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Ancient Writers And Modern Practices.
origin of these Orcters . Considering that we place ou ? origin many hundred years previous to this date , we here agree with him , With regard to them he states ^ that though a nomad race , they rapidly became a conquering people , both from the weakness of their neighbours , and from their own courage and religious fanat ^^
were also skilled in mathematics , astronomy , astrology , and medicine ; and from them probabl y proceeded the conceit of physical mysteries without the aid of magic , such as the art of gold making , the invention of a panacea , the discovery of the philosopher ' s stone , and other chimeras of alchemy , which are said afterwards to have haunted the heads of the Eosicrucians and the elder Free-Masons , But of
cabbahsm and theosophy , which , he says , occupied both sects in their early period , the Arabs , as Mahometans , could know nothing , "In general then , " continues our author , now arriving at one of of his gr ^ nd conclusions , " I affirm" ( his ipse dixit again ) , " as a fact established upon historical research , that , before the beginning of the seventeenth century , no traces are to be met with , of [ the
Jlosicrucian or ] Masonic Orders . And I challenge any individual to contradict in £ " So , because in ^ opinion Free-Masons have not their origin in some one or other of the ancient nations or societies that he has named , and in the case of which he fails to trace % connection or analogy , they have ^ oantiquity * of origin at all ; because Tie finds no records of them before the commencement of the
seventeenth century , therefore there are no records ; and because , in comparing together two societies , Free-Masonry being in each case one of them , the other changeable—with one of which , viz . Free-Masonry , he is unacquainted both in its general principles and in its particular details ; because he fails to establish a connection , and because he has not hit upon the right one—therefore no one can
establish a connection , no one can trace the history . These being the arguments upon which hitherto he has " shattered the bubble of Free-Masonry , " we will , for the present at least , take our leave of him , and conclude our paper , not feeling much hurt in our mind , or much put out of conceit with our Order , because of his attacks upon it . X .
Working And Thinking
It is no less a fatal error to despise labour when regulated by intellect , than to ¦ v alue it for its own sake . We are always in these days trying to separate the two ; we want one man to be always thinking , and another to be always working , and we call one a gentleman and the other an operative ; whereas the workman ought often to be thinking , and the thinker often working ; and both would be gentlemen in the best sense . As it is , we make both ungentle—the one envying ,
the other despising his brother ; and the mass of society is made up of morbid thinkers and miserable workers . Now it is only by labour that thought can be made healthy , and only by thought that labour can be made happy , and the two cannot be separated with impunity . All professions should be liberal , and there should be less pride felt in peculiarity of employment , and more in excellence of achievement . —Buskin .
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Ancient Writers And Modern Practices.
origin of these Orcters . Considering that we place ou ? origin many hundred years previous to this date , we here agree with him , With regard to them he states ^ that though a nomad race , they rapidly became a conquering people , both from the weakness of their neighbours , and from their own courage and religious fanat ^^
were also skilled in mathematics , astronomy , astrology , and medicine ; and from them probabl y proceeded the conceit of physical mysteries without the aid of magic , such as the art of gold making , the invention of a panacea , the discovery of the philosopher ' s stone , and other chimeras of alchemy , which are said afterwards to have haunted the heads of the Eosicrucians and the elder Free-Masons , But of
cabbahsm and theosophy , which , he says , occupied both sects in their early period , the Arabs , as Mahometans , could know nothing , "In general then , " continues our author , now arriving at one of of his gr ^ nd conclusions , " I affirm" ( his ipse dixit again ) , " as a fact established upon historical research , that , before the beginning of the seventeenth century , no traces are to be met with , of [ the
Jlosicrucian or ] Masonic Orders . And I challenge any individual to contradict in £ " So , because in ^ opinion Free-Masons have not their origin in some one or other of the ancient nations or societies that he has named , and in the case of which he fails to trace % connection or analogy , they have ^ oantiquity * of origin at all ; because Tie finds no records of them before the commencement of the
seventeenth century , therefore there are no records ; and because , in comparing together two societies , Free-Masonry being in each case one of them , the other changeable—with one of which , viz . Free-Masonry , he is unacquainted both in its general principles and in its particular details ; because he fails to establish a connection , and because he has not hit upon the right one—therefore no one can
establish a connection , no one can trace the history . These being the arguments upon which hitherto he has " shattered the bubble of Free-Masonry , " we will , for the present at least , take our leave of him , and conclude our paper , not feeling much hurt in our mind , or much put out of conceit with our Order , because of his attacks upon it . X .
Working And Thinking
It is no less a fatal error to despise labour when regulated by intellect , than to ¦ v alue it for its own sake . We are always in these days trying to separate the two ; we want one man to be always thinking , and another to be always working , and we call one a gentleman and the other an operative ; whereas the workman ought often to be thinking , and the thinker often working ; and both would be gentlemen in the best sense . As it is , we make both ungentle—the one envying ,
the other despising his brother ; and the mass of society is made up of morbid thinkers and miserable workers . Now it is only by labour that thought can be made healthy , and only by thought that labour can be made happy , and the two cannot be separated with impunity . All professions should be liberal , and there should be less pride felt in peculiarity of employment , and more in excellence of achievement . —Buskin .