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KENT . Appointments . — . Lodge . — Thursday , April 1 st , United Industrious ( 34 ) , Freemasons ' Tavern , Canterbury . Chatham . —Royal Kent Lodge of Antiquity ( No . 20 ) . —The usual monthly meeting was held on Wednesday evening , March 17 , 1858 , at the Sun Hotel , under the presidency of their W . M . Bro . Charles Isaacs . An unusually large amount of business appeared in the summons—ho less than ten Brethren to he
passed to the Second Degree , and three gentlemen for initiation . The W . M . therefore called the Brethren together at six o ' clock p . m . Previous to that hour several Brethren of the Lodge of Freedom ( No . 91 ) made their appearance , to assist the W . M . in the discharge of his duties / including Bros . Spencer and Watson , P . Ms ., the Bros . Everist , & c . TheW . M . opened the Lodge in the First Degree , when Messrs . Cotton , Holland , and Davies were unanimously elected as fit and proper candidates for Ereemasonry . The following Brethren then
presented themselves to be passed to the Second Degree : ¦—Bros . Capt . Millett , Lieut . Dawson , Power , M . D ., Solomon , fiawley , and Turner ; who having given satisfactory proof of their progress in Masonry , the Lodge was opened in the Second Degree , when the Brethren were severally passed . The Lodge was then resumed in the First Degree , and Messrs . Holland and Davies were initiated into the mysteries of the Ci'aft . The W . M . called the attention of the Brethren of the Lodge to the Freemiasons \ Magazine , the detailed report of the proceedings in Grand Lodge given in the last number being so accurate that
in reading you might almost fancy yourself present at the meeting— -in fact , it contained the proceedings of Lodges , not only in England , but all over the habitable globe ; it was indeed worthy of the support of the Brethren ; and as the price was within the reach of all the members , he hoped they would take advantage of it . It could be obtained through Bro . Windeyer , at the Library , or any of the booksellers in the town , Bros . Everest , of the Gravesend Lodge ( No . 91 ) was then proposed as a subscribing member . Nothing further being offered for the good of Freemasonry or this Lodge it was closed in due form . The Brethren
( upwards of twenty ) then adjourned to banquet , which was served up in a most admirable style . After the usual loyal and Masonic toasts , the W . M . asked the Brethren to fill a bumper . There were two branches of her Majesty ' s service that Lodge No . 20 could boast of having initiated more members of than any other Lodge in existence . It was a known fact that they were certain of finding Brethren in all parts of the world that had received the first light of Masonry in No . 20 . They had several members of the military profession around their board , and one who had nobly fought and bled for his country ' s cause : he alluded
to Bro . Captain Millett , of the 23 rd Fusileers , whose name had been nobly spoken of and brought before the public . He begged the Brethren to drink u Health and Happiness to the Brethren of the Army and Navy , " coupling with it the name of Bro . Captain Millett . ( Loud applause . ) Bro . Millett , in reply , thanked the Brethren for the kindness of their expressions on behalf of himself and brother officers then present ; he was not a man of words but of deeds ; he assured them that he experienced great pleasure in being admitted a member of the Order . Bro . Keddell , P . M ., No . 184 , and P . Prov . S . G . W . of Kent , claimed the use
of the W . M . 's gavel . He did not intend making a long speech , but merely asked the Brethren to fill a bumper to " The health of the W . M . " They had witnessed his exertions in reviving the Lodge , and his desire not only to promote the best interests of the Lodge , but the comfort of the Brethren ; he could only hope that he , ( the W . M ., ) would be spared for many years , not only to preside over them , but to render his able assistance . The W . M ' ., in reply , could only again
assure the Brethren that it was a source of gratification to find his exertions were not entirely thrown away , but , that the Lodge was again looking up ; so long aw he had their confidence he would do all in his power to promote the best interests of the Lodge . Before sitting down he had a debt of gratitude to perform , and begged the Brethren of the Lodge to fill a bumper in drinking " Health and Happiness to Bros . Spencer and Watson , P . Ms ., and the Bros . Everist , of the Lodge of Freedom , No . # 1 ; " th « y had kindly come forward on several occasions to assiat him
