Article THE MASONIC MIRROR. ← Page 3 of 5 →
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The Masonic Mirror.
Lodge of giifCERiTT ( No . 208 ) . — The Brethren of this Lodge resumed their Masonic } labours at the Cheshire Cheese , Crutched Friars , oh Wednesday ^ the 17 th Inst ; Bro . Fentimaii , W . M ;> presided with considerable fbbility assisted by Bro * Hammett > P . M . Bros . Wilcock and Creewell being in attendance , and havitig satisfied the Lodge of their fitness for advancement , were duly and solemnly raised to the sublime Degree of M . M . Other Degrees vv ^ re conferred , ? tnd Several
propositions made for the good of the Lodge . The Brethren having concluded their duties , partook of an excellent supper—a delightful evening followed , aided by some first-rate singing from Brd 4 Spencer and others . Among the toasts of the evening was that to Bro . Oman , the respected Treasurer ; in proposing which ; the W . M . alluded to upon the excellent traits of charity they had witnessed from time to time emanate from Bro . Oman : the last instance being that of acting a , s Steward at the recent Boys' School festival—when the Lodge was honoured by a great -number of the members supporting their Treasurer on that occasion .
The sum he believed subscribed under the banner of No . 203 Was something above £ 30 . He ( the W . M . ) felt proud of this fact , and would not be doing Lis duty if he omitted giving a separate toast to the health of Bro . Oman . It is scarcely necessary to add that the toast was received with great applause . The Brother alluded to briefly but feelingly returned thanks ^ assuring the Brethren of his desire at all times to promote the interests of the Order to which he had . the happiness to belong , by bestowing some of those blessings upon others Which the O-. A . O . T . XJ . had been pleased to vouchsafe to him . After a pleasant evening the Brethrenretired , highly pleased with the meeting .
Manchester Lodg-e ( No . 209 ) . —A meeting of this Lodge was held on Thursday , the 18 th instant ^ at Bro . Clemow ' s , Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet-street , a large number being present . Bro . Worman , W . M ., presided * Bros . Smith and Silvester were passed * to the 2 nd Degree . This was followed by the introduction of Bros . Unick and Marriott , who were raised to the Degree of M . M . These ceremonies being tastefully and perfectly performed by the recently installed W . M . >
the Lodge was then duly closed , and the Brethren retired to refreshment , which was followed by the usual toasts . Among the visitors we observed Bro . Charles Waters , No . 201 , and Bro . J . Levinson , P . M . No . 73 who returned thanks for the toast with great feeling . We were glad to see the respected host , Bro , Clemow ^ present upon this occasion , he haviiig been absent from the hotel for some time on account of severe illness .
Lodge of Tranquillity ( No . 218 ) . —This Lodge held its meeting on Monday , March 15 , at Burrell ' s Bridge Ptouse Hotel , Southwark , Bro . M . Harris , W . M ., presiding . The business consisted of raising , passing , and initiations , all three ceremonies being excellently performed by the W . M ., although only the first night after the installation . The members of the Lodge Were unanimous in expressing their admiration of the zeal and ability of one so recently placed in the chair . The proceedings concluded with an excellent banquet .
Zetland Lodge ( No . 752 ) . —The monthly meeting of this Lodge took place at Bro . Cooper ' s , the Adam and Eve Tavern , Kensington , on Wednesday , the 10 th hist , Bro . William Copus , P ^ M ., presided ; the W . M ., Bro . Wise being absent , in consequence of a severe family affliction which every member and visitor deeply regretted . The W . M . of the evening passed two Brethren to the 2 nd Degree , and raised another to the 3 d . After concluding the business of the Lodge , the
Brethren retired to an excellent banquet . The usual Masonic toasts were given and suitably acknowledged . Bros . Nolan and Collard returned thanks for the visitors in very eloquent addresses , and the Brethren were much indebted to Bros . Lane and Musgrave for their excellent singing . Amongst the visitors we noticed Bros . Collard , W . M . No . 168 , and P . M . No . 209 ; Toms , No . 219 ; Nolan , 219 ; Piatt , 219 ; and Lane . After spending a very agreeable evening , the Brethren separated .
Beadon Lodge ( No . 902 ) . —The Brethren of this Lodge assembled , on an emergency , at the Star and Garter , Kow , on Friday , tho 12 th inst ., Bro . Charles W . Potter , W . M ., in the chair . Bros . Terry and Seaman were raised to the Sublime Degree of Master Masons , and Bros . Amos , Hoad , Hunter , Oliver , and Thompson were passed as Fellow-Crafts ; seven gentlemen were afterwards noin >
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The Masonic Mirror.
