 nd . —Chapter , Prince of Wales ( 324 ) , Thatched House . Saturday , 3 rd . — Lodges , London ( 125 ) , Freemasons' Tavern : St . Thomas ' s ( 166 ) , Freemasons ' Tavern , Committee Boys ' School at 4 . [ The appointments of Lodges of Instruction will appear in the last number of each month . ]
Grand Steward ' s Lodge . —The members of this Lodge held a public nightto which the Brethren are at all times welcomed in a most fraternal spirit , —on Wednesday , the 17 tli of March , Bro . Wm , Johnson presiding . The First Lecture was admirably worked in sections as follows : —1 st Section , Bro . Elwood , S . D . ; 2 nd , Bro . Hewlett , S . W . ; 3 rd , Bro . Hinxman , J . D . ; 4 th , Bro . Warren , J . W . ; 5 th , Bro . Watson , Sec . ; 6 th , Bro . Warren ; and 7 th , Bro . Watson . The W . M . announced that on the next meeting , Wednesday , the 21 st of April , he would
deliver the Prestonian leclure , he having been honoured by having it entrusted to him by the M . W . Grand Master . He felt the responsibility of the trust thus reposed in him , and should do his best to render the lecture in as perfect a manner as possible . He was happy to see several visitors present , and should be proud of their company on the next occasion , which would be an extra public night . The lecture was evidently intended for the instruction of the Brethren generally , and they might rest assured that whenever it was entrusted to the
Grand Steward ' s Lodge , every endeavour would be made to do justice to it ; and the more Brethren attended to hear it the more would the members of the Lodge be gratified . Bro . Nelson , Prov . G . Sec ., West Yorkshire , thanked the W . M . for the kind invitation accorded to the Brethren in his observations , and begged to thank him and the Brethren for the gratification they had afforded him by their excellent working that evening , which was worthy the attention of all Brethren . The Brethren of his part of the country prided themselves on their work ; they
had always looked up to the Grand Steward ' s Lodge as an authority , and he was proud to find that their work was identical ; indeed , he had scarcely traced ten words different from that which he was used to hear in Yorkshire—a proof of how strongly they adhered to the landmarks of the Order . Bro . Harris ( the veteran Mason , whose tracing-boards are so well known , and whom we regret to find amongst the candidates seeking to be elected on the Benevolent fund ) could not let the opportunity pass without also b aring testimony to the excellence of
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The Masonic Mirror.
APPOINTMENTS . Wednesday , March 24 th . —Lodges , Antiquity ( 2 ) , Freemasons' Tavern ; Mount Moriah ( 40 ) f Freemasons' Tavern j United Pilgrims ( 745 ) , Manor House , Walworth . Mark Lodge , St . Mark ' s ( 1 ) , Freemasons 1 Tavern . Lodge of Benevolence at 7 . Thursday , 25 th . —Lodges , Neptune ( 22 ) , Hartley ' s Hotel ; Peace and Harmony ( 72 ) , London Tavern ; Grenadiers' ( 79 ) , Freemasons' Tavern j Shakespeare ( 116 ) , Albion Tavern . Chapter , Domatic ( 206 ) , Falcon Tavern . General Committee Girls ' School at 12 . Friday , 2 Gth . —Lodges , Universal ( 212 ) , Freemasons' Tavern ; Fitzroy ( 830 ) , Royal Artillery Company . House Committee Boys ' School at 3 .
Saturday , 27 th . —Lodge , Unity ( 215 ) , London Tavern . Chapter , St . George ' s ( 5 ) , Freemasons'Tavern . Monday , 29 / 7 * . —Lodge , Pythagorean ( 93 ) , Globe Tavern , Greenwich . Tuesday , Mh — Lodge , Faith ( 165 ) , Windsor Castle , Vauxhall-road . Thursday , April 1 st . — Lodges , Egyptian ( 29 ) , George and Blue Boar ; Strong Man ( 53 ) , Falcon Tavern ; Good Report ( 158 ) , Hartley ' s Hotel ; Lion and Lamb ( 227 ) , Bridge House Hotel ; Ionic ( 275 ) , Ship and Turtle y St . Andrew ' s ( 281 ) , Freemasons' Tavern ; Yarborough ( 812 ) , George , Commercial-road East . Chapters , St . James ' s ( 2 ) , Freemasons' Tavern ; Moriah ( 9 ) , Thatched House . Friday , 2 nd . —Chapter , Prince of Wales ( 324 ) , Thatched House . Saturday , 3 rd . — Lodges , London ( 125 ) , Freemasons' Tavern : St . Thomas ' s ( 166 ) , Freemasons ' Tavern , Committee Boys ' School at 4 . [ The appointments of Lodges of Instruction will appear in the last number of each month . ]
Grand Steward ' s Lodge . —The members of this Lodge held a public nightto which the Brethren are at all times welcomed in a most fraternal spirit , —on Wednesday , the 17 tli of March , Bro . Wm , Johnson presiding . The First Lecture was admirably worked in sections as follows : —1 st Section , Bro . Elwood , S . D . ; 2 nd , Bro . Hewlett , S . W . ; 3 rd , Bro . Hinxman , J . D . ; 4 th , Bro . Warren , J . W . ; 5 th , Bro . Watson , Sec . ; 6 th , Bro . Warren ; and 7 th , Bro . Watson . The W . M . announced that on the next meeting , Wednesday , the 21 st of April , he would
deliver the Prestonian leclure , he having been honoured by having it entrusted to him by the M . W . Grand Master . He felt the responsibility of the trust thus reposed in him , and should do his best to render the lecture in as perfect a manner as possible . He was happy to see several visitors present , and should be proud of their company on the next occasion , which would be an extra public night . The lecture was evidently intended for the instruction of the Brethren generally , and they might rest assured that whenever it was entrusted to the
Grand Steward ' s Lodge , every endeavour would be made to do justice to it ; and the more Brethren attended to hear it the more would the members of the Lodge be gratified . Bro . Nelson , Prov . G . Sec ., West Yorkshire , thanked the W . M . for the kind invitation accorded to the Brethren in his observations , and begged to thank him and the Brethren for the gratification they had afforded him by their excellent working that evening , which was worthy the attention of all Brethren . The Brethren of his part of the country prided themselves on their work ; they
had always looked up to the Grand Steward ' s Lodge as an authority , and he was proud to find that their work was identical ; indeed , he had scarcely traced ten words different from that which he was used to hear in Yorkshire—a proof of how strongly they adhered to the landmarks of the Order . Bro . Harris ( the veteran Mason , whose tracing-boards are so well known , and whom we regret to find amongst the candidates seeking to be elected on the Benevolent fund ) could not let the opportunity pass without also b aring testimony to the excellence of