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KENT . Appointments . — . Lodge . — Thursday , April 1 st , United Industrious ( 34 ) , Freemasons ' Tavern , Canterbury . Chatham . —Royal Kent Lodge of Antiquity ( No . 20 ) . —The usual monthly meeting was held on Wednesday evening , March 17 , 1858 , at the Sun Hotel , under the presidency of their W . M . Bro . Charles Isaacs . An unusually large amount of business appeared in the summons—ho less than ten Brethren to he
passed to the Second Degree , and three gentlemen for initiation . The W . M . therefore called the Brethren together at six o ' clock p . m . Previous to that hour several Brethren of the Lodge of Freedom ( No . 91 ) made their appearance , to assist the W . M . in the discharge of his duties / including Bros . Spencer and Watson , P . Ms ., the Bros . Everist , & c . TheW . M . opened the Lodge in the First Degree , when Messrs . Cotton , Holland , and Davies were unanimously elected as fit and proper candidates for Ereemasonry . The following Brethren then
presented themselves to be passed to the Second Degree : ¦—Bros . Capt . Millett , Lieut . Dawson , Power , M . D ., Solomon , fiawley , and Turner ; who having given satisfactory proof of their progress in Masonry , the Lodge was opened in the Second Degree , when the Brethren were severally passed . The Lodge was then resumed in the First Degree , and Messrs . Holland and Davies were initiated into the mysteries of the Ci'aft . The W . M . called the attention of the Brethren of the Lodge to the Freemiasons \ Magazine , the detailed report of the proceedings in Grand Lodge given in the last number being so accurate that
in reading you might almost fancy yourself present at the meeting— -in fact , it contained the proceedings of Lodges , not only in England , but all over the habitable globe ; it was indeed worthy of the support of the Brethren ; and as the price was within the reach of all the members , he hoped they would take advantage of it . It could be obtained through Bro . Windeyer , at the Library , or any of the booksellers in the town , Bros . Everest , of the Gravesend Lodge ( No . 91 ) was then proposed as a subscribing member . Nothing further being offered for the good of Freemasonry or this Lodge it was closed in due form . The Brethren
( upwards of twenty ) then adjourned to banquet , which was served up in a most admirable style . After the usual loyal and Masonic toasts , the W . M . asked the Brethren to fill a bumper . There were two branches of her Majesty ' s service that Lodge No . 20 could boast of having initiated more members of than any other Lodge in existence . It was a known fact that they were certain of finding Brethren in all parts of the world that had received the first light of Masonry in No . 20 . They had several members of the military profession around their board , and one who had nobly fought and bled for his country ' s cause : he alluded
to Bro . Captain Millett , of the 23 rd Fusileers , whose name had been nobly spoken of and brought before the public . He begged the Brethren to drink u Health and Happiness to the Brethren of the Army and Navy , " coupling with it the name of Bro . Captain Millett . ( Loud applause . ) Bro . Millett , in reply , thanked the Brethren for the kindness of their expressions on behalf of himself and brother officers then present ; he was not a man of words but of deeds ; he assured them that he experienced great pleasure in being admitted a member of the Order . Bro . Keddell , P . M ., No . 184 , and P . Prov . S . G . W . of Kent , claimed the use
of the W . M . 's gavel . He did not intend making a long speech , but merely asked the Brethren to fill a bumper to " The health of the W . M . " They had witnessed his exertions in reviving the Lodge , and his desire not only to promote the best interests of the Lodge , but the comfort of the Brethren ; he could only hope that he , ( the W . M ., ) would be spared for many years , not only to preside over them , but to render his able assistance . The W . M ' ., in reply , could only again
assure the Brethren that it was a source of gratification to find his exertions were not entirely thrown away , but , that the Lodge was again looking up ; so long aw he had their confidence he would do all in his power to promote the best interests of the Lodge . Before sitting down he had a debt of gratitude to perform , and begged the Brethren of the Lodge to fill a bumper in drinking " Health and Happiness to Bros . Spencer and Watson , P . Ms ., and the Bros . Everist , of the Lodge of Freedom , No . # 1 ; " th « y had kindly come forward on several occasions to assiat him