Lodge of giifCERiTT ( No . 208 ) . — The Brethren of this Lodge resumed their Masonic } labours at the Cheshire Cheese , Crutched Friars , oh Wednesday ^ the 17 th Inst ; Bro . Fentimaii , W . M ;> presided with considerable fbbility assisted by Bro * Hammett > P . M . Bros . Wilcock and Creewell being in attendance , and havitig satisfied the Lodge of their fitness for advancement , were duly and solemnly raised to the sublime Degree of M . M . Other Degrees vv ^ re conferred , ? tnd Several
propositions made for the good of the Lodge . The Brethren having concluded their duties , partook of an excellent supper—a delightful evening followed , aided by some first-rate singing from Brd 4 Spencer and others . Among the toasts of the evening was that to Bro . Oman , the respected Treasurer ; in proposing which ; the W . M . alluded to upon the excellent traits of charity they had witnessed from time to time emanate from Bro . Oman : the last instance being that of acting a , s Steward at the recent Boys' School festival—when the Lodge was honoured by a great -number of the members supporting their Treasurer on that occasion .
The sum he believed subscribed under the banner of No . 203 Was something above £ 30 . He ( the W . M . ) felt proud of this fact , and would not be doing Lis duty if he omitted giving a separate toast to the health of Bro . Oman . It is scarcely necessary to add that the toast was received with great applause . The Brother alluded to briefly but feelingly returned thanks ^ assuring the Brethren of his desire at all times to promote the interests of the Order to which he had . the happiness to belong , by bestowing some of those blessings upon others Which the O-. A . O . T . XJ . had been pleased to vouchsafe to him . After a pleasant evening the Brethrenretired , highly pleased with the meeting .
Manchester Lodg-e ( No . 209 ) . —A meeting of this Lodge was held on Thursday , the 18 th instant ^ at Bro . Clemow ' s , Anderton ' s Hotel , Fleet-street , a large number being present . Bro . Worman , W . M ., presided * Bros . Smith and Silvester were passed * to the 2 nd Degree . This was followed by the introduction of Bros . Unick and Marriott , who were raised to the Degree of M . M . These ceremonies being tastefully and perfectly performed by the recently installed W . M . >
the Lodge was then duly closed , and the Brethren retired to refreshment , which was followed by the usual toasts . Among the visitors we observed Bro . Charles Waters , No . 201 , and Bro . J . Levinson , P . M . No . 73 who returned thanks for the toast with great feeling . We were glad to see the respected host , Bro , Clemow ^ present upon this occasion , he haviiig been absent from the hotel for some time on account of severe illness .
Lodge of Tranquillity ( No . 218 ) . —This Lodge held its meeting on Monday , March 15 , at Burrell ' s Bridge Ptouse Hotel , Southwark , Bro . M . Harris , W . M ., presiding . The business consisted of raising , passing , and initiations , all three ceremonies being excellently performed by the W . M ., although only the first night after the installation . The members of the Lodge Were unanimous in expressing their admiration of the zeal and ability of one so recently placed in the chair . The proceedings concluded with an excellent banquet .
Zetland Lodge ( No . 752 ) . —The monthly meeting of this Lodge took place at Bro . Cooper ' s , the Adam and Eve Tavern , Kensington , on Wednesday , the 10 th hist , Bro . William Copus , P ^ M ., presided ; the W . M ., Bro . Wise being absent , in consequence of a severe family affliction which every member and visitor deeply regretted . The W . M . of the evening passed two Brethren to the 2 nd Degree , and raised another to the 3 d . After concluding the business of the Lodge , the
Brethren retired to an excellent banquet . The usual Masonic toasts were given and suitably acknowledged . Bros . Nolan and Collard returned thanks for the visitors in very eloquent addresses , and the Brethren were much indebted to Bros . Lane and Musgrave for their excellent singing . Amongst the visitors we noticed Bros . Collard , W . M . No . 168 , and P . M . No . 209 ; Toms , No . 219 ; Nolan , 219 ; Piatt , 219 ; and Lane . After spending a very agreeable evening , the Brethren separated .
Beadon Lodge ( No . 902 ) . —The Brethren of this Lodge assembled , on an emergency , at the Star and Garter , Kow , on Friday , tho 12 th inst ., Bro . Charles W . Potter , W . M ., in the chair . Bros . Terry and Seaman were raised to the Sublime Degree of Master Masons , and Bros . Amos , Hoad , Hunter , Oliver , and Thompson were passed as Fellow-Crafts ; seven gentlemen were afterwards noin >